Carding shops


Reaction score

1. First, let's try to explain in simple language how you can theoretically be hacked. We will do without complicated terms for ordinary users.

I believe that the user of any operating system, and even more so those who are associated with this at work, need to understand that professional viruses are not an executable file that has been renamed into a document and asked you to run it (stealer or warrior). And not always blocking macros will prevent an attacker from executing code on your system.
Security is a so-called weak link phenomenon. It is as strong as the weakest link in the chain. Strong encryption is often the strongest link.
We human beings are usually the weakest link. As they say, my tongue is my enemy.

In general, there are two things that are infinite, the universe and fools. Everything is clear with the universe, but what about the latter? Here's how to explain to various Windows users that they can't work without antivirus protection? And how to explain to the creators of MEGA information security systems (antiviruses in common people) that it is impossible to protect against hacking by the access matrix (this is when the reading or writing of some files is blocked, that is, access control) and that hacking is not always: “Threat detected: Autorun process .exe, tries to write to the system registry key. "

In general, in order not to write a bunch of nonsense, just try not to surf some resources on your PC, do not open suspicious links and do not download any unnecessary software, and it’s not clear from where, carefully approach your security issues regarding JS and include it on trusted resources and much more.
Let's not nightmare you. Usually, such vulnerabilities cost a lot of money, and the fact that it is you who will be hacked decreases, despite the fact that they will be interested in you, the probability is extremely small.

But there is an important point: if you read the license agreement from Microsoft that comes with every operating system of the Windows family, you will see that they will give your encryption key from BitLocker at the first call from law enforcement, and this in turn stumbles upon the idea of what the hell is Windows ?! Why are you storing my encryption passwords on your servers, what the fuck.
The fact is that by "putting a tick" in the licensing agreement with Microsoft, users give the corporation the right to dispose of their data. “We may access, disclose and store for ourselves your personal data, including any content, any files on your devices, in your letters and in other types of personal communications, if we have reason to believe it is necessary to protect our customers or to comply the terms and conditions governing the use of our services ”- reads the license agreement.

In other words, whatever you say on the Internet, write, save, create or download on your computer or any other device with Windows 10, all this can be remotely deleted or copied from you if someone at Microsoft decides that it is for them. need to. That is, according to the terms of the Microsoft EULA, interference in the privacy of customers and control over it does not even require government sanctions.

All that is needed is permission from users who are too lazy to read the entire license agreement when installing the OC.
How to deal with this? Store everything on removable media (flash drives, hard drives) and encrypt it, like encrypting files can be found on Google. There is no point in writing here.
Cryptography is the process of encryption, encoding, secrecy in order to make them available only to the desired addressee.


Stop the distribution of any personal information. The location and composition of the family, details, emails, social networks, specific nicknames that match the Instagram account, information about work activities and subscriber numbers should not leave the boundaries of a pure operating system and mind.
Regardless of the interested person, friend or colleague - anyone can be not who he wants to be seen, I am no exception. It is important to be aware of what they intend to do and remember: "The personal should remain personal, the work - the worker." It refers not only to people, but also to Internet resources, from which the conclusion follows.

Do not use personal phone numbers, emails and social networks to register accounts on "gray" sites or stores. Mobile and Internet service providers, as well as e-mail companies, in most cases will simply issue information at the request of competent services.
Registration of mail requiring the acceptance of an SMS code for activation is carried out using virtual online activators, for example: There are dozens of similar services, it will not be difficult to find them. The forum has services, including for receiving messages to real numbers of English speakers.

Uncompromising rejection of activities in all countries of the post-Soviet space. Tracking a resident who is in direct physical and administrative reach is much easier, which is once again confirmed by statistics and observations.
For the same reason, the receipt of parcels is carried out through intermediaries and dummies. It is strongly discouraged to involve personal identification data in the typical process of the turnover of goods and finance in any form.
Communication tools and corresponding correspondence histories should not be in open form on the main operating system. Inside a virtual machine? Acceptable. It is better not to use messengers Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, due to the track record of leaks and discovered vulnerabilities that resemble backdoors.

