In which countries is it recommended to install a skimmer


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The country of stupid idiots. Gypsies, illiterate morons.
A country in which people live who do not like Russians in advance. And they show it.

It is worth installing only in large cities with a population of more than 15 thousand.
Common models:

"Toothed" (NCR 5886)
"Narrow sofa" (NCR 5684)
"Wide sofa" (NCR 5685)

Two languages are spoken throughout the country: Hungarian and German. They generally consider themselves an illegitimate country in Germany.

Everyone who goes there to work is led by 2 ATMs, which stand side by side, where 40-50 people pass per hour. One gives out euros, the other gives local money. You should not put on these atm, they have 6 cameras around.

There are many places in the evening, which should be set, for example, at 6 pm, and filmed at 23.00.

I do not recommend putting it on in the morning, it is more likely that the equipment will be removed.
It turns out that people walk differently in the morning and in the evening. If you can work at the same place in the evening for 8 days in a row, then in the morning they can take it off in the first 2 hours. I do not particularly recommend setting it from 9 to 10 in the morning.

The statistics are approximately the following: out of 9 days of operation, 1 removal of the device. This is when choosing a place with tourists, where vacationers go.
When removed, it looks like this: a bus runs along the street, the area is blocked by the police, documents are checked and passengers are checked. Pedestrians are slowed down selectively by face control. Therefore, the observer must look decent and change from time to time.

Lots of Germans, especially on weekends. They go there to rest. Hence a large percentage of tracks from germany.
20% gold in germany.
30% of the classics and masters of germany.
5% of local gold
30% of local classics mixed with masters.
5% of electrons are local.
10% rest.

Tourists all year round, because there is no sea and as a rule they have a rest to stick to local attractions and drink beer.

The police are respectful of expensive cars, as well as cars with numbers from other countries.


Standard of living (average income) ______________________________ 2000-3000
Euros A lot of hardware? (Compared to Russia) ______________________ less

Model (as a share or percentage):
Toothy (of NCR 5886) ___________ 3
Citroen (WN) _________________ 1
Citroen wide (WN) _________ 3
Sofa narrow (of NCR 5684) _________ 1
Sofa wide (of NCR 5685) ______ 1
The impression of the people (their words): ___________ freaks
Who are the tourists? (countries, level, age factor) __ From all over the world
Presence of additional cameras (percentage) __________ no
Presence of antifraud (percentage) _____ 50/50
Do they mainly pay in cash / non-cash? _______________ 50/50
Do shops dial the PIN code? _____________________ Yes
Tourist seasons: __________________________ all year
A lot of police? ________________________________ After dark, a lot of
Police patrol method. (comments) ______ Standard.
The criminal environment ________________________ is bad.
Chips are common? There is practically no ___________________________.
The city wakes up - falls asleep: ____________________ 6-00… 23-00
Iron pieces in the buildings of institutes? ___________________ 90%
Reliable telecom operator (by sending SMS) __________ Vodafone, Wind
SMS cost __________________________________ ---
Is the country and environment convenient for the equipment? ________ Yes
Is the country and environment convenient for cash out? ____________ Yes


ITALY! (from intelligence reports)

The standard of living is slightly lower than in Austria, but still high. There are a lot of Americans, Britons, a very high crime rate, very often there is antifraud on pieces of iron, even on Citroens, photos with antifraud have been taken and sent, cards are accepted everywhere, but the local population prefers cash for small purchases, because high interest rates on withdrawals from the posse ...
According to the models, preference for "toothy" and "Citroens", but also "sofas" are often found.

Milan is fit for work.
There is no information on southern italy, where the standard of living is lower, but not much.
There are not many tourists in winter.
There are a lot of police. (South)

Lack of surveillance cameras from the outside of the piece of iron, i.e. external observation, internal is present depending on the model.

Chips are not common.
Once, when paying with a card, they asked for a passport, bought Vlan in a computer store, which suggests that plastic groups are still working here.

Cities die out at 11pm.

The statistics of installations are different, who did not even have one day, and who successfully staged half of the summer (tourist season).
Unauthorized removal of equipment mainly happened by chance (cashiers, drunk, collectors (did not overlook the collection schedule),) in general, ordinary people did not take part. Most of the filming took place as usual around 9 am.

But in general, you can work, but you can get down to business creatively, feel where and how best to stage, what kind of people walk in the daytime, what evening, feel the place, and you can find cool places.
I do not advise you to contact local criminal gangs. The so-called mafia. They are mean, petty, no rules for doing business, no decency (especially in matters with money), in general, like our black-asses.

The police are legal. the tourist is one of the most protected persons in the eyes of the police.
It can be seen from afar, tk. often drive with flashing lights.

List of banks in Italy.

