How to make Cryptoscam! Step-by-step instructions. Step one: Mix the acid and glycerin…


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How to create a cryptocurrency. Step-by-step instructions

How to create a cryptocurrency. Step-by-step instructions

Disclaimer: Don't repeat it at home. This article is designed to teach you how to quickly recognize cryptoscams, knowing how they work from the inside out.

Pour water on someone who wants to make Cryptoscam... and set it on fire... But seriously, I don't really like "crypto traders and crypto investors". Partly, because I'm a kind of "crypto enthusiast" myself, but more about all sorts of technologies, about interesting things, and not about money out of thin air.

And yet, crypto projects, Metaverses, NFTs, and before that, various kinds of ICOs have been proliferating, are proliferating,and will continue to multiply. I even had a period when I looked for different scam projects, looked at their documentation,and described in detail what was wrong and where. But they were breeding faster than I could find them.

Why do you need to know how to create a cryptocurrency (scam)? To quickly calculate that a new project is a scam! And don't join it as a party!

I'll try to tell you how:
  • Why you have more chances to earn money on a pyramid scheme than on cryptoscam.
  • Why the coin price is a marketing ploy.
  • How to come up with a name for your cryptoscam.
  • Why you shouldn't bother with the quality of WP and MK.
  • And other little things…
  • And why, even if you know all the mechanisms of how to make your own scam cryptocurrency, you probably won't be able to scam people.
Will this guide have any conclusions? Do you need them? Moreover — you don't need to be a technical specialist to create your own Scam coin. All you need is money.

What is the danger?​

I would like to tell you about the rules of smart investing. About explaining that it is important to understand not only what the project will earn, but also that it is important to look beyond the technology behind the project. For the fact that even a good idea can fail, for the utility of the coin, for the methods of issue, and a dozen more criteria for primary dropout… Well, to hell with it. I'll save it for next time. On Habré, people are smart, and they already know everything.

Therefore, briefly about the danger of a scam coin. Its biggest danger. This is an uncertainty that depends on marketing.

In general, in simple words — we know for sure that this is a scam. We know for sure that after the stage of entering a full-fledged listing, it will drop. But if the marketing pump was very large (consider pouring a lot of money into advertising, making some kind of involvement in the elite, limitations, and competently bred for money), then for a short period after the listing, the project can take off.

And this "can take off" is the most dangerous thing that makes people who clearly understand that they are facing a scam - "look for X's, and run-run to buy everything I see, everything I hear."

In reality, any scam coin is not even a pyramid scheme. There is no profit. And all money is created solely by the desire to buy/sell at the announced price.

This is what happens when the market is unregulated and dominated only by " technical "pricing factors, not "fundamental" ones.

But, the output is always the same. The coin goes to some listing, and everyone runs to sell it. It is falling in price. And dies.

Unlike pyramid schemes, there is no real chance to earn money. And there is no window in which everything grows. Just a window where everything falls down.

Capitalization, hamsters and why is it important?​

An infinite number of mathematicians enter the bar ... the first one orders a beer… The second half of the first. The third is half of the second. The fourth is half of the third. Well, the bartender puts two mugs and says "drink your beer guys"

Briefly about the capitalization, value of the coin, and why this is important. Before we get to the main point-creating your own coin.

If you sit in any crypto channels (no matter the quality), you often hear about this thing. So here, person X, bought a dollar of coins Y, at a price of 0.00000000000001 per coin. Now the coin is worth 0.0000001, and the person has become a millionaire. We offer you an airdrop of coin Z, which is currently priced at (I*10^-1000). And earn millions on the further pump.

And at the same time, the stories can be quite real. But they're doing a dangerous thing. They form correct conclusions from false statements.

The correct conclusion: in order to make money on cryptocurrency, you don't have to buy an expensive coin, you can buy one that costs a billionth of a cent.

False statement: If we buy a currency at the price of a billionth of a cent, at a discount through an airdrop, we will definitely make our X's. After all, a cryptocurrency doesn't have to be worth a dollar or millions later.

A catch in capitalization. Cryptocurrency increases in price because it freezes money (capitalization increases), and whether it is divided into 100 coins, 1000 coins, or 10^12 coins. Absolutely not important. Hence the joke about mathematicians.

Illustration of the capitalization and number of coins

Illustration of the capitalization and number of coins

Bitcoin is expensive, only because it has few "whole" coins (we are silent about Satoshi, and divisibility).

The ether capitalization is only 2.5 times less. And it costs less, why? Yes, because there are 10 times more coins.

