How To Use Cookies


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For starters, what is it anyway?
Cookies are small files that contain text. In them, the browser records data from the sites that you visited. Each cookie is assigned its own domain, and it will not be possible to access VKontakte cookies from Facebook) There are cookies that are deleted immediately after closing the browser, and there are those that have an expiration date. They can leave after a certain amount of time, from minutes and hours to several weeks. Every time you reconnect to this site, the server will check if you have this file. This is very convenient, because you do not need to enter your username and password every time, and those purchases that you added to the basket in the online store and then closed the browser will be automatically loaded the next time you visit the same store)

Cookies are also used for various settings, for example, changing the interface or site design) Without cookies, this would have to be configured every time.

And everything would be fucked up, but there is a question about security.
After all, cookies are used to identify the user. Rather, the specific current connection of the user to the site. Not all sites check the change of the IP address during one session, so often it is enough to change the cookies and that's it, you can go under your account without a username and password)

You can also fuck up your accounts without interception, if suddenly someone gains access to your PC, and it doesn't matter whether it is direct physical, or remote, if you have cookies saved, it will be fucking)

You can also screw up and forget to leave some site if you went to it from someone else's device. The owner will then be able to log into your account without any problems. Be careful with this, bro)

There is also such a fucking thing that breaks anonymity like third-party cookies. This dastardly garbage loads information from other domains on one site) Most often it is used for advertising purposes, such as when you search for information about something in a search engine, and then they advertise it to you. But damn, it's unpleasant when you are being watched like that)

You can configure cookies in any modern browser. You can also disable them completely, but some sites will not work with disabled cookies, here you have to choose. I advise you to just turn off third-party cookies and limit storage by time, well, fuck, be careful with all sorts of left-handed sites, do not pick up viruses, otherwise they will cheat cookies)