1 Abbey National Bank ********
2 Banca Akros spa ********
3 Banca Carige ******** www / jsp / index.jsp
4 Banca Commerciale Italiana ********
5 Banca cooperativa di Imola ********
6 Banca Cooperativa Valsabbina ******* *
7 Banca CRT ********
8 Banca del Salento ******** home.html
9 Banca delle Marche ********
10 Banca di Credito Cooperativo ********
11 Banca di Credito Cooperativo dell 'Alta Padovana ********
12 Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Brescia ********
13 Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Camporosso e della Val Nervia * *******
14 Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Civitanova Marche e Montecosaro ********
15 Banca di Credito Cooperativo del Cremonese ********
16 Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Fiuggi ********
17 Banca di credito cooperativo di San Giovanni Valdarno ********
18 Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Treviglio e Geradadda ********
19 Banca di Credito Cooperativo Faenza ********
20 Banca di Credito Cooperativo Friuli Centrale ********
21 Banca di Credito Cooperativo Valmarecchia ********
22 Banca di Credito Coperativo di Santeramo * *******
23 Banca di Piacenza ********
24 Banca di Roma ********
25 Banca di Sassari ******** www.
26 Banca d'Italia ********
27 Banca Etica ********
28 Banca Finnat Euramerica spa ***** ***
29 Banca Generali ********
30 Banca Industriale Telematica (Ba.IT) ******** /
31 Banca Monte Parma ********
32 Banca Monteriggioni ********
33 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) * *******
34 Banca Passadore & C. ********
35 Banca Popolare Asolo e Montebelluna ********
36 Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria ********
37 Banca Popolare del Frusinate ***** ***
38 Banca Popolare del Lazio ********
39 Banca Popolare del Materano ******** .htm
40 Banca Popolare dell 'Emilia Romagna (BPER) ********
41 Banca Popolare dell'Alto Adige - S? dtiroler Volksbank ******** www.popvoba. it /
42 Banca Popolare dell'Etruria e del Lazio ********
43 Banca popolare dell'Irpinia (BPI) ******** html
44 Banca Popolare di Ancona ********
45 Banca Popolare di Bari ********
46 Banca Popolare di Bergamo ********
47 Banca Popolare di Brescia Gruppo BIPOP ********
48 Banca Popolare di Cividale ***** ***
49 Banca Popolare di Fondi ********
50 Banca Popolare di Milano ******** www.bpm. it /
51 Banca Popolare di Novara ********
52 Banca Popolare di Puglia e Basilicata ********
53 Banca Popolare di Ravenna ********
54 Banca Popolare di Sondrio ********
55 Banca Popolare di Spoleto ******** www.bpspoleto. it /
56 Banca Popolare di Verona ********
57 Banca Popolare Friuladria ********
58 Banca Popolare Pugliese ********
59 Banca Popolare Vicentina ********
60 Banca Profilo spa * *******
61 Banca Sella ********
62 Banca UCB ********
63 Banca Woolwich ********
64 Banco Ambrosiano Veneto ********
65 Banco di Brescia ******** www.ambro .it /
66 Banco di Sardegna ********
67 Banco di Sicilia ********
68 Cariplo ******** www /
69 Cariverona ********
70 Cassa di Risparmio della Provincia di Chieti ********
71 Cassa di Risparmio della provincia di Teramo ********
72 Cassa di Risparmio della Spezia spa (Carispe) ********
73 Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria ********
74 Cassa di Risparmio di Ascoli Piceno ********
75 Cassa di Risparmio di Bologna ********
76 Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano ********
77 Cassa di Risparmio di Cento ********
78 Cassa di Risparmio di Forl? ********
79 Cassa di Risparmio di Imola ********
80 Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo * *******
81 Cassa di Risparmio di Parma & Piacenza ********
82 Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia ********
83 Cassa di Risparmio di Pisa ********
84 Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia ********
85 Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna ********
86 Cassa di Risparmio di Rieti ********
87 Cassa di Risparmio di San Marino ******** www.
88 Cassa di Risparmio di Savona (CRS) ********
89 Cassa di Risparmio di Spoleto ********
90 di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto ******** http: //
91 Cassa di risparmio di Trieste ********
92 Cassa di Risparmio di Udine e Pordenone ******** /
93 Cassa di Risparmio di Venezia ********
94 Cassa Lombarda ********
95 Cassa Padana ******** www /
96 Cassa Risparmio Carpi ********
97 Cassa Risparmio Ferrara ********
98 Cassa Risparmio Reggio Emilia **** ****
99 Cassa Rurale di Arco ********
100 Cassa Rurale di Darzo e Lodrone (CRDL) ******** www / editel / CRDL /
101 Cassa Rurale di Molina di Ledro ********
102 Cassa Rurale di Strembo Bocenago e Caderzone ********
103 Cassa Rurale di Tuenno ********
104 Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana di Cant? ********
105 Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana di Castel Goffredo - Credito Coopertivo ********
106 Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana di Cortina dAmpezzo *** ***** http: //
107 Crediop ********
108 Cr? dit Agricole Indosuez Italia * *******
109 Credito Bergamasco ********
110 Credito Italiano ******** /
111 Don Rizzo Banca di Credito Cooperativo ********
112 Gruppo Credito Valtellinese ********
113 INA Banca Marino ********
114 Istituto Bancario San Paolo ******** www /
115 Istituto Centrale delle Banche Popolari ********
116 Mediocredito Centrale ********
117 Mediocredito del Friuli - Venezia Giulia * *******
118 Mediocredito Trentino-Alto Adige - Investitionsbank ********
119 Mediocredito Umbria ****** ** / wel.html
120 Mediolanum ********
121 Monte dei Paschi di Siena ********
122 Nuova Banca di Credito di Trieste ********
123 Sicilcassa ********


