Lecture: "Pickup" (carding training 2021)


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Lecturer: gunnar
Today's lecture will be divided into several parts - a block of theory, questions on the first theoretical part, an online carding, some more theory and a final block of questions and answers.
So, let's try to define what a "pickup" is.
Pickup (from the English. To pick up - "pick up") - this is carding the stuff onto the holder (billing = shipping), followed by a hold pack at the courier service department, to which the staff was sent.
Hold is a request to the courier service not to deliver the pack to the address, and leave it at the nearest branch in order to pick it up yourself.
Upon the arrival of the pack, drops with a Fake ID (fake ID in the name of CH) or a power of attorney go to the address of the hold, and if the gods of the carding were supportive of us, and the stars came together in the right order, they take our pack and pay the agreed percentage of its value or send it to us (depending on how we agree with the pickup service, more on that later).

A pickup using a Fake ID is more efficient than a pickup using a trust (the percentage of packs lifting will be higher), because adjustable drops are driven by proxy, and by Fake ID - non-adjustable, specially trained people who in most cases will not get lost in the event of unforeseen situations.
Also, not all packs are delivered by courier services by proxy.

There is also a kind of pick-up by Fake ID, in which the pack is not held at the department, but remains in the local shop for issuance - instore pick-up.
In this case, if the shop supports such an option, we choose at the stage of ordering that we do not want the pack to be delivered by the courier service to the address, but we prefer to pick it up at the store ourselves http://prntscr.com/n8toem

In this case, the drops from the fake ID will go directly to the desired store and try to pick up your pack there. I want to note that different shops require different documents when issuing an instore - in some, an identity card is enough, others may also require the presence of the card with which the payment was made.
At the same time, it can even be swiped in the terminal to make sure that it is definitely live, valid plastic and not a fake.
Therefore, I recommend that you find out in advance from the shop support by ringing, on the soap or in the online chat, which documents are required to pick up the pack.
Also, often information about the documents required for issuance comes in an email with the confirmation of the order, we read carefully what is written there.
The main advantage of the instore pickup is that if the goods are available at the point of delivery, the pack can be ready for issuance immediately after the order is verified, i.e. ideally, a few hours after driving.

The disadvantages are that few shops support it (and most often these are huge shops with a large number of local branches), there may be difficulties in issuing a pack to drops and some shops consider instore pickup to be a more fraudulent type of order than regular shipping.
Also in this lecture I want to briefly touch on the topic of reroute.
Reroute - a request to the courier service to deliver the parcel not to the original address indicated in the label, but to a different one.
In this case, after receiving the track, we (or our dial-up) call the courier on behalf of cardholder, or on behalf of the shop manager and ask to change the address in the track to the address of the drop previously found by us or in the middle.

Driving itself is absolutely similar to carding under a pickup truck, which we will consider in detail in today's lecture.

Why is a pickup worth considering among all the options for shipping packs?
Compared to busting stuff bill? The spike coincidence of billing and shipping addresses obviously gives more traffic and much less fraud speed.
Most likely, you simply will not be able to drive anything in the slightest degree of value onto a mismatching bil-spike (at least from a fresh account, there are options for such work with logs, but this is a separate topic).

Before rerouting, a pickup has fewer obvious advantages, but it should be remembered that in the overwhelming majority of shops (according to personal feelings now - up to 90%, especially in shops with liquid goods) there is now a ban on rooting - and this is where a pickup comes to our aid
Hold bans are still less common than bans on rutting (this is how, for example, a FedEx track with a ban on hold and rutting looks like:http://prntscr.com/noglt2 )
Plus, the delivery of packs for a pickup is often much faster than their reload, which can significantly increase the likelihood of your packs being successfully lifted by drops of a pickup service.

