In Russia, for the first time, a sentence was passed for posting a Facebook button on the website

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According to the verdict of the Yekaterinburg court, such an act is "a public demonstration of the symbols of extremist organizations."

Alexey Sokolov, a resident of Yekaterinburg, was arrested for five days after being accused of publicly displaying symbols of extremist organizations. According to "Evening Vedomosti", the corresponding decision was made by the Leninsky Court of Yekaterinburg.

The basis for the accusation was the presence on the website of "Human Rights Defenders of the Urals" of a hyperlink to the organization's Facebook page, presented in the form of a button with the logo of the social network. Roman Kachanov, the lawyer of the detainee, told the publication about this.

In March 2022, a court in Moscow recognized Meta, the company that owns Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, as an extremist organization. This decision was made due to the company's refusal to change its moderation rules. After that, Facebook* and Instagram* were blocked in Russia. No restrictions were imposed on WhatsApp.