Methods for storing images of virtual machines and information should have their own levels of protection. First of all, physical media: hard drive, SSD (both external and internal) or an ordinary flash drive. Removable storage is also convenient in that in a critical situation it can be quickly physically removed or made unusable.
Two characteristics play an essential role in choosing a device: volume and speed. Memory is never enough, so the choice is solely at your own discretion, a convenient minimum? 32GB.

Speed is a consequence of the type of storage device and the characteristics of the computer. SSDs are definitely faster than hard drives, but the cost is clearly higher. For removable drives, the USB connection method is also significant: versions 3.0 and 3.1 outperform v2.0 - for a simple identification of the version, you can see the color of the ports, with 3.0+ it is blue.
Affecting the settings of the drive, this is mainly encryption. When choosing a specialized program, you can stop at Veracrypt; BitLocker and similar solutions are not recommended. Veracrypt is a fork of Truecrypt due to the closure of the latter and the doubts arose on this basis.

A container is created or the entire drive is encrypted, then confidential information is placed inside, in the future to view which you need to decrypt (unmount) with a password. To prevent the risk of capturing a password from RAM, hibernation is disabled, - instructions according to the operating system on the Internet.
In addition, the program has the ability to create a hidden operating system. In case of emergency, it will be possible to issue a password from the main one, which exists in parallel, while the hidden one continues to store files. Double bottom containers work in much the same way.

The password manager can be "KeePass" or similar. Needless to say, "qwerty54321" is not a strong password at all.
However, it is appropriate to inform about the convenient two-factor authentication function. 2FA is an additional level of protection implemented by generating passwords every 30 seconds, which will not be superfluous to use where possible. For example, AUTH or OTP applications will do.

As a preventive measure against virus infection, a separate virtual machine is created. To prevent control over the device or interception of passwords directly from the system, the installation of dubious and unverified programs is performed in a previously prepared virtual system.
It is recommended to periodically make backups of the most important data, which must be kept in encrypted form separately from the working system.
The general conclusion on the first part can be summarized as follows: neglect and half-measures in security issues have negative consequences. Maintaining basic hygiene rules is not as troublesome as getting caught out of naivety or losing money due to account hijacking.

2. Let's talk a little about bank cards, the principles of their work and the nuances of their purchase for work, and touch on such issues as check cards, 3DS / VBV and why we get declines even on “good” cards.

Each of you in one way or another has come across bank cards in your life, but few have thought about how the card payment process works and what information the plastic itself and the information printed on it carry.
The first thing that a novice carder should learn is basic information about bank cards in the context of our shadow activities.
In our context, CC (Credit Card, credit card, cardboard, etc.) is carefully stolen data of a real (or virtual) card of a holder not residing in the CIS countries.

Where can we get cardboard? 3 main options - buy in shops, from private (or not so) sellers, or get it yourself (from a fake site, from a botnet, any hacked database, or from any other place where your imagination is enough)

Let's consider the most popular and obvious option with buying a card.
Upon purchase, you will receive cardboard in approximately the following format:
4147400219040084 | 10/25 | 826 | Richard Brown | 56 Groveview Cir # 302 | Rochester | 14612 | NY | USA | 661-298-0881 | [email protected]
The format for each shop / seller is different, somewhere it can be customized, but the main points are identical

In our example, 4147400219040084 is the credit card number
10/25 (10 month / 25 year) - expiration date of the card (Expiry / Expiration Date);
826 - CVV / CVV2 / CVC card security code;
Richard Lang - First and Last Name (first name, last name);
56 Groveview Cir - Address Line 1 (first line of address);

# 302 - Address Line 2 (second line of the address). Please note that the street name and house number are always Line 1, and the apartment / extension / office number is Line 2. If the house is private, then Address Line 2 will be absent.

Rochester is a city;
14612 - Zip code (zip, analogue of our postal code);
NY (New York) - state;
USA - country;
661-298-0881 - phone;
[email protected] - the email address of the holder.

