Create your own POS terminal in Georgia. Working with a POS terminal.


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Let's take everyone's favorite Georgia as an example.

To open a POS we need an official company.

The first option is to open a company on the local drop.

The second option is to open the company remotely through auxiliary companies (about them in the next article)

In Georgia there is a house of justice, where you can get everything you need in one building

1 - Stage: Specialization of the company

We choose a company: My choice falls on the one where services or goods can cost more than $ 1k

I usually choose consulting or legal services, restoration of old products (paintings, carpets), etc.

Where the tax office can not verify that and how you did.

2 - Stage: Registration + Payment

After selecting the company, move on to fill out the documents, dropping a local address.

Now, what they will not tell you on the Internet. In front of the House of Justice are people who give their addresses for rent (the cost is not more than 100 Gel).

The cost of company registration is 100 gel, to get the company documents the same day, it will cost 200 (a penny) gel (± 80$).

3 - Stage: Opening a business account and getting a POS

We have the company documents ready for you.

Let's send a drop to a bank. There are many banks in Georgia and a local bank in the UK.

We open a business account and ask Drop to indicate in the application that you need a POS.

There is one more function.

At Bank Of Georgia, we ask for a service to connect the POS to your phone.

The whole process takes no more than 1 week.

We get a business card, a bank account, and a POS with NFC payment. An app, able to accept NFC payments.

Part 2.
Business model (no political background!)

➪ ➪ bill payment on vcc ➪ POS/Merch ➪ Profit

Let's look at the example of

1 - Stage: bank registration + open depot + opening of saving & cheking accounts

This step will require:

- Fullz (normal cs)

- DL

- BG

- GV

- Brut BA

2 - Stage: Minicides verification, screw your acceptance to the external transfer, or pay the bill.

You will need:

- Any convenient receipt ( for example Current)

3 - Stage: wait for the deposit and make the next transfer to our service

4 - Stage: cash out

Author of the manual: @ioweusa