Less travel time = less time to call the shop holder / bank with a request to cancel the order, which plays into our hands. So when working on stingy (this further into the lecture) on a liquid stuff percentage appointment packs on mules to the addresses and pickup are often comparable.
I note that nothing prevents you first try reroute pack that you are going to drive in such a way, but in the case of fail, you will have a chance to freeze it and try to pick it up, therefore I recommend testing shops in this way, choosing a mat for the pickup services in advance.

Let's take a look at the process of direct driving into a shop with a CC under a pickup truck from the very beginning.
Our first step will be to choose a good pickup service. I recommend choosing trusted services from our forum with a reputation and a lot of positive reviews, but do not forget that any service can be skipped at any time and your packs can disappear along with them.

Therefore, when actively working with the service, I recommend that you look at the forum for dubious reviews and arbitrations for the service, this can save you nerves and money if the service suddenly decides to go into the sunset along with packs of clients.

Decide which format of work with a pickup service suits you best.
The most obvious and hassle-free option is to work on a tight budget.
Each pickup service has a list of purchased staff and a certain percentage of payments for each position. Make sure that the staff that you are going to do is interested in the pickup service and they will go for such a product.

I want to note that this is also the safest option, because you in no way intersect personally with the packs and it is extremely problematic to track your participation in such a
scheme. There is also an option to work under the transfer (reship) for a fixed rate, at the moment it is on average $ 300- 500 for a pick-up on Fake ID and 50-150 - on trust, but if you make a lot of packs for a pick-up service, you can try to bargain for more favorable conditions.

When sending, you also arrange and pay for the label yourself and are not insured against problems with customs
Here I want to immediately answer the frequently asked question - why is it so expensive to send with a pickup truck on a fake ID?
The fact is that with this option, theoretically, you will have the largest % of the raised packs. In addition, it is more profitable for pickups to give packs to their buyers, as they generate a greater margin than simply accepting and forwarding packs to you. And the last thing - non-diluted drops are paid a lot of money for their dangerous work, and high-quality FakeID printing is also not a cheap pleasure.

Therefore, by fake ID, I recommend sending only some very valuable packs - expensive electronics, watches and the like, so that it is profitable.
I use this type of sending only if I am doing something valuable for myself. In other cases, it is better to try to work with services that pick up on drops by trust
The last option is a 50/50 job.
This is a kind of work for sending, but instead of paying by sending by cache, you carding an additional unit of goods into the pickup service, similar in value to the goods that you are going to send.
This may make sense if you are running out of money for shipping, but you want to get a pack. Sometimes, you can also persuade a pickup service to send you some illiquid product by making 2 non-cash units in one pack and giving one to pickups.

A few words about what kind of stuff should be done on a stingy basis.
Firstly, pick-up services work with packs with a total value of more than $ 1000 for buying up.
Secondly, these are usually liquid positions that the pick-up service will be as simple and convenient as possible to implement.

How do we find shops that will give us $ 1000 + of liquidity?
If you are a beginner and you are running out of money for tests of large shops, I recommend choosing the least liquid staff from the pickup service buy-up list (fortunately for us, the list is constantly updated, for example: https://pastebin.com/fB6DHfDg and search small shops with just such a stuff.
Here, the chances of successful carding you will be much higher due to the often weaker anti-fraud systems, but on the other hand, orders will more often fall on manual verification - simply because the shop has few of them.

With the search for shops, everything is standard - you should have already had a lecture on search, use the knowledge you gained on it.
When you have decided on the type of work and the staff that you will do - ask the pickup service support in which of the states from the list those in which they work, they now work best and have the highest percentage of pack growth, and in which - problems (in the event that the service works in more than one state)
From this you will start when choosing a material.

