Pickup and reroute what it is and how it works


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1. General concepts.​

To begin with, let's talk about what the pickup sphere is in carding. You drive the product from the cardboard box to the owners themselves and during the trip of the product, leave it at the office of the courier service, from where it is picked up by specially trained people. You should also mention this type of pickup as interception. People intercept the courier service in front of cardholder's houses and pick up the goods.

And the simplest option through which we actually work is reroute.

Basic concepts:​

Pickup - the process when people with a fake ID pick up goods at the post office, or through a regular reroute.

Fake id - a fake document that is printed in the name and surname of the owner with their own photo.

Hold - the process when a parcel is left at the post office for subsequent pickup.

a. Subtleties of work.

In general terms, everything is of course easy: I drove in - >rewound->pickuped->received money.

But as everywhere there are difficulties, the main ones and their circumvention:

- The store requires a verification order.

Since most people work with public services, most of them are located in the "expired states" (approx. California,Florida). I called more than 25 stores at the moment, there is a very strict control of such orders, namely, if you order more than$ 2k the first order in the store, then it is sent for manual processing.

The workaround is as follows: drive in about 1500-1600$, in no case do not take express delivery.

The store doesn't issue a track.​

It often happens that the order is sizzled, but the track is not issued in the wrong direction. The solution is of course banal - just 1 call is enough, it is best to prepare the bg in advance. And then there were cases that they asked stupid questions, and if you didn't answer, they immediately unwrapped the packs.

There are also subtleties with hold packages, but this is a little later.

The store has issued a ban on hold.​

This means that when sending the parcel, the store set the hold prohibition condition. Such packages can only be sent to hold if the store wishes. This problem is solved by calling the store and describing your pre-prepared story. Sometimes you need to show special tricks. This is where call services will help you.

All problems can be avoided with a normal shopping experience :)

2. Search for stores and analyze them.​

What we pay attention to:

1) Site status and availability of updates. You need to view the footer for the copyright year and view the product, if there are new models, then the shop is "live"

2) Next, you need to search for the Shipping Information section, where, in most cases, you can get all the information we are interested in. Then we immediately realized what kind of courier the store delivers: http://prntscr.com/ddrmxr, and also learned that there will be a ban on hold. You can find out the best time to drive-ins by following the instructions below.

http://prntscr.com/ddroic - this means that ideally, you should enter it from the very morning, so that the payment is completed and the product is sent+the order status is updated.

3) Live-chat is very helpful in analyzing the store. You think through the legend of a gift to a friend in advance, and to make a surprise, you can not deliver it home.

Despite the banality of such a dialog, most stores immediately say whether it will be possible to leave the product at the post office or not. The so-called warming up of the shop with a call is crap. It only allows you to pull out information, but no more. All details are easily found out on the website of any store or by communicating in live-chat.

If you don't find any special information, register your mail under cardholder on hotmail/aol and write to the store's support using the same legend. This is a long time, but it helps a lot in the search for stores, I spent 1-2 days a week on such searches collected a little more than 80 stores with a lexicon that send goods well.

4) A little more information for people who use orders over the phone: I processed a very large number of orders in this way, first climb the site, create an account, if possible write to live-chat that there is a problem, could they help you place an order. Most of them ask you to call them and place an order. Orders placed in this way have a certain "increased rank" and are processed quickly.

Reroute + pickup options.​

Pickup - you drive the goods to the cardholder's address, then either you call them yourself, or the caller asks them not to deliver the goods home, but to leave them at the post office or re-send them to another address (reroute), then the drop is extended and takes the pack.
Reroute - change of the final delivery address by calling
Drop can pick up a pack in two ways by using a fake ID and by using your own ID.

You need to check this point with the drop service, there are services that provide the ability to pick up packages using a fake ID. For example, you enter a product, specify the address of the cardholder, and you need to specify the name of the drop, since the service does not have the ability to make a fake ID, and if the service has such a service, you can easily fill in all the KX data when driving in.

Of course, a pickup truck in the name of cardholder will be more passable, so try to work with such services, but even this is not a problem in the current reality and with the number of shops that we have

Pickup is just one of the options for working with drops, but pick-up can also be divided into 3 options for working.

1) A pickup truck with a stingy stuff.

2) Pickup for sending the package.

