Online Dating: Questions & Answers


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1. Whats your past love life like?
Mine was sweet from the begining but got soar at last cos it felt like hell for me when my ex cheated on me.

2. How was growing up like for you?
Well i grew up in a small neighborhood in Tampa,lived with quiet a smaller number of people and played as a kid around the neighborhood,stubborn and had a hardened ears cos i was always late for school. Could not get my class assignment done on time and would support any Naughty Boy who bullies on our streets for no reason. At last i got off all this when growing up cos it made me a better person leaving all this behind me and taking up responsibility as a boy.My parents also helped in raising me up to take up responsibilities cos they did not want me to go wayward, always wanted the best for me cos i meant a lot to them and am happy i was a good Boy to them also vice versa.

3. Whats your favorite color?
Mine is Blue and at times i love the contrast of Blue with Red.

4. Whats you favorite meal?
I like Rice served with beef sauce and pasta..If the grill is open,then i will have some steak and noodles on fire.

5. Would you say you love what you do for a living?
I love what i do not only for the salary aspect only but because its also for a living.Yes my job pays well as a mechanical engineering in the army.

6. If you had the chance to change one thing about yourself,what will that be?
Well there is no perfect human,and so i have lived to appreciate the person i am to the core of my soul.But if am pushed to the wall i would say i wanted a long hair but i love it short as you can see in my photos.

7. Do you want to settle down with that special one man if you find him?
Yes i want to if there is chemistry and effective communication between us,and if we agree on some basic issues as partners,there is the need to understand each other and want the best for ourselves.

8. What do you think are the good essentials in maintaining in a good relatioship?
I pick out honesty and trust,good communication skills is good,All other things falls under the list above.

9. Whats your level of spirituality?
I was raised a catholic but not very religious all though i have some vital values and morals of standard i live by as an individual.

10. Would you say life has been fair to you?
Yes and No cos when i felt life was unfair to me was when i found out my ex was cheating on me and Yes cos so far, i have lived to a maximum expectation i had about my career as a soldier and its good for me as an individual.

11. Do you feel you lacked anything in your previous love life?
Nothing really i can recall but guess we lacked effective communication and thats why there were things we did not agree upon as partners.

12. What do you do for leisure or at your free time.?
In my free time, i enjoy camping,dinning out, listening to music, shopping, amusement Parks, art galleries, beach, coffeehouses, comedy clubs, concerts, dances, live theater, movies, museums, opera, Parks, restaurants, shopping malls and sporting events.It depends on the time range i have cos it could be for s hort break period or long.

13. What sporting activities do you like?
My favourite sporting events include baseball, bowling, golf, walking,love soccer,voleyball and swimming.

14. If a heavy storm was carrying you lover and mom away and you had the chance to save only one of them,who would you have saved and why would you save the one that you chose to save?
Sorry but i will save my mom cos she gave birth to me and nurtured me till this age. They say friends and lovers one can meet many but as for parents,they are just inreplaceable. If you lose a parent, you lose a part of your world trust me.

15. How often are you around computers?
My M.O.S as the computer technician allows me to work around computers, get my paper work done on here.You can call me a computer Guru and i will respond to it cos i have my fingers on the keyboard more often...

16. When you look at a man, what is the first thing you notice?
When i look at a woman,the first thing notice is her eyes, then the face in general,back to her boobs and then maybe go looking behind her also and i guess you know what i mean. The ass, Naughty Boy i am haha.

17. Do you think it's ok to keep noticing another man after you are in a committed relationship? Does this change when you are married?
If i find my self in a committed relationship,there is no need looking else where,no need to look further cos thats when i need to give her my outmost attention and devotion as partners.If you give your partner a needed attention,you are sure to make him or her look elsewhere and this needs not to change when you are married.You need to maintain the same level of attention and devotion to her always cos you would want same in return from here.

18. If your friend was cheating on their spouse, do you think you should tell their partner?
First it will depend on the kinda freinship between us and secondly will depend cos i might not know the reason why that friend is cheating on his or her spouse.But on the third note,i will inform the other cos i would want him to do same for me if he founds out my woman is cheating on me.The need to be each others keeper sets in here.

19. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I was 14, never felt anything strong about it cos it was my first but i did like the exchange of tongue in each others mouth, It was a good feeling cos it was my first time also.Splitted it all over my boxers at that moment and had to rush home to change.It was with this local girl who was 2yrs older than i was.

20. How old were you the first time you thought you were in love?
In Love, i would say when i got to 15 and it was with this same local girl.We were mates for close to 3yrs.

21. What do you like about me?
I like almost everything about you,how you express yourself to me,telling me whats on your mind, not shying away when the hammer is needed to be hit hard on the nail,how upfront and open you have been to me since we started talking.

22. If I met with an accident and was disfigured, would you still go out with me?
If i love you,yes its for eternity unless other uncertainties set in our relationship.My love for that special one will never fade even if she has a minute to live on earth.We understood each other much before we get together,so there is no way to run from my partner if she appears to be involved in an unwanting condition..I will do my best to bring back smiles on your face and give you my all cos thats the time you will need me than ever.Till death do us part,i will be with you.

22. What would you do if I cheated on you?
Well on a funny note i will have your vaginal grilled and fed for dinner. But on a seriosu note,i will take a second look at how it happened and give some concerns then decide on what action to take.I have a forgiving heart and would accept you for the second but if the same pattern keeps emerging,then its over trust me.

23. If God asked you for three wishes, what would they be and why?
Well my first wish would be for Peace for all nations,then call for no disease or illness and thirdly wish for good life.