A situation may arise in which a service in certain states has problems with drops right now, which can lead to a delay in the pickup of a pack for several days, which is often fatal for packs. And it is simply impossible to provide equally high-quality work across all states.
In the case of working with a pickup service that uses dock-driven drops, I recommend at this stage to clarify which drops it is better to send the pack to.
Now that you know which state you will work in, it's time to find out about blacks.
Blacks are black branches of couriers, i.e. problematic branches, from which, for certain reasons, the pickup service will not be able to pick up your pack (or the probability of success will be extremely low).
The reasons may be different - the drops have become familiar at the department and they are already known there by sight; the department has scanners for ID and they detect fake; the department carries out additional checks that drops cannot pass, etc. For the sake of a fat pack, you can still persuade a pickup service to go black, but the likelihood of a successful outcome is small.

Black branches are an important aspect when choosing a mat.
Let me explain with a specific example. You took a card with a zip 92001, drove it in and the pack drove successfully. You order (or do it yourself) a hold, and it can fall on branches within a certain radius around, and even if you find the nearest branch on the map, it is far from a fact that the hold will fall on it.
There are options here - sometimes during a hold (especially online, through the courier's personal accounts) you will have a choice of where to hold, but remember that it is not always possible to freeze online, so you should additionally insure yourself by picking up a mat further from blackouts.
Blacks can be checked from the list of zips or from the card (if the service has a card of black branches - for example,https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewe...fIypM8&ll=34.14357532731208,-117.30703695&z=9 )

If you bought a map and the name of KX is not conventionally American, but some exotic (for example, Huy Nguyen) - check with your pickup service if there will be any problems with this
Most often, service drops do not go for such packs, therefore I recommend always checking the name in the shop before buying, if such an option is provided in the interface
Also, pickup services may have problems with female drops, it is better to also clarify in advance whether it is possible to take female holder cards.
I suppose that if you prepared well for the drive, then you have already prepared the service with proxies and the balance on it in advance. It remains to pick up the most nearby clean, like a tear, proxy, check it clean and you can get down to business
That's all for the first theoretical part of the lecture, I'm waiting for your hot questions on the first block, and then we'll move on to online and the final block of theory after it.

1 - call back - at what moment does the call occur and where? That is, the dialer needs to call the store immediately after the order has passed, or wait for the goods to leave the store and will already be on the side of the courier service and call there?
2 - a pickup - the one that is NOT in-store, the same question - at what moment does an attempt to leave it at the nearest branch take place? I want to understand the mechanics of process
3 - a move through the courier's office - a little more detailed please what is at stake.

After receiving the track, and more specifically - after he "went". Often, shops provide a track that they simply created via the API (in fact, the order might not even have passed at this stage), or a track in the status of a new one. Track the track and after passing the first Destination Scan, you can already do a hold / rut;
The same as in question 1);
Roll LK UPS (UPS My Choice) / FedEx Delivery Manager and manipulate the pack there. Manipulations will not always be available, however.

great lecture, thank you.
when the drop goes to UPS office, he uses fake ID of the card holder's name?
right now I bought 5 items from 3 shops, usually if the amount of item is $ 500- $ 600, MOST OF THE TIME, i get decline, but if it's $ 280-380, then% 90 it will pass,
If the call service makes a "hold" request, and it is successful, what's the percentage usually of the drop to successfully take it from the UPS office? is it a high success rate?

It was only the first part of it : D
Yeah, in case you work with a pickup service that works with Fake ID. In other cases they can try picking up as family member or using the letter of attorney;
That means your BINs are commonly frauded so they require additional holder verification and put a fraud flag on your order attempts. Also, make sure you are using clean proxies that match card holder's location and a system that the AF systems will consider as trusted;
That really depends on the pickup service and the hold location. If you manage to hold a package at small office like UPS Walgreens or something like that - chances to pick it up will be significantly more than if you hold it at a large UPS Customer Center / Access Point.

3 - that is, we are just talking on behalf of CH on the FedEx and Ups website and there we try to stop the parcel instead of ringing, right?


riba12 is right ,
I understood correctly, if the pack from the shop is less than $ 1000, then the pickup services will not take on such a pickup?