Why is Tether always worth a dollar? Because its price is controlled by the issue (almost like a real dollar)…

It is important to understand this and not make false claims.

Yes, I know it's all obvious without my simple explanations. But if both you and I know it, we all know it. Explain then, where do all those who invest in the scam come from? So I'd better repeat it, and I hope that someone, after a simple explanation, does not fall into the trap of "cheap coin – I'll raise X's".

How much money is needed to make a scam?​

The author, from whom I borrowed the idea for the article, reports that we need $ 5.001.
  • $1 for minting a coin. (if we do it on BEP-20, if on something else, then it can be cheaper)
  • $5,000 for marketing.
I would have mentioned other figures, and I would have received more expense items. But it depends more on the market you want to enter. Therefore, I will leave out the items of expenses, but I will not specify specific figures. Partly, because some things can be done independently.
  • Minting a coin. (depends on what we will be minting)
  • Creating a website. From free (tilde), to buying a good domain, and creating something that will not look suspicious and cool.
  • Writing WP, MK and" legal " documentation. From " 0 "(went to Google, copied the nearest project, changed names) to "lots and lots of money". They wanted to, got confused, hired a specialist, and came up with a legend. We came up with a new technology and hired a copywriter. We paid money and got something of our own.
  • Advertisement. No matter how much you don't invest, it won't be enough.
What should an ad do? It should help you find greedy people who are superficially versed in cryptocurrency, and who have some money (usually scammers collect multiples of $100, apparently so that it is convenient to count checks and conversions), and who will carry this money to you.

And if you are greedy, you can generally pay for everything except automatic rating promotion with your created coin. Please note how many closed telegrams we have with airdrops and presales. You have collected a database, thrown coins, and enjoy cheap advertising.

In general, prepare for the fact that the money will be spent only on marketing. The rest can be done by yourself, or for a penny.

Creating a project name: It is important!​

You disappoint SafeDogeMarketToTheMoonRoad with your naming

You disappoint SafeDogeMarketToTheMoonRoad with your naming

Let's do this. If you and I were making a serious product, then you would do whatever you wanted there. In something as bad as a scam, we need to:
  1. Beat on associations.
  2. Beat on trust.
  3. Believe that your investors are stupid enough.
This means that we can use one of two approaches.

We either take some association familiar to the crypto enthusiast-Moon, Doge, Safe, money, Market, Rich. We hang it with suffixes-prefixes, and we get a smart naming.

A good example of naming conventions.

A good example of naming conventions.

The second option is even simpler. We take a well-known name (which already has a trust limit) and add suffixes to it. I'm too lazy to look for examples, so hold on.

Ten thousand units are ready.

Ten thousand units are ready.

Another million on the way

Another million on the way

I won't claim that all these coins are scams. I didn't check it. But I think you understand the principle.

Minting a coin is cheaper than marketing​

Moral dilemma: Should I tell you what tool and how the scam coin is minted? Or should I give you instructions with the wrong proportions so that you "read the mysterious island of Zh. Verna" didn't "blow up the whole world around"?

I answered this question for myself. But how accurate is my instruction, and are there any inaccuracies in it… This is already a mystery.

Step 1: go to a well-known site.

A well-known site.

A well-known site.

Step 2: Click on create token. And choose the blockchain on the basis of which you want to create a token.


Panel for creating a token on a well-known site

Step 3: Come up with options for your token.

Number of coins. Whether it can burn out. Transaction fee? Retention reward. You can even create your own NFT if you want…

your token settings on a known site

your token settings on a known site

By the way, I haven't moved on to the next step yet. Then I suddenly discovered, in the top panel of a well-known site, that even marketing can be solved by their internal means. Everything for the lazy.

The best button on a well-known website.

The best button on a well-known website.

So, back to the instructions for minting a coin. What do we need there? Oh yes, link the main wallet, depending on the chosen blockchain.

Voila! You have your own cryptocurrency! You can also view the price of gas and the cost of creating it there.

Okay, just a few more steps to go.

Step 4: Create a billion wallets

Why do we need so many wallets? We will send our coins to them. To hide that there is only one owner. And then, with the help of these coins, we will be able to what? Right! Pump and dump prices when a certain market is formed.

By the way, this is probably where all the theories about dumps, pampas, whales, gulls, hamsters, saber-toothed dolphins, and other magical creatures of the mysterious country called "blockchain"came from

So, you have a coin (preferably, make it so that it is divided into one hundred thousand five hundred million parts, because then we will say that it is very cheap, and it is very easy to make X's on it).