The minimum information required for work is CC number, Expiration Date, CVV, First / Last name, Address line 1, Zip code.
Let's dwell on the card number in more detail, it contains important information for work.

BIN (Bank Identification Number) - the first 6 digits of the credit card number
Each banking organization has a pool of unique numbers that are assigned to the cards issued by them.
These numbers contain information about the payment system (Visa / MC / AmEx / Discover, etc.), the issuing bank, the card level (Classic / Gold / Platinum, etc.), the type of card (Credit / Debit / Prepaid)
The first digit of the BIN identifies the Major Industry Identifier (MII) - the global payment system in which this card operates.

The main payment systems that you will come across are AmEx (the first digit of the card starts with 3), Visa (4), MasterCard (5), Discover (6).
Detailed information about bins can be found on services like, (the latter is very convenient for mass search for bins and reverse search for bins by banks, we recommend that you write it down)

If we break through the BIN of the card from the example above (414740), we will see the following information:


The remaining digits of the card, except for the last one, identify the holder's account in the bank, and the last digit is the control one, designed to validate the bank card number using the Luhn Algorithm.

Now with regard to the purchase of cards in shops directly.
When buying cards, one of the most important parameters is the validity of the database in which the card entered the shop.

It is determined by a shop / seller as follows: a certain number of cards are taken at random and validated by a checker. Let's say 7 out of 10 cards came out valid - the validity of such a database is about 70%.
Separately, we will say that validity is the only, perhaps, really measurable criterion for the quality of cards, but it is far from being a parameter that guarantees the successful entry of cards into the service you need. Much depends on the source, where the maps were obtained from - and which one is better can only be established experimentally.

So, about the check of cards.
More advanced checkers use $ 0 authorization, which goes unnoticed by the holder and gives a response from the payment system about the validity of the card.
An alternative way to check a card for validity is to link it to any services (as an example, to Google, or to any other service where the card is linked to a personal account).

This is a fairly safe check method that minimizes the risk of card death, provided that it also uses the principle of changeless validation.
In normal shops, a refund is provided for invalid cards - usually 5-15 minutes are given for a check. If you don't trust your method of checking cards, you can check the card after insertion to minimize the chances of it dying from the check. It is also worth remembering that checkers built into shops often spoil cards much more than your own check methods, so use them only if you are sure that the card is invalid.

A few words about the types of CC. As we said above, most often in your work you will come across Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover cards.
From our experience, it is easiest to find good Visa and MC beans, but in practice we have also encountered bold Amex beans. The problem when working with amex is that usually on such cards the holder receives a bunch of alerts and, if a fraudulent transaction is detected, the chargeback flies very quickly.

Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards have 16 digits each in the card number and 3-digit CVV codes. Amex has 15 digits in the card number and a 4-digit CVV. It doesn't affect anything, but any self-respecting carder should know this.
When working with cards, sooner or later you will come across the protective mechanisms of 3D Secure.
For Visa cards, it is called Visa Secure / Verified by Visa (VBV); MC has MasterCard Secure Code (MCSC) and Amex has SafeKey

In case of driving into a merch with an activated 3DS system, during a transaction you will be redirected to the page for entering a static code, which should be known to the holder.

Such codes will not be known to you when you purchase a card, however, for some bins they can be reset. Also, the more and more popular is the implementation of 3DS, where a one-time code sent by SMS / e-mail is used for confirmation. Fortunately, there are still quite a few US banks that would introduce such protection (and, on the contrary, there are more and more in the EU).

Also, there is a separate type of maps that go through the 3DS pages automatically. The bottom line is that in this case, instead of entering a code when conducting a transaction, the bank's antifraud closely examines its details and, if everything suits him, approves it. Such maps are called autovbv and with their help you can often beat services with activated 3DS.

In general, if you work with US shops in clothing and stumbled upon a shop with activated VBV / MCSC, the easiest way is to score on such a shop and find another one. If you hit any service, or work on the EU - there you already need to look for bins with reset / autovbv, which will climb into your merch. Unfortunately, testing is the only viable method for finding such beans. Yes, you need to buy and interrupt a large number of cards before you find the right ones. Sometimes you can narrow your search by buying autovbv bins from trust sellers or with a reset - however, this does not mean that such bins will be suitable for your service / shop.