Pickup services on FakeID will not go for such a pack, if you want them to take it under the

goldenbaum buy-out Is there a
similar story in Europe?

There is no AVS in Europe, so there you can peck directly on drops.

riba12 Is
it impossible to consolidate packs in order to get to the minimum 1000?
If you make several packs for the same name and keep them in one compartment, then you can, but there is a very high chance of screwing up this business.

Which website do you buy your CC? Is shalom.ninja a good shop? thx
Never used this one. I mostly use bingo.hi.cn / fe-acc18.ru / valid.su / jstash.bazar /

Eat you have the same problem. there is no suitable Bean, etc.
Obviously, it very often happens that getting good, rare

is problematic for goldenbaum So, do you really use public shops or are there any private things?)

Yes, I use the above shops
All fairy tales about private shops with a mega-mat are from the category of urban legends
Okay, let's take a break for 10-15 minutes, in which I will buy a CC and a proxy for our gunnar

In this case, I'm looking for a mat near Chicago, at I have a drop there, which, if successful, will be able to quickly raise.
this location Also, the ninjablack pickup service has this location.
Here in the Bingo interface I see cards for Chicago, looking for medium-sized banks and CU.
Here we clearly have a non-public CU, a card with a phone number, a valid base 78 % and price $ 7.27
I also use this kind of cards for tests.
Bingo has a very pleasant pricing policy and an adequate refund policy.
Therefore, it is very convenient for tests.
However, you can use other shops at your discretion.
I will try to buy this card and check it valid.
There are a couple of points here.
I see that the holder is a man.
Normal name, not some hunweibing.
He has an adequate address.
860 W is something there.
If there is some gibberish in the first characters of the address, I do not recommend taking such cards.
Or something that does NOT look like an address.
The fact that the level of the card is Business does not bother me too much, it gives normal results from business cards.
Basically, almost any "adult" level, except prepaid, is fine.
Those. Classic and others like them - great, you can test. Very often there are good cards with high balances.
I went to check my card with Paris Checker - invalid.
4767718230190987 | 06 | 25 | 124 ||
18 December 2020 20:50 UTC + 3
BIN info: 47677182
Brand: VISA
Check type: pre-auth
Decline: 05 - DECLINED
You have 35 checks
Refused, looking further
By the same principle
Another 1 invalid
I took another bank, which visually does not look like something jerked
This time valid
4257040029133079 | 04 | 22 | 705 ||
18 December 2020 20:56 UTC + 3
BIN info: 42570400
Brand: VISA
Category: CLASSIC
Check type: pre-auth
Approved: 00 - APPROVAL
CVV check:?

At the stage when you already have a card, you can call it to your balance.
Or just hit at random.
Because we have a demo-driven here, we will not stop at the call.
Because to break through the balance, SSN/DOB is often needed.
Let's move on to selecting a proxy.
I will try to find the most "beautiful" proxy as close as possible to the KX zip.
In large cities such as Chicago, it is often easier to find the norm options, but at the same time, they are often overcharged.
I put in the zip, set the radius of 15 miles, put Added Today to try to pick up the sock that was recently added to the service.
I look at the speed and providers.
Let's try to see if AT&T U-verse is alive under zip 60616.
Load bought 1 times in 24h
Added 1 hour
Ping 50
Speed 831.9K
Proxy is alive, buy
Check on @zpcny_bot Get
perfect result
MaxMind.com IPScore: 0.01
Getipintel.net Value: 0.13200
Ipqualityscore.com Fraud score: 0
Is Anonymous: not proxy, not vpn, not tor
COUNTRY: United States [US]
STATE: Illinois [IL]
CITY: Chicago
ZIP: 60616
TIME ZONE: America / Chicago, CST | UTC -6.0 | 12:04
IP TYPE: residential
ASN: 7018
ISP: AT&T U-verse
BL status: Not blacklisted
Now I register Gmail under CH, because for carding it will be more convenient to show incl. emails from the shop.
Name of CH - David Jordano
Registered email [email protected]

what about sms verification for Gmail?

