From 23% to 54%: The Ministry of Digital Development doubled plans for implementation of the Russian software

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Russian products should occupy half of the market in 2023.

The Ministry of Digital Development has changed its goals for implementing Russian software for 2023. According to the draft updated roadmap for the development of” New system-wide and applied software", which the Ministry of Digital Development prepared in mid-October, the share of domestic software should grow from 23% to 54%, RBC reports with reference to a copy of the document. Its authenticity was confirmed by a representative of the Ministry.

The document states that the indicators and indicators were adjusted due to clarification of the sources of calculation and real values for 2022. A representative of the Ministry of Digital Development told the publication that the document is based on data on the implementation of Russian software in the country, including not only government agencies and state-owned companies, but also other organizations.

System-wide software includes operating systems and other programs for general tasks; application software includes text and image editors, browsers, media players, and other software for specific user tasks. In the current roadmap, which was approved in December 2022, the share of Russian products in these segments was 15% at the end of last year.

The draft also revised the targets for 2024. The share of Russian operating systems should be 58% instead of 33%. For 2025 - 63% instead of 48%. For 2030, the implementation rate has not changed - 71%. The Ministry of Digital Development accepts comments and suggestions on the project until October 27, writes RBC.