IT apocalypse in Grow Food: food delivery service is paralyzed by failure


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Customers can't receive orders for several days.

For more than two days, the total failure of the technical systems of the popular St. Petersburg ready-to-eat lunch delivery service Grow food continues. According to the company's representatives, the incident that occurred on February 10 affected all major information systems-from the website and mobile applications to logistics processes and call centers.

Moreover, despite interruptions in operation, the service continues to automatically write off funds within the framework of previously issued subscriptions. However, some of the orders paid for by customers are either not delivered at all, or the wrong set of products is brought instead of the ordered dishes. I can't set up the menu either: the site doesn't open, and I can't get through to you.

The company emphasizes that in the event of a system failure, they do not have the ability to quickly respond to incoming complaints and correct errors in the delivery processes, but they promise to respond "to each request and individually solve each situation." When asked why the company didn't stop incorrect deliveries, they said that it was impossible to do this due to a glitch. For the same reason, you can't make any changes to the order.

"Right now, we continue to take measures to restore the operation of our entire infrastructure and plan to restore the full operation of the service within 1-2 days," the company said.

The official Grow food website still has a warning about technical problems.