Let's wait until everyone connects.
Does everyone succeed?
Okay, let's get started little by little.
If anything, connect in the process.

So, here we have all the mat I bought.
CC and proxy.
We will carding today using the Linken Sphere browser.
This is a great starting tool.
The setup of a new session takes literally a minute.
Let's start by choosing a session name.
We will try to drive a shop with 42photo equipment.
Disclaimer: I do not guarantee that this shop gives and do not give you recommendations to run and hammer it.
It's just a handy shop to showcase the process.
But everything that I show and tell today, I myself use for "ordinary" carding into shops.
Therefore, the information is relevant. Apply it to the desired shops and bins and you can get the desired result.
After choosing the session name, insert the sock.
Next, we will generate a new config. For standard carding, I use the standard generated configs, according to my personal observations, they are quite suitable for such tasks and work no worse than paid ones.
Generating the Chrome @ Windows config.
The sphere does the best job of emulating chrome, because it is itself written in the Chromium engine.
And the choice of the system is dictated by the host OS.
In this street we have Windows.
However, for different tasks, you can use different configs, and in many cases, you can't do without real hardware at all.
After we generated the config, we click the Emulate Screen Resolution checkboxes - to emulate the desired screen resolution, limiting it physically and block Russian input - so as not to fail due to the fact that we forgot to switch the layout.
This concludes with the basic setting of the sphere.
I want to note that there are many tools in the field for more precise adjustment.
They are mainly used if we want to fit the config to the log.
For normal work, "went> hammered into the shop" it is not necessary.
Once in the session, I will immediately log into the created Gmail.
To have at least 1 social media login within a session.
Great, now let's go look for our shop in Google.
I want to try hammering Sony a7cc.
* a7c
Not the fact that it will give, because not the cheapest camera.
But it's worth a try, I want to have one for myself)
Let's try to search with a broad query.
The shop is not the largest, therefore it is not a fact that we will find it so easily.
Immediately not in sight, so I will clarify the request for the shop.
In "combat" carding, I do not recommend doing this.
It is better to try to fit the query as "non-pale" as possible.
Those. you may need to explore the shop first.
And it is possible to search either for a specific product configuration.
Or by a combination of shop + location.
Or according to some other attributes unique to the shop.
Well, we’ll count a little like that.
Okay, we ended up in a shop and at this stage that notorious warm-up begins.
As I said earlier, there are no uniform warming up recommendations.
But I usually start by examining the desired product + identical to it.
We just study (or pretend to study) the product, its specifications, photos, etc.
We do the same for related products.
Before driving, you always need to make sure that the product you are looking for is In Stock.
In this case, everything (seems to be) ok.
Why "like"? Because managers often update the availability data out of date and we can get to the backorder / cancellation order.
Simply due to the fact that the goods were not in the warehouse at the given time.

Okay, let's read a little about the shop.
So, here we find a lot of information that gives an understanding of how the shop sends and how it processes orders and payments.
Most orders are shipped within 1-2 business days of receiving your order. No orders are processed or shipped on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. In the event of delays, we will contact you by phone or email. If the delay is due to a back order situation you will receive notice by phone or e-mail and be given the choice to remain on back order, substitute to another item, or cancel your order.
Here we see that the average order processing time is 1-2 days (this implies that if we have driven a shop and nothing happens> 2 days apart from weekends, it is worth calling them if the order status has not changed to canceled yet).
Unless specified, all orders in the domestic US are shipped UPS
No comment here, UPS spike suits us.
Although you have received an email confirming your order, we do not charge your credit card until the item is ready to be shipped and all customer adjustments if any are applied. Prices on our web site may not reflect our retail store prices and availability; please call our retail store to make arrangements or just stop by the store and any sales person can help you with your purchase
Here we see that the shop does not process the cards immediately, i.e. they have post-processing.
We'll talk about this later.