The first impression of the country is positive. It seems that the setting here. It seems that the people have a lot of money, that everyone gives a fuck.
In fact, it's better not to work there at all.
I will describe why.
There is no anti-fraud atm, but the cameras are additional at 70% atm.
Cameras are aimed at the right person. ATM only in the bank building.

Local people EVERYONE scrutinizes and feels the ATM. Not just attentive, but how attentive they are. As it turned out, every time they visit the bank, the staff repeats several times that one should always look at the ATM. and if in doubt, call the bank or the police. In other words, even when they look like they are fucking freaks, they immediately cut through what equipment is here.

Moreover, the one who cleared, becomes and does not admit anyone to the
ATM, and waits for the police. and then you can't take it off. there is a clear loss of equipment. and you will not give it to your head, tk. locals will come running to defend.

I thought for a long time why there is no crime there. The locals told me that the police work very well and solve cases very quickly. I wondered how. The police arrive at the scene and call everyone who saw what, and they frankly tell what who saw, and in an hour they are already blocking roads, airports or ports. everything is done very quickly, because towns are small and highway exits close very quickly.

I will give an example, they carried out the installation in one city, after 30 minutes the police arrived, cordoned off the area, and there were
10 times more patrols on the street who looked everyone in the face and clothes, and cars
and passers-by. and on the same day in all cities, ordinary police patrols
We drove past each ATM, stopped, approached and did an external inspection of the ATM. this lasted 3 days after installation.

Plus, they were immediately given a photo from the camera, so people had to change their appearance and take them out almost in vegetable gardens. but there are no vegetable gardens, this is an island.
so even I refused to work in such a country. a lot of money was invested, and as a result, the loss of equipment.

Moreover, they have some kind of special service, I don't remember the name, taught by the Americans, which deals with smuggling, banking and offshore violations. So, this service thinks not with their feet, but with their head. What we imagine in theory, such as calculations by IMEI number, etc., they have in real life. There was a case when a person was taken, his phone was taken, a request was made to the operator, and the 20 most frequently dialed numbers punch through, raise conversations in sound, and a dozen turn out to be at work. what do they do next? They calculated at the location of the telephone, and a person walks down the street, a car pulls up, people in civilian clothes come out, and they make an arrest, put them in the car, and that's it. so that there they already work in real life what we know by hearsay and in theory.

When the equipment was removed, after 15 minutes the bank staff gathered, the police patrolled, the people came running, some people in incomprehensible clothes, but it is clear that there is a special service. what a bus, without glass at all, and inside some kind of equipment with devices, some dudes scattered abruptly around the area who got off the bus and looked like local walking, although locals do not walk during the day and in the morning.

in general, we retired from there, and the most interesting thing is that after 10 minutes there was no one else, no buses, no people. everything was scattered. sat down, freaks in an ambush. At the same time, the reader was removed, and I saw that it was jerking off, and Klava remained hanging, so that the type of fraudsters would come for her. and within a week there was an ambush around the clock, there was always a jeep of some kind with dark glasses (it is forbidden to tint windows for people in the country). the jeeps changed every couple of hours, and so they waited for a week. at the same time this week was done a visual inspection of the atm during the day.

And at night, in all cities, they have security firms that set stores on alarm systems. at night they visually check the shops for
repeatedly. a guy rides on a motor scooter, in a bright inhabitant, with the inscription police of autonomy, and drives up to each store, with some kind of device (they ran into this when they watched at night), checked it, and leaves. and they also look at the appearance of the atm, and mark something to themselves, and so several times a night.

So that by the outward calmness you cannot determine what is going on there, and that everything is at this level. police patrols usually travel at intervals of 5-10 minutes along each street, one way.
the other way also. so the frequency of patrolling is from 2.5
minutes to 5 minutes. on one side they go, and then on the other. when football matches, the patrols are intensified. in short, they know how to safeguard their savings.

