Fake emails from the Federal Tax Service of Russia can empty your accounts


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The Tax Service has revealed a new scheme of deceiving taxpayers.

The Federal Tax Service of Russia told about a new scheme for deceiving taxpayers. Fraudsters send out emails on behalf of the agency, in which they report on the identification of suspicious transactions and taxpayer activity.

The letters ask you to pass additional verification and provide information upon request from the Federal Tax Service , such as cash documents, invoices, invoices, acceptance certificates, advance reports, and shipping documents. To make it more plausible, the Pdf scan of the email contains seals and banking details. Also indicated are the contacts of the supposedly "designated inspector", who must be urgently contacted by the specified phone number or email. If the requirements are not met, the scammers promise to freeze the accounts.

The Federal Tax Service of Russia warns that it does not send out such letters and does not make such calls with an offer to pay taxes online. "All the necessary information about taxes and their payment methods is available in the taxpayer's Personal Account. Only automatic notifications are sent to your email address. They do not contain this information, but only reminders that detailed information should be found in your Personal Account," the department warned.

If you are already a victim of fraud, please contact the law enforcement agencies immediately.