So, we've learned enough about the shop.
We will try to add our cherished item to the cart.
And go to checkout.
Here the shop asks if we have an account.
Because we are new, choose Checkout as Guest.
If we had a log, it would be worth trying to break here.
Although it is possible, we would have been allowed even earlier by cookies, and it is worth logging in in advance to study orders and linked means of payment.
Okay, so we got to the checkout form.
Let me remind you that you need to fill in all the data either manually or using the emulation of manual input in the sphere.
(Paste like human print, ctrl / cmd + m).
To do this, I use gmail's self-registration + CH number.
About the choice of the delivery method.
We don't have much of them here.
Either UPS Ground (3-6 days) or USPS.
USPS is absolutely not suitable for us.
Because it does not freeze / rotate.
We choose UPS.
Also, I want to note that you should not choose the fastest delivery.
Some shops offer express delivery like Next Day Air.
Those. ordering a pack in the evening, he can arrive tomorrow morning.
In this case, you have a huge chance not to have time to freeze / rewind such a pack.
Therefore, I recommend choosing options with a delivery time of 2-3 days.
In our case, we have 3-6, but UPS ground most often goes around 3. We
filled in the card data.
Let's double-check everything.
Looks good.
Received a warrant.
I immediately created an account in the shop.
It looks like the shop lagged.
And he sent us 2 emails at once instead of 1.
Well, it happens.
Okay, that's it with online.

Next, I will tell you what will await this order in the future.
Those. we will move on to the 2nd block of the lecture.
And then there will be a final part with questions throughout the lecture.
I save the record.
To begin with, I want to note that there are shops with instant processing of cards (in these shops, the authorization / pre-authorization of the amount from the card is carried out at the time of the order) and shops with delayed processing, as in our case.
As you remember, we learned this from the shop's FAQ.
In the first case, we can receive an instant decline while placing an order - most likely, this will indicate that the attempt to withdraw funds from the card was unsuccessful (maybe because of a bad bin, an empty card, or because of a fraud).
In our case, we have moved a little further, but we still do not know whether the debit was successful, just as we do not know yet whether we have passed AF. It remains to follow the mail and wait for the results.

What options are possible at this stage:
Silence from the side of the shop for a long time (24-48 hours). In this case, we first check the status of the order on the website and, in case it is not canceled yet, try to contact the shop to find out the reason for the delay.
Order cancellation notification. Here you need to look at the content of the letter, sometimes it may contain the reason for the order (for example, something like your payment was not approved). If there is no reason, you can also contact the shop and find out why the order has been canceled. The shop may require additional information to verify the order: ringing, photo of documents, photo of the card - anything that climbs into their inflamed brain. Here we decide for ourselves whether it is worth butting for the order or to score and try again / another shop
After several hours (sometimes days) of waiting, we see that the order has been sent and you were given a track ( http://prntscr.com/nm08lb) - we are happy and are looking for a call-up service that will make us a hold, or we do it ourselves. An important nuance: the earlier we send a hold request after receiving a track, the higher the likelihood of its approval. This is how a hold request (UPS) looks like: https://prnt.sc/m7pank, and this is an approval: http://prntscr.com/m7q3z4
I want to note that sometimes even an approved hold request can be ignored by the courier staff because of banal carelessness - it is difficult to do something besides calls to the local courier brunch, if we see that the pack went to the truck for delivery to the address (“On Vehicle for Delivery” status or something like that)
At this stage, we did everything we can and just regularly check our track for status changes. Here are the options available here:
Opening the pack by the shop http://prntscr.com/m7p28o ; http://prntscr.com/m7p1og
Arrival of the pack to the holder (the hold was not approved and our pack went into the paws of CH): http://prntscr.com/m7p1uw; http://prntscr.com/np2q3n
Raising the pack at the branch http://prntscr.com/m7p1ek ; http://prntscr.com/np2qqp
Even in the latter case, it's still too early for us to rejoice. There are situations that the holder received a notification from the courier (this is especially common when using the KX number, or after an unsuccessful delivery attempt, when the courier leaves a sticker on the door) and went to pick up the pack. According to the status in the “delivered” track, we ask the pickup service whether they took our pack or not.
If you took a pickup service, we are happy and specify when and where we will receive payment, or agree on the details of sending. PROFIT!
That's all for today, I'm waiting for your questions.