Everything, now we are at the top of IT. After all, we created our own cryptocurrency, and we don't even know what encapsulation and polymorphism are! Of course, I was told that the threshold in IT has fallen, but so far?

We have disguise wallets. It remains only to find an exchange for listing.

Step 5: find the exchange for listing the coin.

Easy... do you know any scams for sure? See what exchanges they are traded on, and go there.

 I didn't try it myself, a friend told me

I didn't try it myself, a friend told me

Come to this exchange. Pass the listing without an audit. Well, if you want to create "the appearance of active trading of your cryptocurrency on the exchange", you can spend a couple of dollars and drive money between your wallets within this exchange. At the same time, accelerate the price and increase the liquidity. After all, you still drive money between your own wallets. The only thing that the commission of the exchange itself will have to pay.

On major exchanges, there is nothing to do. At least to get there, you need to pass an audit. And to do this, you need to have a brain. Waste time. Spend money. Do we need it?

A legend!​

Well, that coin is created. We will promote it soon. But before you start promoting, you need to:
  1. Create a legend.
  2. Make WP.
  3. Make MK.
  4. Draw a RoadMap (well, where to go without it)
  5. Create a team for yourself.
  6. Develop a beautiful offer.
And also come up with marketing hooks, develop a content marketing strategy... and a bunch of other things... or... you can... give up on everything.... And stupidly steal information from the nearest competitor.

The main secret: when you will copy documents, design, WP and MK. Don't forget the magic keyboard shortcut CTRL+F, and clear the names and mentions of the original. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to justify yourself to all your investors later.

If no kidding, then a good marketer, who, for example, worked at the peak of the ICO boom, will be able to write you WP and MK, which you will not find fault with. but!..

... I'm afraid such a marketer will cost more than launching 3-4 bad crypto projects.

Therefore, we take a competitor (if it is not yet a scam, then in general it is ideal) and copy everything that we need. We violate all copyrights that are possible... and ... That's it! There's a small change left.

Creating a website​

I will not advertise any specific courses or articles to you. I'll just give you a tip.

Read articles on the Internet about landing pages and how they work. Look at examples of good pages (there's a lot of changes in design 2023, so try to look for fresh guides).

And based on that information (about triggers, block locations, landing page logic, lead magnets, etc.), develop your site.

Why is this important? Because a good loan will give you a head start in time before your project falls. Plus, all this marketing research needs to be done just once, and then produce it for all the next crypto scam projects.

"And then we wonder why there is no trust in landing pages, and why marketers are already tired of changing trends and coming up with new ways to add trust to the landing page."

In general, we take all this information, go to Tilda, WP, or if we had money to create a token, go to the designer, and order this from him. Or if you are a designer yourself, you can create it yourself.

BUY a watermelon! Juicy, cheap, with an NFT tag. The most unique one. I guarantee it!​

The most important thing in your business. This is advertising, and its payback. It is clear that the fattest market is in the West. Europe, United States. You can certainly work in the CIS, here as you like.

In general. We recall our legend. We take it in our hands, and go to Telegram, YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok. And everywhere we try to push it to influencers. Moreover, the ideal option will be if you can pay for it with your own coins (supposedly, our project is so promising, our coins will cost millions, here are 3 coins for you, you will be the richest).

And also, you need to improve your social skills. Create your own Instagram, promote it. Twitter. Facebook, Telegram maybe. This is the part of the expenses where you will have to pay some money.

Why? Because bots, although cheap, but it will be quite difficult to pay for bots using scamcoin.

The main rule in advertising: Segment markets. Yes, most of the money is in the States. But for example, if we take all our advertising to some Netherlands (so that all local youtubers, ticktockers, Instagram influencers) talk about your project, then when it blows away, you can always then sponsor advertising for a new project in Belgium! And then to Germany.

Exhaust is less than attacking something big. But you will also spend less money. And you will have more attempts.

And then, when you become a marketing monster, run a dozen cryptoscams, you will have enough money to attack the United States with your advertising, and hit the jackpot. Well, or fly away in the negative.

In general, the only expense item is advertising.

Reputation Management: Creating a Trusted Account​

The reddit person looks at you like you're a scam artist. Don't disappoint him!

The reddit person looks at you like you're a scam artist. Don't disappoint him!

