CC to BTC - Steam Cashout Method


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Steam does not ask for 2fa OTP So for this method we will be carding to our steam wallet Steam and buying CSGO skins which we will sell for bitcoin on 3rd party websites. Some csgo skins sell for thousands of dollars believe it or not. There is a huge market around this and plenty of money to be made by us carders!

1. First you will need to register a new steam account if you dont already have one
and enable Steam guard. There will be a 7 day cooldown period for new accounts before you can buy skins. you can check this by going to Community > Market place.
Add some items to your cart and settup a profile look around a bit to act like a genuine user.

2. Buy a few CC's from and go to your steam wallet to add funds. Test with a $5 deposit and then keep depositing untill you're CC gets cancled, you should be able to get 100 to 800 dollars per cc.

3. Go to Community > then Marketplace then buy some csgo skins

4. After you buy your csgo skins go to this website

5. From here you will connect your steam account with the website and sell your csgo skins for bitcoin.

If all done correctly you should have a pretty reliable cashout method. It is also recomended to buy a game from steam before you buy csgo skins to make sure you look like a genuine user.