Head of the Cyberattack Investigation Center was deceived for 20 thousand tenge on the Internet


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The head of the Kazakhstan Center for Analysis and Investigation of cyber attacks (TSARKA) in the Majilis told how he himself fell for the trick of scammers on the Internet, the correspondent reports NUR.KZ.

Expert Olzhas Satiev announced several initiatives during his speech, one of them is the creation of the digital evidence system.

"What is the problem here? Even I, one of the well-known cybersecurity experts, fell for the trick of scammers - they stole 20 thousand dollars from me there.

And the problem itself is that many citizens do not go to write an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs when they do not have much money to steal - here the question is, perhaps, in e-government, in applications of the banking sector, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to create some section of cyber protection of the citizen.

For example, a citizen was deceived - he transferred money to a certain card, using such a phone number, or from such an Instagram account. And he does not go anywhere, does not write a statement, and in the system of the situation center of the same Ministry of Internal Affairs, it immediately appeared that money is being stolen from such and such a number.

Here you can also create statistics so that they can see that more than one person has been deceived from this Instagram account. And this will speed up the process of blocking cards (involved in fraud-author's note)," said the head of TSARK Olzhas Satiev.

Another initiative he proposed was the creation of a separate cybersecurity agency in Kazakhstan.

• Source: https://www.nur.kz/technologies/int...tak-obmanuli-na-20-tysyach-tenge-v-internete/