We've talked a lot about buying bloggers for your shitcoins, but ... a hamster needs a reputation. You can't build a blogger's reputation. But you can draw it on large sites:

The Western audience of crypto enthusiasts loves Reddit. Yes, and outright scams, pumps, dumps are also not shy here.

A prime example is r/Cryptomoonshots: 1.9 million subscribers. Created by crypto traders, for crypto traders, for the sake of crypto trading. Just kidding, for the sake of crypto-pumping.

There, the subreddit has a story about how they liked it, how r/wallstreetbets consolidated and flooded the shares of GameStop by 28,500%, which is engaged in renting game discs.

WallStreetBets and GameStop

WallStreetBets and GameStop

In order not to ship — everything is simple. Smart people saw that you can dump a low-liquid asset in a regulated market... and it will fly up. What if you do it in an unregulated market?

Actually, this is how CryptoMoonShots was born, and he is not the only one. We also have about 50 large subreddits, for example: CryptoCurrencyTrading, SatoshiStreetBets, Shitcoinmoonshots, Cryptostreetbets, with a total number of subscribers exceeding 15 million.



Yes, yes, we have already understood that Reddit is cool for any task. And especially for the promotion of any scam.

But, it's not enough to know where... you need to know how!

If you just register and start posting "how cool you are, and what a cool crypt you have", then the result will be. After all, zero is also a digit, and "no" is also a result!

To effectively scam. Need an account with:
- at least 1 year old.
- post with karma from 2000.
- comments with 100 karma.
- and preferably with the CryptoMoonShots token (CMS), to be sure that he can post on CryptoMoonShots and still not be banned there.

reddit accounts

reddit accounts

What for? So that your post can be released for a walk from the sandbox to the main subreddits.

What will it cost? At $50 per acc. And also remember that you need a couple of backup akks for experiments.

And also various posts.
And also filters.
And also bans.
And Scammer's crooked arm.
You can also shorten the links.
And also in the reddit itself to get stuck.
And also respond to comments.
And don't forget why you're here.

And also… And also… And also

And also ... I completely forgot. Not enough posts to create. It would still be possible to promote it. It's all like on your favorite habré. Caught a Plus, moved up in the hierarchy-got Yellow pants. I got a minus sign-I lost my Yellow pants. Everything is familiar, but there is a "nuance"!

The Reddit platform is bigger, and so that all sorts of "smart guys" and" scammers " do not wind up and do not raise old topics, then every hour the weight of the vote decreases by 2.So what? It is necessary to turn immediately, quickly and in the first hour.

Of course, I don't need it myself, a friend asks me... in short, do you want to spin a scam, or just raise your self-esteem, after you have been pelted with feces with minuses, then write to Google buy reddit upvotes and choose any popular service for cheating votes (upvotes) on Reddit (preferably for crypto subreddits), for example and we spin 300-500 upvotes for ourselves, depending on the competition. We managed to get enough votes in the first hour — we got into the top 1.

So for $35 - $70, we get into the top 1 subreddit with 1,900,000 subscribers. We got a lot of eyes — someone will convert.

Reddit post stats

Reddit post stats

It also offers comprehensive promotion options on Reddit and Linkedin with an audience coverage of 15.4 million users per day.

Promotion of coins (

Promotion of coins (

I decided to pick up a random obviously crypto scam project in r/Cryptomoonshots and find out from the support team if it can be promoted using their integrated promotion, the answer:

Telegram message

Telegram message

What conclusions can be drawn?​

When I discovered "how simple everything is", and that everything can be done literally on one site… I understood... but I didn't understand anything, all I understood was why all the scammers were so uncreative. And why they are created faster than I can find them.

The real conclusions of this paper are

The real conclusions of this paper are

My task was to show the wrong side. And maybe it will save some novice, from a simple fraudster. After all, if you are targeted by a professional, this underside will not help you…

Why? Yes, because the article describes the basic scheme, not covered by anything, which is easy to calculate by eye. Experienced scammers are more cunning and adept, and can lead circles of people for years…

rich life of a cryptoscammer by the sea

rich life of a cryptoscammer by the sea

Are all crypto projects scammed? No. There are technologies behind some of them. Some use utility tokens, and all the advantages that decentralization and blockchain allow. But for the most part, everything you see, everything that is actively advertised, and what they offer to make money on, is most likely a scam…

Some banal and snotty conclusion turned out, let's try again! Now you can earn your millions, just step over your conscience and make your first step-create your own cryptocurrency (scam coin)!

Become a successful scam artist and your life will improve!

(c) olzeykan