Let's talk a little about types and levels of CC.

Credit - a card on which you can spend borrowed funds, i.e. not having their own money on the account. Moreover, US credit cards often have no such thing as a positive balance at all. Therefore, it is often possible to drive from logs from linked payment systems even from those bins that under normal conditions never climb.
The issuing bank also looks at the limits set by the holder and, of course, the availability of own / credit funds.
If the issuing bank also thinks that everything is in order, it transmits a positive response to the acquiring bank through the global payment system, which, in turn, returns the result of a successful transaction to the payment gateway and the gateway answers directly to you or the shop manager about the successful payment.
Actually, this is why the fact that you have a card with a known balance in your hand does not give you confidence in a successful drive. With each transaction, you are dealing with a multi-stage anti-fraud (shop, payment gateway, processing center and banks).
Hence, it follows that many popular bins are simply "fucked up" and do not go into the shops / services you need. In this context, “zadroked” means that a large percentage of fraudulent transactions were noticed from the cards of such a bin, and all anti-fraud stages respond poorly to them.
Your task for making successful drives with CC is to customize your car and your actions in the shop as much as possible for a real user and, through painstaking tests and experiments, select the very beans that will lead you to the coveted profit.

Prepaid - a card with a prepaid amount - a smart card that stores electronic money previously deposited there by the cardholder. In many respects, they are similar to debit, but unlike them, they are not associated with bank accounts. Often found in payment systems like Payoneer, ePayments, etc. Some merchants refuse to work with prepaid cards.
As for the card levels, there are a lot of them and they are different for different banks. From Classic to Black. On the one hand, cards of a higher level indicate a higher status of the owner and potentially have more money on them than on cards of lower levels. However, when working on US on high-level cards, it may be trivial to have no balances, or there may be limits on transactions and such bins simply will not give

When working with US cards, we often come across Classic cards and similar "low" levels, which are great for our work.
So we cannot give an unambiguous recommendation like "take platinum, it will give" (a common misconception in our environment). Only test and identify patterns in your practice.
I also want to note that the presence of a balance on the card (and even missing limits) is far from always equal to a successful drive. Now I will give a detailed explanation of why this is happening. To do this, consider in detail the entire kitchen that occurs when paying by card and is hidden from the eyes of the layman.

Let's analyze the main participants in the payment process:
CH: cardholder, owner of the card from which the payment is made;
Merchant: in fact, an online point of sale of goods with a current account, where funds for the goods should eventually be received. Many people confuse a merchant and what is more correct to call a payment gateway. These are different things, however, in carder slang, for simplicity, we talk about them as a single whole (about merch).
Payment Gateway (payment gateway) - a technology that allows you to connect a merchant with a processing center and an acquiring bank;

Processing center is a high-tech system for processing bank card payments in the field of e-commerce. Receives data from payment gateways, processes and redirects them to the issuing bank;
Issuing bank (CH bank): a bank that also operates under the jurisdiction of one of the global payment systems and issued the card to the holder;
Global payment system (Visa / MC, etc.) - an organization that regulates and performs interbank settlements. In simple words, it allows you to transfer money from the account of the issuing bank to the account of the acquiring bank and resolves the entire process taking place at the same time.

After pressing the CH button Place Order, the data first goes to the shop's antifraud system. It evaluates your order according to its huge array of criteria and decides whether to skip the order further automatically, send it to manual verification, or give you an instant decline. At this stage, in most cases, the card data has not yet gone beyond the shop.
If you have passed the anti-fraud check, or the manager has manually approved your order, the payment process continues.

After the order is approved, your data is collected, encrypted and transmitted to the Payment Gateway. In turn, he evaluates the transaction according to his criteria (gateways have their own anti-frauds that allow detecting suspicious patterns) and can immediately deploy the payment.
Suppose the CH transaction did not seem suspicious to the gateway - in this case, it transfers all data further to the processing center. The processing center again checks against its criteria for fraudulent transactions and decides whether to forward the transaction further.

