How to properly spam E-mail in your inbox?


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Spam in mailboxes is still relevant today.

Every day, each of us receives dozens of letters in the spam folder, many of them generally end up in the inbox, and this is terribly annoying.

In this article, we will talk about spam methods that work effectively to this day.

First things first, let's take a look at what methods are better for sending letters - our own server or regular mailboxes, let's talk about whether it makes sense to use the services of third-party companies.

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Popular methods of spam mail​

For any spam by mail, the main thing to remember is that push ads always scare away the user. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort so as not to disgust the user.
Usually, various methods are tested for mailings and the most effective mailings are when there is a point-by-point sending of messages to the target user, and not to everyone!

For effective mailings, it is better to use mailings on your own databases and in very small volumes, no more than 5000 letters at a time.
Only targeted mailings with good delivery really give results, instead of the millions of letters that usually go straight to SPAM

  1. Method # 1: "Conversation with the user" . In this method of sending letters, a preliminary conversation with the user is used. At the same time, delivery of targeted advertising, for example, product offers, goes exclusively to active users.
    For example, you do not immediately send an advertisement, but first ask the user an ordinary human question of any nature.
    After his answer, the robot sends another phrase and only then sends an advertisement. The conversion rate from such mailings is simply frantic, but a creative approach is required. Sometimes correspondence can last 5-10 messages or more.
  2. Method # 2: "Straight to the forehead" . In this method, the advertising offer is sent directly to the mail. Typically, the effectiveness is very small, and depends only on the skills of the spammer. Otherwise, all or most of the emails just end up in the Spam filter.
    Such offers are usually ignored by people and are marked as SPAM after 2-5 seconds of email analysis. This is the most popular way to send emails and has the lowest conversion rates.
  3. Method # 3: "Effective signatures" . In this method of mailing a letter, the delivery of an advertising proposal to the end user is not used at all. In this case, the so-called effective signature is used.
    That is, the robot writes ordinary (not spam) phrases to the user, it can be a simple conversation or some kind of neutral dialogue. At the same time, an advertising proposal is written in the signature of the robot: a link to the site, contacts.
    Usually a certain part of people follow the links and act as active customers. Due to the absence of spam mailings and any prohibited texts in letters, the mailing is carried out in hundreds of thousands of letters. There are almost no blocking, but the conversion is low.
  4. Method # 4: "Answers to a counter question" . This spam method also uses a preliminary email message to the user. However, the promotional message is sent immediately after the first response / question from the user.
    Conversion from such mailings is usually at a good level, since the main thing is to compose a good advertising text or offer to the user. That is, it is enough to force the user to answer the first question.

Which accounts are good for spam?​

None of them fit. Yes Yes. Officially, spam from mailboxes is prohibited in any mail account. Therefore, asking technical support "What accounts are suitable for sending / spamming" you just suffer from nonsense.

There are no accounts at all that will fit. There are those mailboxes that simply have increased limits on sending letters and block accounts later than others.

For example, such mailboxes are Gmail mail, and Hotmail. This does not mean that you can spam from them around the clock, it means that using special programs you can achieve at least some result from mailing letters.

If you are a newbie and don't know anything about spam, don't even start. There will be no one to advise you, no one will give you really working schemes!

There are no accounts suitable for mailings and SPAM. Spam is prohibited everywhere and in any mail service!

Does it make sense to use third-party spam services?​

Yes, there certainly is. However, there are 2 different and very important differences when working with mailing companies like Unisender and regular spam bureaus. The differences are:
  • In companies and services: they always ask you to confirm your mailbox base, for example, the same Unisender service asks for proof of your base of e-mail addresses. That is, before sending letters, you somehow need to prove to the service and managers that your email database was obtained by legal means.
    Legal paths are a set of mailing list subscribers, or registered users of your site. It is important that there are no public mails in your database, otherwise the database will not be approved.
    This is a significant disadvantage of the services, just buy a base for spam and you won't be able to start working, you need to have your own subscribers. Successful delivery of letters is high.
  • In ordinary offices and with performers : you do not need to confirm anything. You can spam to any addresses, you will most likely even be offered ready-made spam user databases with different selections. Successful delivery of letters - as a rule, it is low. It is low because usually no one cares deeply if your letters reached the goal or not.
    Performers like to give the user the main job of uniqueizing the letter, selecting headers and composing texts, in order to then explain the bad mailing of the user's jambs when compiling this very data. Do not work with such offices, all the work should be done by the spammer himself.

There are craftsmen on the Internet who really know how to send letters very efficiently and quickly. However, there are few such units, most mailings are blocked by mailers or do not reach the target at all.