Installs from exchanges? Easier than you think.


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Greetings to all the inhabitants of Aesthetic Black!
I was motivated to write this article by the fact that when I got hold of the vidar (which, by the way, disappointed me very much and therefore switched to samopis) and for a couple of weeks I was looking for an installer to spill from and noticed very sad statistics that 9 out of 10 are divided by four categories:

• stooped, or simply disappeared from sight;

• Fucking fagots who ignore when people bring them money;

• Just a long silence in the threads on the forums / channels tg and a long, apparently, absence from the network;

• Sell garbage, or in several hands.

After that, I made a decision to break through to the file exchange in order to get installs really in one hand and not overpay to sellers.

Here, in fact, are all those exchanges that I ran through:

- - the reg is currently closed;

- is the most incomprehensible exchange that I came across, the regga is free, but it seems that by registering with an ad, you get access to an affiliate marketer ;

- - about 15 applications were sent (different accounts and sites with software) and there was no response to any of them, not even a letter from the robot that they would contact me as soon as they could;

- - closed;

- - it was not possible to register, because there was a crooked loader at that time, he gave me to the exchange manager, after 2 more times he tried to register - he did not receive an answer;

- - on the second attempt I registered and I'm still spilling, the quality is at the level of the firmware, but the undoubted plus of this exchange - I received an answer pretty quickly, and did not wait a week with a dick until they at least answer me, as in the same bug (I received a yes-yes / no-no answer within a few hours), I won't tell you about Skype and mail, but they answered me quickly enough in tg (I turned to the speaking manager) and they work with individuals, which greatly simplifies the registration;

- - they answer for a very long time, they check carefully, out of 7 accepted attempts, only one passed, and then after the fifth strait he got a ban, because did not crypt the file in time. They are very sensitive to copyright, YouTube downloaders, etc. software did not pass, tk. may violate copyright;

- - the option with donations does not roll from the word at all, with the help of the trial / demo version - there are chances, but they try to reverse the file (as in the firmware, by the way), they often require a "quiet" installer;

- - I received the answer, but it did not work to register. they did not manage to launch the software, it is necessary to test the work of the software more thoroughly ;

- - at the time of the attempt to register - no ads were accepted;

- - Indian exchange, did not dare to check traffic from there, so he did not even try to register there ;

- - received no response;

- - the site is unavailable 95% of the time;

- - when registering an advertisement, you get an arbitrator's office and TP is silent;

- - the manager has not contacted;

- - does not work;

- - does not work;

- - it seems that they do not work, or the reg is closed, because I didn't get an answer either ;

- - a scam "stock exchange" without a personal account, etc., just a beautiful landing page and a stupid fucker at the other end, who by mail and skype fucks to the extreme that you need to make a deposit and only then register, sends invoices in batches ;

- - a kind of bulletin board for advertisements / affiliates / affiliates, an exorbitant amount of scam, 10/10 "private installers / traffic" work on full prepayment and 9/10 refuse the guarantor. However, you can also find a nugget there, only you need to check everything several times .

Ultimately, after spending an incredible amount of time, nerves and money, first looking for sellers, and then looking for exchanges, I opted for (of course, the fact that I still have an account there played a big role. Since then I'm alive and I successfully continue to spill. And the ad reggae will soon be closed for several months, which means that the installs will be clean and further, because with a small number of our brother in the exchange, there are no parallel streams with other "advertisers").

Now, in fact, the attraction - "climb on the stock exchange yourself." For this you need:
• Simple software, the main thing - it is necessary that it does not affect copyright, because this is a good reason for refusing to register, all sorts of cleaners-boosters-unlockers-dock readers-puntoswitchers - yes, they pass, but all sorts of YouTube loaders, etc. - may be rejected due to possible copyright infringements;

• Landing page - must be properly working, EULA and Privacy Policy must be present, and monetization must be clearly spelled out (that is, there must be points about the demo / trial version, as well as about the full versions).

• The loader should be just FUCKING quiet and clean, otherwise - Achtung. Also in the firmware and coin32 - they like to reverse the software, which is given to them for verification - this must be taken into account when registering.

• The exchange will ask about the software monetization model. - I advise you NOT to USE the word "donat", tk. it is elementary unprofitable + already zadrochno and makes managers a strong desire to refuse reg. In the firmware, I was asked for the full version once and I left with nothing. There is an idea to cram ad banners into the demo / trial version - it's worth taking it into service.

On the landing page, ideally, you need to attach the merchandise for purchases, because in coin32 once I made a test purchase and refused to register, tk. the buying process was "manual".

Applying for registration:
In fact, they all don't give a fuck how you write, but literacy and eloquence will be a good plus in communicating with a manager.

With a positive decision on registration - all subsequent steps are 99% identical in any exchange - you are given access to the personal account, replenish the balance and pour on the necessary geo.

