Police officers exposed Internet scammers who deceived migrants


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A man and a woman searched for displaced persons in Telegram channels and offered to receive supposedly financial assistance from foreign partners. To do this, residents went to a fake phishing site, entered their bank card details, and the scammers withdrew all the money from their accounts. According to the established scheme, the defendants misled about half a hundred citizens. They face from 3 to 5 years in prison.

The Kiev police were contacted by representatives of one of the state-owned banks, who reported that unknown persons, posing as employees of a financial institution, commit fraudulent actions against customers-withdraw money from their accounts. Investigators of the metropolitan police headquarters, with the operational support of employees of the cyber police department in Kiev and the procedural management of the Kiev City Prosecutor's Office, exposed two scammers.

"The suspects were residents of Zaporozhye-a 28-year-old man and a 42-year-old woman. It is established that the accomplices created a fake phishing site similar to one of the well-known state-owned banks, and then, under the guise of employees of this bank, they searched for immigrants in Telegram channels and offered to receive allegedly financial assistance from foreign partners. By clicking on the link and entering the details of their bank cards, citizens provided scammers with access to the bank, and they, in turn, withdrew money from their accounts. It was established that fraudsters misled 54 people," said Yevgeny Chernyakhovsky, head of the General Criminal Investigation Department of the Kiev Police Investigation Department.

In total, the suspects withdrew more than 400 thousand hryvnias from the accounts of citizens. During searches at their places of residence, investigators seized notebooks with rough notes, documentation that certifies their criminal activities, computer equipment, mobile phones and SIM cards. Efforts are continuing to identify other participants in the crime, as well as victims.

Kiev police investigators informed the attackers of suspicion of committing a criminal offense under Part 3 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine-fraud committed under a state of war or emergency, which caused significant damage to the victim. The sanction of the article provides for 3 to 5 years of imprisonment. The pre-trial investigation continues.


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Cyber police officers have exposed three intruders who, under the guise of paying financial assistance to higher education institutions, lured out financial data, obtained unauthorized access to Internet banking and withdrew funds from accounts. Now law enforcement officers have completed the pre-trial investigation and sent the indictment to the court. The defendants face up to 15 years in prison.

In June 2023, cyber police operatives, together with the investigators of the State Security Service of Ukraine in Kiev, under the procedural guidance of the Kiev City Prosecutor's Office, exposed three members of a fraudulent group that profited from internally displaced persons.

To implement his scheme, a 28-year-old resident of Zaporozhye created a fake telegram account of one of the Ukrainian banks. To implement the criminal plan, he attracted two more familiar residents of the regional center: a 43-year-old woman and a 21-year-old man.

Under the pretext of providing financial assistance allegedly from the state and international organizations, the attackers lured internally displaced persons out of personal banking data and access codes from SMS messages. The defendants used this information to gain access to the victims 'Internet banking and embezzle citizens savings.

The police conducted 9 searches in the Zaporozhye region at the places of residence and registration of members of the group and seized laptops, mobile phones, almost 50 SIM cards of mobile operators and bank cards.

The organizer of the criminal group was given a preventive measure in the form of detention. The court placed his accomplices under house arrest.

During the investigation, the police found that for more than a year of criminal activity, the attackers deceived 63 people, including volunteers. The total amount of losses is almost 400 thousand UAH.

Law enforcement officers completed the pre-trial investigation and sent an indictment to the court under Part 4 of Article 190 (Fraud) and Part 3 of Article 28, Part 5 of Article 361 (Unauthorized interference in the operation of information (automated), electronic communications, information and communication systems, electronic communication networks) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The defendants face up to 15 years in prison.