If the processing center likes everything, the transaction goes through the global payment system to the issuing bank.
The issuing bank analyzes CH's transactions and if the transaction seems out of the ordinary to him (for example, CH never bought anything more expensive than $ 100 from a card, and you suddenly try to drive in a gold bar for $ 10k), it can also wrap up the transaction. I want to note that often previous, real successful transactions in the service of your choice can increase the credibility of yours. Therefore, it is often possible to drive in from the logs from the attached payment systems even from those bins that under normal conditions never climb.

Intermediaries, otherwise they are called mail forwarders, which means forwarding mail in translation. It is clear what they are doing based on the name.
An intermediary will help you deliver the package from the USA, Europe and other countries to your country of residence. Many online stores do not have international delivery, which is why we have to use intermediaries. This is the main reason for using them. There are, of course, other reasons, which we will tell you about in today's lecture.

So the first reason . The store does not send goods to the Russian Federation or any other CIS country. Let's take the same Amazon, delivery to Russia is limited to a very small amount of goods, there is no liquidation at all. That is why we use an intermediary, pay him a certain amount of dollars, he sends the parcel to you in the country in a convenient way.
The second reason is consolidation.

Suppose that you have found a store that sends goods to your country, but you understand that you need to order 3 goods per week, and delivery to your country costs as much as $ 70 in the store. At the same time, delivery to USA or EU is free. Within 2 weeks, we order goods to an intermediary, the intermediary combines these goods into one parcel and sends them to you. The cost of delivery from an intermediary is about $ 50, in total, the savings are about $ 300. I'm talking about an adequate mediator. Amounts always fluctuate around $ 50, depending on the weight and volume of the package. Actually, I think there are two main reasons why people use intermediaries.

Do not forget that intermediaries were created not for us, carders, but for ordinary people who want to receive high-quality or cheap goods from the same America. So, let's move on to the next point, this is the search for "your" intermediary.
The closed section of the forum has a list of intermediaries around the world. You can familiarize yourself with it. link to download the list of intermediaries
Actually here you can get acquainted with intermediaries around the world.
We have decided on the country in which we will work, move on to the next point.

First thing: what are we doing? We go and look on the Internet for feedback on the work of this intermediary. See reviews relatively recent, those for 2015 may not correspond to reality.

We read the reviews, if, in principle, there are isolated cases of bad behavior of the intermediary, and the rest of the reviews are good, we proceed to the next step.
Go to the intermediary's website and read the FAQ.

There may be tariffs for receiving, sending, storing parcels.
After reading the FAQ, you will have very few questions about this intermediary.

The third thing to do is chat with the support team.
We write to them in the mail that we are interested, you can even a trivial question, the answer to which is written in the FAQ section, you need this in order to find out how efficient the intermediary is.
Agree, if you have any problems with your parcels, you want to get help from the intermediary to whom you are paying money as soon as possible.
Also, the speed of response of the support employee will show the speed of the intermediary himself.
This applies to adding the delivered package to your personal account, consolidating several goods, sending speed and many other services that the intermediary can offer.

When the answer came, we look at the errors in the text, the form of communication.
If you feel that they are communicating with you in a boorish way, the text is full of grammatical errors, we conclude that this is not a reliable intermediary, but a "sharashkin cantor".
When working with such intermediaries, you will lose packs, they will try to fuck you as much as possible, if any problems arise, they will ignore you, or they may even send you 3 funny letters.

So, the normal response time is the morning of the next day after asking the question.
It's good when there is an online chat and you get a consultation within 10 minutes. You can trust such an intermediary.

I really like the work of the Qwintry mediator. It is available in both the EU and the USA. What I like doesn't mean what I recommend. They, like everyone else, really do not like curry packs. You can work with this intermediary only if the packs come to the name originally registered with the intermediary.

Parcels sent to American names are also not accepted.
So, we talked to the support service, read the reviews, we were satisfied with their conditions for storage and shipment, then we begin to probe the middleman.
We do not pour a mountain of iPhones there.