The advertising budget should be specified from $ 8k / month or more, so you are more likely to interest the exchange in cooperation with you.

It should be borne in mind that you need to monitor the file and change it in time, otherwise your account will not live long) In many exchanges, based on communication with the TP, you give them the so-called. "Quiet" file "Setup.exe" and that's it, pour it on. But if you need to replace it - you are welcome to the manager and check again. In coin32 and intime, the download is from your website / server using the link specified in the personal account when creating a campaign. In coin32, a "quiet" installer is needed, in intime - no difference, as I understand it, but with "quiet" - the sound came out better.

It is quite possible to keep within $ 150-200, but only on condition that you have a little bit developed programming skills (including the web, in order to remake someone else's landing page) in order to sketch out a simple working software).

I wrote this article in order to help people who at the moment, like me a couple of months ago, are in search of quality downloads for their loved ones.

I'll write a little more about the order of interaction with coin32, proshka and intime (where I managed to register and spill).

There will be 5 points:
• Software;
• Site;
• Application for registration;
• Success / failure and what to do next;
• Enjoyment / error analysis.

Point one - software:
You need any WORKING software, ideally, that works on all versions of Windows, with any bit depth and with the minimum possible version of .NetFramework, tk. at the first attempts to register - we had a gag in this matter (on some machines the software crashed with an error and we were refused). However, it is better to use neutral software - like a puntoswitch, a wedge master, a player of some kind, a pdf reader and the like. When trying to crawl with a YouTube bootloader, we were sent to fuck in proshke and intime (we didn't go to coin32 with it), because the use of this software could lead to copyright infringement and therefore we were refused. A small life hack - you can buy / drive / find ready-made software with sources for Visual Studio, for example, and you can change the name, logo, etc.)

The second point is the site:
Any more or less nice template landing page will do, as long as it contains privasi and eula (you can either in the form of pdf or in separate pages). The main thing that should be - points about the purchase and demo / trial use. If you choose the donate monetization option, then in 9 out of 10 cases this will cause the manager to have a persistent desire to send you nah)

The third point is the application:
On these three exchanges, registration is carried out manually, through a manager, the first contact is made with them via Skype, by mail, or in tenge, depending on the availability of contacts. The template is the same - “Hello, we are such and such, we want to register with you in order to promote our software, the planned budget per month is the n-th amount in $. What is needed from us for this, what can you offer ”, etc. Further, the managers themselves explain to you what and how to do.

Point four - success / failure and what to do next:
In case of a successful registration, you yourself perfectly understand what to do) In case of failure, you need to collect all the information that is and analyze it very carefully in order to identify your punctures. For example - the first refusal in the proshka and coin32 I received due to the fact that I tried to register as an individual. In this regard, it is very convenient in intime, tk. work with individuals. But new ads there, before creating a campaign, must make a deposit (for legal entities the minimum wage is $ 3k, and for individuals the minimum wage is $ 400), which is used for the first three spills, after which invoice payment is automatically turned on when creating a campaign from any payment - a cue ball (which is very convenient for me, because you don't need to fuck with drop cards / self-registers, etc., through the manager I poured $ 500 there straight from the blockchain, for a test, and spilled a little bit of US, Canada and yuk), webmoney, stick, some kind of pay, skrill and transfer from the bank. Because in proshka, payment is possible only through a bank account, or through webmoney, and in coin32 - webmoney, qiwi, yad, from a card and bank transfer.

Point five - enjoyment / error analysis:
If successful, you are your own installers and you can safely work and sell the logs. But it is more difficult to analyze errors, because a very good brainstorm is needed) What to look for when analyzing errors:

• Communication with the manager - carefully write down the questions he asked and see your answers for the presence of logical inconsistencies, errors, etc.;

€ Test your software on different PCs / virtual machines, in order to check for performance;

• Examine your landing page for any left data (the copyright was forgotten to change, for example, or some link was not replaced, etc.);

€ Check your bootloader, how it works, whether it is fired by a smartscreen, or a Windows / AB defender.

Let's summarize:
I would, compiling a rating of install exchanges to get GOOD logs, arrange the exchanges in this order - intime (pretty democratic prices for installs, and the quality pleases. Also, the Russian-speaking manager managed to get a small discount on the first straits when depositing, lol, motivated by the fact that, they say, "we ourselves are non-local and there is no money, etc." - he gave me plus 10% when making a deposit and I received not $ 500, which I entered, but $ 550 on the balance, which gave me additional logs, which is good), proshka (nothing, in fact, is inferior to intime, BUT brake supports are enraged, and even to get rid of it like a legal person - very high-quality pictures are needed) and only then coin32 (because in a couple of straits parallel straits slipped through, which is not cool if you do not work out the logs right away), and only then some others, but due to the fact that I did not work with them - I can not judge, since I am satisfied with the quality of what I have now).

In general, everything, if someone has questions - you can write in HP.