This week a conference is being held in London, organized jointly by the UK and France


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The event is dedicated to cybersecurity issues. One of the goals is to develop measures to combat spyware abuse. Within the framework of the forum, the Pall-Mall initiative was also launched, the task of which is to establish coordination of actions, including to solve this problem.

According to official data, more than 35 states and international organizations are taking part in the conference. In addition, the organizers invited representatives of civil society, technology companies and businesses, calling them providers of cyber intervention tools.

Interestingly, the real list of participants includes companies such as NCC Group, YesWeHack and Thales. They are not, like most of the other guests, providers of problematic services that the conference intends to combat.

Last year, 11 countries issued a joint statement calling for greater efforts to combat cyber proliferation. It was against this background that the forum was organized.

There are noticeable gaps in the list of participants, despite the fact that the total number of countries present exceeds the number of signatories. Notably absent are Israel, Austria, Egypt and North Macedonia, states that are home to spyware makers implicated in human rights abuses.

Particularly noticeable is the absence of Israel, which accounts for two of the four companies sanctioned by the United States for trading in tools of “transnational repression.”

Moreover, not all participating countries share the goals of the conference to combat cyber espionage. According to another document, only 24 of the 35 states and organizations represented agreed on the need for decisive joint action.

Among those who agreed to participate in the forum but did not sign the commitment document are Hungary, Mexico, Spain and Thailand. They have also been linked to spyware abuse.

Greece, Italy and Singapore are also home to spyware makers, but they, among others, signed the document and expressed their willingness to engage in “ongoing and globally inclusive dialogue” and to meet in France next year to discuss next steps.