We drove 1 phone, 1 set-top box, we are waiting.
The package comes, now our main task is to send the whole thing to ourselves.
The first thing to do is order a photo of the product, unless, of course, the product is made from a trusted store. Many people drive in eBay, and with eBay, instead of a phone and a playstation, a brick and a jar of shit can come (in the literal sense), you can google, shit delivery.

Sellers send shit if they burned that carding purchase. A photo usually costs $ 5, from the photo we immediately see that we have received a phone and a set-top box.
Then we send a request for consolidation and sending.
If everything is sent without problems, then we mark the intermediary as good.

Next time you can send a little more stuff.
The most important thing in finding your own reseller, do not think that you are a carder. You are an ordinary person who wants to use mail forwarding services.
The next stage of the lecture, registration in the personal account of the intermediary.

There are intermediaries with or without a personal account.
On an intermediary with a personal account, the parcel is identified by the personal code assigned during registration.

This number is usually written in the reseller's address, and they require it to be in the shipping address.

This is a plus only for the intermediary, for us it is a huge minus.
The advantage for the intermediary is that he can quickly track whose order it is and add it to your personal account, the disadvantage for us is that the seller sees that you are sending the parcel to the intermediary's address.
This is the first bell that you are a carder.
You can try to mislead the seller, you just have to write the word Suite in front of these numbers.
Translated as office.
And our number turns into a long office number.
Intermediaries do not bother with this word, and the seller cannot deny that there is such an office :)
Further, the second type of intermediaries that do not require registration.
In this case, the pack is identified by the name of the last name in the shipping address, and all manipulations with the packs by the intermediary are carried out by communicating with you by mail.
This is, in principle, convenient.
It is advisable to register an intermediary not for fictitious data, but at least for a scan of the passport, which you can buy on the forum.
Any intermediary can ask you for a passport photo, this should not be a problem for you.
Basically, they require a front page and a registration page. Take care of their availability and register and send parcels to intermediaries only from scans.

Also, to send packs to our country, many in the middle ask for a TIN
It makes its way on the Tinkov Bank website.

Regarding the acceptance of packs addressed to CH by intermediaries, there are very few of them now, the search can take many months, but you can try.
For such packages, it is better to use drops.
About consolidation, description of goods, additional services and filling out a declaration.

Never send expensive liquid and cheap clothes together.
Your liquid laptop will come and will lie quietly, and sneakers for 5 bucks will kill your account in the middle along with the laptop.
The next reason why you do not need to send everything together is customs clearance.
The pack will come to the customs of the Russian Federation, they will see that the laptop is expensive, they will request invoices for all the goods in the pack.
I think that it will be draw invoices for 5 T-shirts, 3 pairs of socks, razor toothbrushes and a laptop.
We send liquid goods that are dear to you to a separate account of the intermediary.
As soon as he came to the middle, we immediately send to the Russian Federation.
You can also dig up illiquid stuff.
How to accumulate there for 500-600 dollars, we send to the Russian Federation.
That's all sorts of good, nice.
In the declaration, you do not need to look up and write the brand / model of socks, flash drives, etc.
We write just a flash drive, the declared value of $ 5 at
once iPhone from $ 600 turns into a phone for $ 30
It is desirable that the iPhone be used or refurbished. Customs officers are not stupid either.

Do not underestimate the cost of a liquid new product, brokers at customs know best of all how much a certain product model costs.
So if you decide in the declaration to indicate that this is iPhone 12 PRO 512 GB, then you do not need to write him the price of $ 500, no one will believe you, problems that need to be avoided will begin.
Further, about the registration in the personal account of the intermediary.
It is better to register and visit the intermediary from the country where the parcel will go.
That is, Vasya Pupkin from the Russian Federation is registered, which means we go from the IP address of the Russian Federation
Let's analyze it using the example of an intermediary
They don't give a shit where you come from, checked by me personally.
But only the mist has been checked for the possibility of entering through any country.
It is important for them that the packs have a number, and the name coincides with the name of registration and delivery to ru.
As a rule, there are several addresses in the United States, almost all addresses are located in tax-free states such as New Jersey, Delaware.
Purchases shipped to this state are tax deductible.
So, go to the site in the middle, click register.
we fill in all the data from the purchased scan of the passport, write the phone number or invented, or if there are left SIM cards, then the numbers from them.
We go into the account and see our address for the delivery of parcels.

