8 signs of online dating scams


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There are more and more victims of online dating scammers, and each year the total amount of monetary losses is estimated at millions of dollars. Deception schemes are also improving, and now, instead of simply sending out phishing emails, attackers are increasingly implementing long-term scenarios.

If you are a frequent visitor of online dating services, and suddenly your interlocutor began to meet one or more of the criteria discussed later in this article, you should at least be wary. We will also look at how to avoid this kind of scam in general.

Target audience of online dating scammers​

Typically, attackers target people from different demographic groups and on all possible platforms. Regardless of gender, sexual orientation, return, preferred site, and so on. No one is immune from this kind of fraud.

However, there is a tendency for retirees to fall for the bait more often, as well as those who are prone to increased susceptibility or rarely in public.

Plenty of Fish (POF) has a particularly large number of scammers due to the huge popularity of this service. Although other platforms (Ashley Madison, Match.com, etc.) are also used by cybercriminals.

Moreover, with the growing popularity of mobile dating applications, the number of potential targets also grows, and many stages of the process of luring victims are automated using bots.

Signs of scam when dating online​

1. Specific profile​

When examining the profile of your interlocutor, there are several signs that you should pay special attention to:
  • There are very few photographs, or there are photographs with a glamorous or model appearance.
  • The interlocutor is looking for acquaintances in your area, but lives in another country.
  • Many attackers claim to be on military service in another country.
When using apps, cybercriminals and bots add very little information to the profile and only one or two photos. Also, the profile is usually not tied to Instagram and other social media accounts.

2. An attempt to transfer the communication to another place​

An online dating scammer will quickly offer to transfer communications outside the site where you met.

Often, attackers prefer to communicate using text messages via Skype or Facebook. However, an option is possible via SMS or a messenger like Whatsapp.

Be especially mindful of characters you are not familiar with in real life who wish to communicate on a different platform.

3. Fast expression of feelings​

Scammers tend to quickly jump into emotional conversations. After a short period of time, you may be confessed to love or deep affection.

This trick is part of the manipulation of emotions often used by attackers when dating online, and is why susceptible people with solitary lives are especially desirable targets, as they crave new connections.

You should pay attention to interlocutors who begin to show their feelings at the very beginning of communication, when you have not met in real life.

4. Constant circumstances that interfere with the meeting​

The most common strategy is when an attacker wants to meet with you, but there are always unforeseen reasons that prevent the meeting.

Since the fraudster is not the person he claims to be, he naturally does not want to meet in person. It is for this reason that many attackers say that they work in another country or are at military training, because in this case there is an iron excuse. Many scammers post photos in military uniforms on their profiles.

Reasons that interfere with the meeting may be a reason to first ask for money from you, for example, to buy a ticket. Sometimes attackers claim that they are detained at the border and they need money to be released.

5. Unwillingness to communicate in video chat​

Most online dating scammers live in Nigeria, according to reports from the Better Business Bureau. Accordingly, if you are communicating with an intruder, a foreigner from Nigeria, Ghana or Malaysia, then your interlocutor will avoid phone calls or voice chats in programs like Skype, since it will become immediately clear from the accent who you are dealing with.

Although attackers can imitate the accent of the country specified in the profile, even so, they will always avoid video chat, since the profile contains fake photos. Be careful with those who do not want especially to communicate via video communication because of the "broken" video camera.

Most modern smartphones have a built-in selfie camera, which makes organizing video chat relatively easy. Some people may avoid videos out of shyness, but if the other person confesses their love to you, but does not want to communicate via video after several weeks of dating, then it is very likely that you are dealing with a scammer.

6. Request for financial assistance​

Since the ultimate goal of most scammers is money, you will inevitably receive appropriate requests. Divorce scenarios can be different: unforeseen family circumstances, health problems or difficulties during travel.

Especially inventive attackers may want to send you a package and tell you that you need money for customs duties. Usually, scammers do not work alone, and, accordingly, one of the accomplices can call or send documents that simulate a request for payment.

Sometimes you may be asked for financial assistance or investment in a fictitious business.

If the interlocutor asks for financial assistance, or similar requests come from a third party (as in the case of a parcel or business), most likely you are dealing with a scammer.

7. Request for assistance with financial transactions​

One of the new online dating scams is not about asking for financial assistance, but about money laundering.

For example, the attacker sends money to the victim, and in return asks to send an Amazon card or any other gift certificate. Alternative scenario: you may be sent money and asked to send the funds received to another account.

Sometimes you may be asked to open a bank account.

If the interlocutor is trying to involve you in such financial affairs and mutual exchanges, most likely, the scammer is trying to make you an accomplice in illegal fraud.

8. Sending links to another service or site​

Some cybercriminals do not engage in traditional divorces, but use more effective methods, which are especially appropriate in online dating applications, where bot profiles prevail.

The interlocutor sends you a link to an application, game, service or site "for trial" in order to force you to provide information of a financial nature or download malware. This strategy is very common in apps like Tinder.

How to avoid being cheated​

In addition to being vigilant, there are other preventive measures that can help you avoid falling for the scammers.

First, use image searches and tools like socialcatfish to verify the person you're talking to. You should check that the same photo does not appear in different profiles under different names.

You should also be aware of new scams, especially in the context of the platforms you are using. Not all attackers are playing long. In addition, in-app fraud schemes may differ from those used on websites.

Never divulge too much information about yourself. Especially those with whom you have never met in real life. Based on the information received (for example, regarding your financial situation), the attacker will be able to determine whether you are a dainty target.

If you get too many flattering emails and messages at the initial stage of acquaintance, just do not reply. In mobile applications, do not communicate with people whose pages seem suspicious to you.

Moreover, never send private photos of an intimate nature to your new acquaintances. Attackers can use the received photos for blackmail and extortion.

If you notice one or more of the above signs and cannot verify the identity of the interlocutor, immediately stop communicating.

In addition, you should pay attention to the protection of your personal data in general, which will allow you to protect yourself not only from online dating scammers, but other criminal elements.