I have invested a lot of money in the work in this country., road, exploration, accommodation, travel and accommodation of the group, cars, equipment. transportation, evacuation of people, etc. etc. but in the end I had to stupidly refuse. because the loss of equipment, well, can be considered guaranteed.

So I blacklisted it.
Such is the summary of the country.


(all text from the "intelligence" responses)

Let's start with the sad ...
Porsche in this country is a cheap car ...
Like a nine in Russia ...

There are a lot of pieces of iron, mostly "toothy" and "sofas", a lot of video surveillance, even in elevators, at the entrance to Monaco, auto transport is registered, a code is issued, it must be entered at all parking lots, there are no parking lots on the street, in the tour zone - 90% Monaco.
There is a lot of police, there are almost no police in residential areas, but there is no way to get there
bypassing the tour zone.
The terrain is mountainous, it is impossible to bypass it, it is real to work when drawing up a detailed plan, carefully working out the terrain and all the nuances, the prices are very

Almost all the head offices of European banks are located in Monaco. Even British barclays and bbwa ...

The main transport of the local population is .... yachts ...
Parking for a car costs 15 euros per hour ....
No anti-fraud in sight ....
The language is French.

(in proportion or percentage)
Toothed ___________ 4
Citroen narrow ______ 1
Narrow sofa ________ 4
Wide sofa ______ 1

A lot of pieces of iron? (Compared to Russia) ___________________ few
Who are the tourists? (countries, level, age factor) ___________ From all over the world
Availability of additional cameras (percentage) ___________________ no
Presence of antifraud (percentage) ______________ 0%
Mainly cash / non-cash when paying? _________________________ 50/50
Do they dial the code in shops? ___________________________________ yes
Tourist seasons: ____________________________________ all year round
A lot of police? _________________________________________ many
Police patrol method. (comments) _______________ standard
Criminal environment _________________________________ good.
Chips are common? ___________________________________ yes
The city is waking up - falling asleep: ____________________________ 6-00… 02-00 Hardware
in the buildings of institutes? ___________________________ 80%
Reliable telecom operator (by sending SMS) __________________ Vodafone
What are the languages in the country? ___________________________________ French


A country with a German lifestyle. The people, in my opinion, are finished, but not greedy, rather lazy, although friendly. not suspicious. there are few Russians.
The standard of living is quite high.
Salary 3.000 - 4.000 euros a
pack of cigarettes (for comparison in the EU) 4.2 euros.

There are a lot of pieces of iron.
Living standard (average income) ______________________________ 3000-4000
EUREK How many pieces of iron? (Compared to Russia) ______________________ more

Models (as a share or percentage):

Toothy (NCR 5886) ___________ 3
Citroen (WN) _________________ 5
Citroen wide (WN) _________ 2
Narrow sofa (NCR 5684) _________ 1
Wide sofa (NCR 5685) ______ 1

Impression of the people (in your own words): ___________ a bustling nation
Who are the tourists? (countries, level, age factor) __ From all over the world
The presence of additional cameras (percentage) __________ is. atm in aquariums
Availability of anti-fraud (percentage) _____ 50/50
Mainly pay in cash / non-cash? _______________ 30/70
Do shops dial the PIN code? _____________________ Yes
Tourist seasons: __________________________ all year round (skiing in winter)
Lots of police? ________________________________ After dark, a lot of
Police patrol method. (comments) ______ Standard.
The criminal environment ________________________ in big cities is bad. in small ones calmly.
Chips are common? ___________________________ is very small, but there is. the percentage is not clear.
The city wakes up - falls asleep: ____________________ 6-00… 23-00 (the larger the city, the later) shops close early.
Little pieces of iron in the buildings of the institutes? ___________________ 90%
Reliable telecom operator (by sending SMS) __________ Vodafone.
SMS cost __________________________________ ---
Is the country and the situation convenient for the equipment? ________ If you know everything thoroughly, the way of life, the location of the cameras, etc. but not in aquariums.
Is the country and environment convenient for cash out? ____________ No.


To work in this country, you need to know the way of life, "feel" the place, in general, come and choose a successful place during the summer. For example, a successful place in the evening may seem to suck during the day, but a quiet place for the day may seem creepy at night. you need to see, you need to try on the situation for your type and time of work.

The people seem to be not suspicious, but do not forget that the Russian is good, the German is dead.

I do not recommend putting it in the morning. here also from 9 to 11 am the people are kind of very attentive.

I do not recommend working in small towns of less than 15 thousand people.
Everything is studded with cameras. you need to plan in advance the path of approach and departure to the piece of iron, and so that the camera does not catch the car's license plate. also observation should be carried out with this in mind.