Crooked programmers broke the Internet. Sites have become godlessly slow down even on powerful devices.


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Developers have stopped optimizing websites. Modern versions of them have become so " heavy "that they are unable to work quickly even on devices that run modern" gluttonous " games without brakes. The problem is typical for both the Runet and the entire Network as a whole.

Web developers are getting lazy

Experts drew attention to a new trend in the development of the Internet in general and websites in particular. Many modern web resources and services have become much slower, even on modern devices, which may indicate that they are very poorly optimized.

According to TechSpot, this is a big problem for owners of not the most productive smartphones, of which most are on the market – not everyone is ready to spend under a hundred thousand rubles on a top mobile phone. Some of the popular web services may not load at all on a number of mobile devices – they are so " heavy "that gadgets simply do not"pull" them.

In particular, analysts of the Danluu portal understand the situation. They tested the performance of world-famous web services, including the Wix website builder, on various devices, including top-end Apple laptops running on the M3 Max processor and a cheap Tecno Spark 8C smartphone, which at the time of the material's release in Russian retail cost about 6000 rubles. in a configuration with 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of internal memory.

This phone, despite its budget, can run the PUBG Mobile game on medium graphics settings, but many sites no longer run on it due to their poor optimization. PUBG Mobile requires at least 2 GB of RAM and at least 4 GB of free disk space.

It's really bad

According to Tom's Hardware, the Tecno Spark 8C is capable of producing 40 frames per second in PUBG Mobile, but when loading, for example, the mentioned Wix, the rendering drops to 1 frame per second. A CNews journalist encountered a similar problem on the Xiaomi Mi Max 3, a smartphone of the 2018 model. One of the largest Russian social networks loads extremely slowly on it, while on more modern models of Xiaomi smartphones it works a little faster – comparative tests were conducted on the Redmi Note 12, Redmi Note 12S and Redmi Note 13.

As for the Danluu study. Then it showed how much data is being sent to users ' devices when loading just one page. Wix is an outsider – every update or click on a link forces the gadget to download 21 MB of content, which is especially unpleasant when connected via the mobile Internet with a limited amount of traffic. Five page downloads on Wix is 100 MB, 49 updates-and you can say goodbye to 1 GB of mobile traffic. Even Apple's M3 Max PC was quite slow to load Wix pages.


For games, this smartphone is suitable, but for the modern Internet-no longer.

Popular websites Patreon (for sponsoring bloggers) and the equivalent of the blocked in Russia social network X (formerly Twitter) upload 13 MB of data per page. This can lead to slow loading, which in some cases, depending on the hardware capabilities of the device and the width of the network access channel, can take up to 33 seconds. In some cases, the pages don't load at all.

Traffic sacrificed to social networks

As the Danluu study showed, the worst situation is with the optimization of social networks. Among the outsiders of the rating was the Quora project, which was founded in 2009 and is intended for knowledge exchange. It is a website with questions and answers from users from different countries of the world.

We can assume that over the past 15 years, Quora developers have already tired of constantly optimizing the service, but the fact is that this problem also applies to more modern web projects. The open-source Internet forum service Discourse, created in 2013, is not far behind Quora in this regard. Even the owners of very popular projects that have existed for decades have postponed the issue of optimization to the third and subsequent plans – Danluu researchers were dissatisfied with the speed of the Squarespace service from 2004, which is a site builder.


Research results

The mentioned Tecno Spark 8C smartphone, which does a great job with PUBG Mobile, almost refuses to download Quora. Given the focus of this web service, there is absolutely no reason why it should run slower than a full-fledged video game with three-dimensional graphics and an open world, according to Danluu experts.

The problem is not only in the sites?

Experts interviewed by Danluu suggest that in some cases, slow loading and operation of sites on certain devices may have "iron" roots, that is, the hardware specifications of the gadget may be to blame. However, they can simply shield their own services, because, for example, the founder and former CEO of Discourse, Jeff Atwood, blamed everything on Qualcomm, a manufacturer of mobile processors.

Atwood was very tough on Qualcomm, and he was clearly not shy about his expressions. According to him, Qualcomm is not doing a good job (terrible at their jobs), because its processors, in his personal opinion, are 15-26% behind in performance from Apple chips. "I have no sympathy for Qualcomm," Atwood said. "To hell with Qualcomm, they're terrible at their job. I hope that they will go bankrupt, and the land on which their company existed will be filled with salt, and nothing will ever grow there again." (I have zero empathy for Qualcomm. Fuck Qualcomm, they're terrible at their jobs. I hope they go out of business and the ground their company existed on is plowed with salt so nothing can ever grow there again).

But it is important to note that Discourse, like Quora, also did not perform very well on the Tecno Spark 8C smartphone, although it does not have a Qualcomm processor. This mobile phone is equipped with a relatively modern Unisoc Tiger T606-an eight-core chip, announced in September 2021, produced using a 12-nanometer process technology and delivering almost 243 thousand points in AnTuTu due to two Cortex-A75 cores at 1.6 GHz and six Cortex-A55 cores with the same clock frequency.