Held hostage by hackers: how a hospital in Cannes is fighting international cybercrime


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What was more important – the dignity or confidentiality of customers?

In France, the Simone Weil Hospital (CHC-SV) experienced a cyberattack in April that disrupted the facility and forced staff to switch to using paper for record keeping.

Now the hospital reports that the LockBit group behind the hack has demanded a ransom. Hackers added CHC-SV to their leak site, threatening to divulge the first batch of stolen files before the end of the day.


LockBit post on the leak site

CHC-SV stated that it does not intend to pay a ransom and promised to inform the victims if the attackers start publishing data. If the stolen information is found, the hospital will conduct a thorough analysis of the files and inform its patients and partners about the nature of the data.

Currently, the hospital's IT staff is still working to restore the affected systems, and an internal investigation of the incident is still ongoing.

In general, recent months have been marked by an international struggle with LockBit. So, in February, the UK authorities managed to dismantle the group's infrastructure and identify many affiliated individuals. Two members of the group were also arrested in Ukraine and Poland, but their identities have not yet been disclosed.

Despite the attempts of the authorities to stop the activities of the group, the leadership of LockBit scoffs at the efforts of the special services and claims that it only gets stronger with each blow of law enforcement officers.

LockBit is still considered one of the most active ransomware distribution operations, with literally thousands of government agencies, businesses, and organizations around the world working for the group.