3) A 50-50 pickup truck

Pickup truck with a stingy staff. Nothing complicated and very convenient, the drop took the pack, and according to the price you were paid in cue ball. So if you get the hang of it, you can drive in a day, several Iphones per easy.
The pickup truck picked up Puck. In fact, the most popular format in the circles of drive-ins, because the most profitable and easy to perform. Drops for the composition are usually taken under the horse % (50-60), which is generally inadequate, so we work through forwarding to a normal buyer who takes 20-30% maximum - this is the standard
A 50-50 pickup truck. We already talked about this format in the previous article, but not in relation to the pickup truck, but in fact everything is the same. We drove in 2 iPhones, one remains at the drop drive, the other goes to you.
Intercept - drop waits at the cardholder house at the agreed time with the courier service and also either with a fake ID, or in its own way, takes the pack and disappears.
But again, there are quite a few services that provide such services, and there is no special sense in this format of work for obvious reasons. We make a reroute on the drop with the subsequent transfer, voila, we get more % + more confusing tracks.

What will be the difficulties?

Unfortunately, and maybe fortunately, almost all services completely refuse to work with newcomers and if there is no guarantor. Most likely, this is the main factor why most newcomers to karge merge soon.

But you can also understand the services: if you are a novice and have no experience, you will easily kill a single drop, and if there is a guarantor, the service is already more loyal to newcomers. In general, as in any other field, being a novice builder, you will come to a large customer and he will send you.

There are also times when the store will put a ban on hold.

When ordering, the store itself can set a ban on pickup, in this case it is necessary to call the shop, but this is not a problem because we do reroute by calling, so we order a full stack = Call + approve.

I'm not saying goodbye.

Pickup the second part+work.​

1. Methods of embedding and analysis.​

There are several options for entering text messages: by phone, online, and by mail

1) Drive-ins via smartphones:​

In general, driving in by phone always follows the standard procedure - we introduce ourselves to who we are, what we want to buy, give our data, go to checkout, transfer card data, the operator conducts and often says whether our order has passed or not, but with a normal call, 90% of the answer is positive.

The process of driving in can vary, basically it all depends on how big the shop is, the larger it is, the easier it is to drive in, because the operators there are trained to court and suck the client from all sides, without asking unnecessary questions.(although this is done 10 times easier in noname shops).. This entails, for example, that the operator may ask if you are sure about a particular purchase( but the call always decides), what specific characteristics you are interested in, and so on, whether you understand what you are buying and why. You need to be prepared for this, it's good if you understand the product, it's more difficult if not(but you should not give a fuck because there is a bell), but you can always use C (I buy my daughter, she wanted this, xs why, the example is rough and short-circuited, come up with your own)

The above applies mainly to liquid, that is, all sorts of cameras, computers, navigators, and so on.

About shops exclusively with cameras, I want to note separately - it is better not to go there by ringing at all, because they are very aggressive, scrupulous and attentive. There are exceptions, but if they don't like you at any stage of the conversation, don't be surprised to hear the phrase: "Where did you steal that card?". - but as a fact, this happens 1/30 of the drives, so we consider it as an expense.

If we talk about driving into stores with gear, then there are usually no difficulties at all, you will just be adequately served and that's all, there is a very good service.

By the very process of driving in, at all stages it is very important to accurately and clearly give information, letters and words, in English it is more difficult than in ru. Accordingly, in order not to guess where my confirmation order fell, it is best to pronounce the letters in the so-called military format at all stages. That is, there is an email address:

[email protected]

When sending an email to the operator, it is best to do this as follows: d for david, a for alpha, v for victory, i for India, d for david, and then by analogy (@-at, gmail (dot)

com - they will understand this part anyway, so you don't have to do any spelling)

2) Online drive-ins:​

As well as driving in by phone, driving in online takes place according to the standard scheme - we go to a pre-planned store through google search, then we start to "warm up"it,

Running through the product of the 1st category that we want to drive in. After selecting a product and reading the information, we start ordering it. I recommend always doing this through the "guest" mode, and then registering an account after successful insertion.

Mail I use gmail or hotmail, made under the card holder.

The first order is made up to $ 2000, then after it is sent, you can try again increasing the amount, because such orders have increased confidence and you can easily pass the verification department

3) Drive-ins via mail:​

This variety is very rare and in the absolute majority, it is allowed to do only in small "regular stores", which are represented in 1 state and

their advertising policy does not target other states. When communicating with support, a payment form is requested and sent to your email address. Be prepared to draw the map itself right away, because most often this is the next email from the store)

Communication is built according to the scheme:

"You have such and such a product, and I can't find it, can I buy it from you?"

Most often, they give their consent and ask for a payment form, because the card does not want to pay through the site. They also send the payment form to the same email address.

The disadvantages are obvious: long processing, often require rendering, for that it allows you to drive in$ 3-5k without problems, but this is not always:)the case, the thing is always easier and safer. This method is especially good for owners. Therefore, it is obvious that it is much easier and more profitable

Stuff carding is always easier and safer!
I give my vote to drive-ins in online stores, as the fastest and least expensive + most secure method.