4 - how to set the radius in suites? Sorry for a stupid question, but I couldn't find it myself
5 - mail registration passed the SMS request? And how to achieve a result that would not ask for SMS
6 - a bot for receiving SMS?
7 - why didn't you configure web gl and parameters in extendet in the sphere settings? Do not? And then I hang up for 4 days to set them up)
8 - but CC were hammered in with pens - is it dangerous to use human pastes?

On my screen, a drop-down menu to the right of the red oval;
In my case, it went without a request. You can register a Google account without SMS in different ways, here the influence has 2 factors: the system and the ip. If you check from a clean browser, a good antidetect, a clean iPhone and non-hooked proxies, 6-7 / 10 will pass without SMS
And what is the point of setting them up for a private?
No, I

'm just used to doing this riba12
Why did you write that the base CC with a varif 78 percent is used for you for tests? what does it mean

I think you misunderstood me. I just said that the base with good validation is favorable for

koba787 tests .
When using sphere + lux (extar wedge) - what could be even cleaner?

Well, it's banal iPhone + distributed to it via Wi-Fi, the OVPN config from the router that was obtained with its own hands. Well, this is in fact the standard of purity, on a par with HVNC. But such setups are no longer so easy to get.

great lecture man. I swear this should of been from 2nd week : D
have you driven similar products ($ 1.5k +) using such method?
what filters did you use on https://bingo.hi.cn/ to search for the CC? How much did that card you used cost you? I pay $ 12 on shalom.ninja, is that a lot?
Thank you for the feedback :)

Sure. From the very same setup my own "personal records" in stuff carding were 7.5 and 10k (luxury watches);
Ofc I use different filters for different situations, but in this case I've just chosen city: Chicago and sort by seller price (low to high). I've skipped all the cards painted blue (they are rubbish prepaid BINs) and was looking for the banks that aren't extremely popular like BofA, Chase, PNC etc. Those cards were around $ 7-8. $ 12 is a decent price for a CC yet I often pay less (like all US cards are $ 9 on fe-acc18 and there are a lot of cards priced $ 4-10 on Bingo)

I understand correctly that we use Gmail accounts registered only for us ip?

In general, it does not matter on the IP of which country the mail account was registered.

self-extracted OVPN config from the router.
it's like a handwritten one.

Do you buy or find the method of brutting routers and creating VPN servers from them, brute and get configs obtained by OVPN directly from routers in US

Have you always had your visual memory at this level or has it shaken?

If you are about how I entered data into the sphere - there I also partially used paste like human print
Input emulation.

please update us on what happens with the camera you just ordered lol

why screenshots from 18 and 19 years? don't you work now?

It was just too lazy to remake, there are fresh tracks, but the same is there.
In general, I am currently minimally engaged in staff.
Last month, hissed 10-15 iPhones, but too gemorno.

BL status: Blacklisted
BL count: 1

More than. There are 1-4 blacklist in almost every US IP

user80 What is the
cost price?

I did it on a stingy basis, these were ordinary 12 iPhones (at that time the projectors were not in stock), there the average exhaust from one was around $ 350 pure

iPhones from which shops did you make? I wanted to ask about the epl, I can't place the instore.
It only offers delivery.
So maybe there were no iPhones available in the location?
Now it happens very often. Besides, you can also do it for delivery.
Well, instore and delivery of norms.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for me to tell you, I think today we got the information normally.