24. If your ex wants you back, then would you leave me for him?
No i wont,if she truly wanted me in her life,she would have kept me safe in her heart,once she let me down and broke my heart,there is no way she is going to have it for the second time.She can do all she can within her power and might,but that will not move me even an inch.

25.What was your first impression of me?
You cant really divide the head of an individual to know what she has in mind,but my first impression about you was right cos you turned out to be that kinda woman who has a soft heart and strong personality. You know what you want in life and knows what you have to do achieve your goals.

26. How accurate do you now think it was? On which counts do you think you were totally wrong and on which were you right?
Well on a scale of 10..i will mark my self on 8.A day on patrol here,i was moved by the cry of a little boy out here on the streets on Kabul and wanted to extend a helping hand,but it turned out that this kid had timely bomb all over.Rightly for me,i had to stay away from this helpless boy cos i had my life endangered if i had to save him..So to save myself the trouble i ignored his cry and moved with on with my boys for patrol.

27. What is your idea of a truly romantic evening?
It will be a candle light dinner at a good restaurant that serves good food and wines, roses around whiles we listen to good live band play.

28. If you weren’t in the profession you are, what would be your other dream profession and why?
Well i once wanted take on Engeering,but failed to do so as my Maths was not all that good to make me sustain the calculations involved.

29. Which is your dream destination and why?
Well i would love to travel and see major parts of Europe that is Germany,Australia and New Zealand,would want to go to the Sahara forest to have a view of nature in South Africa.

30. Which is your favorite movie of all time and favorite scene in it?
Favorite movie is TITANIC and scene is when Jack had to leave space for Rose to survive on the icy waters and sunk himslef cos he had no material to float on..It was a sad and tenced scene cos Jack did really prove his love for Rose.

31. Can you remember your earliest childhood memory of happiness and that of fear?
I quiet remember on my 9th birthday,i had a houseful of friends and mates come over to eat and dance with me,made merry and then recieved gifts from them as well.It was my happy moment for me cos i never had a houseful during my birthday and that of fear was when was when i had the news of my moms'passing away to glory. I did not want to believe the story at first but later on got to understand it and lived from there.She was a mentor and best friend and i wanted her alive forver so i feared when i recieved the news of her death.

32. What are the qualities that draw you to people that you can base a friendship on?
Honesty and good communication skills.If the communication is good and you willing to be more open to me then am fine with that, we can start up a friendship on that.

33. What has been your scariest dream? Which has been your most frequently recurring one?
Aw my scariest dream was about a gigantic beast wanting to swallow me up without a break,i found myself trempling on his home grounds and he turned to chase,get me and eat me up, Had to run miles for escape and recurring dreams i have are those good times i want to experience when i retire and come home.

34. Which has been the best decision you ever made?
I would put that on when i had to divorce my ex cos she was a pain in my heart and i think thats the best decsion i have ever made.

35. Which is the decision you regret the most?
It was when i had to decide on whether to set an alarm to keep me wake when time was due for my first interview for a local computing contract in Florida, Tampa.I got there about an hour and half for the appointment and i was denied due to time failure.

36.Can you narrate to me your proudest moment?
That was when i was promoted to the rank of an E9 staff sergeant,it meant a lot to me that day and i felt on top of the world with my new post..Thats my current post am holding till now.......

37. The most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you was…
That was when i got drunk a night out with friends on a colleagues birthday back home.I never taught i ws going to see the day light the next day cos i fell unconscious and had to be admitted at the hospital for weeks and i recovered to discover some mere bruises on my face..I drink but not to the extent to get drunk and mess around.I drink responsibly and know i was carried away by the excitement by friends that day.

38. Your favourite song of all times and why – is it because of the lyrics, because of the memories associated with it or just the whole package?
Love to listen to John Legend, Spanich Guitar by Tony Braxton,love the whole song from start to finish and it rings a bell in my ears whenever i see or hear a guitar play.

37. What is your perception of how people see you?
Well my friends say am the most dressed cos am comfortable in my pair of jeans and shirt,or sleeves and it all goes down to those early days when i wanted to be a real gentleman. Yes i agree with them cos i love to look good always,get dirty when there i swork to be done aroung home..I dont mind scrubbing or washing utensils with my tie on haha.

38. If someone told you they saw me with another woman, what would your first reaction be – he’s cheating on me, she’s probably an old friend or I need to get to the bottom of this?

39. Can you think of something you craved for when you were young and were denied?
That will be when i wanted to have all the candies to myself on my birthday and never wanted to share my cake with anybody,but i was not raised to be selfish,my mom gave a large amount to my friends and i cried allday.

40. Have you ever found yourself attracted to someone of the same sex?
No am straight and preserve it that way,i see it stupid and Naughty for one ot be attracted to the same sex.

41. What were you like as a child?
I was ready to try new things and anything that comes my way,want to explore what i see and touch.

42. What's the biggest lie you ever told—did you get busted?
Haha that was when i had to lie to my Commander to save my colleagues the problem of being caught whiles sleeping on patrol.It was a big risk to take and i ended up saving them all.

43. Who are your best friends in life? Why?
My best friends,i will say are my colleagues here on peace keeping mission with me,had a close buddy in Bronx,but lost contact for yrs now,But over here my best buddy is Ben.He is my best buddy cos he seems to understand me more than any other guy does over here.When am down hearted he is there to lift me up.

44. What's the most unusual place you've had sex?
Well i would say in my toyota camry when we could not control it before we got home.We weer done before we got home and we got home only to sleep for long hours.