It will look like this:
First Name Last Name 600 Markley St.
Port Reading, NJ 07064

The first line is understandable, there will be a name and surname from the scan you registered for.

Next is street line 1
This is the main address
Next line Street line 2

These are the numbers about which I spoke long. We just add a Suite in front of them. And this is no longer so suspicious. Then we see the city, state and zip code, respectively. Everything is simple here. What else do we see in the mediator's office? There is a button to add an order. We press it when they sent us some kind of staff and gave us a track number. We add this pack to the expected ones. This is done to speed up the processing of your parcel and adding it to your personal account. In principle, everything is intuitive, especially when the package arrives. All actions that you have to do are written to you. Now let's talk about the delivery options for your parcels.

There are 3 types of delivery:
By sea, air, land transport.
Air is the most expensive, but also the fastest.
By sea, we send only heavy parcels, such as discs to the car, and so on. It is possible to send goods that do not require urgent delivery. There are also goods that can only be sent by sea, such as perfume and alcohol.
The third type is land transport.
It is usually used when delivering from a neighboring country. Faster and cheaper shipping method. Customs clearance is faster than air or sea. Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight of your package. There are two types of package weight, volumetric weight and physical weight. And the shipping cost is usually calculated from the higher weight. Physical weight is the weight of the parcel when weighed it. You need to pay for the intermediary only with white money, or with no charge (PayPal balance, VCC).
The parcel takes 2-3 weeks on average from US. During this time, the charge will arrive and it happened that the parcels were already deployed from the branch in the Russian Federation. Usually, when you send a parcel, they sell you insurance, a completely unnecessary thing. Money and goods are not returned. Next, the parcel was sent to ru, successfully passed customs, now it needs to be accepted

There are 2 options for receiving parcels:
For a certain person, it can be you and for any data.
The first option is simple, they came and showed their passport, received the package, but we think about safety. Now they have come up with another new thing, an accelerated system for receiving parcels. We order goods for a specific person, receive SMS in the mail and you will be given a pack without documents.
The second method is more costly and safer. For any data (full name), the parcels are accepted by drop services. In RU, this service is represented by Leonxx, buysell and a couple more. Reception costs 1k, they are taken from any branch to any name. Very comfortably.

If the stuff is not for your personal use, then you can sell it directly from the posting of the service on the forum, for example, if for personal use, then the cost of delivery to the regions is not more than 500 rubles. For 1500, you feel safe at all.
You can accept goods from a courier from a deal on any scan printed with your face.
In any place we phoned the little brother by a courier and took the pack at the entrance of the left house, showing a copy of the left’s passport.
All about the intermediaries, now just a little bit about the drops, we will have a smoke and I will answer your questions.
Drops are ordinary people who accept your packs. Drops are of 2 types: adjustable and non-adjustable.

Adjustable drops are drops that do not know that they are accepting packages. There is always the possibility of a drop with a package being lost. Such drops are searched for, for example, on job sites or similar offices. Usually, expensive packs are not sent to such drops. The lifespan of such drops is 10-15 days. The cost of accepting parcels with such drops is usually 20-50 bucks.
Sometimes receiving and sending is free from test drops.
Undivided drops are a type of drops that are clearly aware of the risks they are taking. The risk of losing packs is minimized. Such drops receive a good salary and the lifespan of the drops is on average 2-3 months. However, they often have slightly different rules of work. You can learn more about the rules from drop services that provide drop services. The cost of admission is usually $ 70-100 or% of the cost of the pack for liquid staff.

Recently, drop services began to work for a stingy, that is, they accept a pack - they pay you your%. Different drop services have different types of goods for acceptance and, accordingly, different%. For liquidation, apple technique can be given up to 55%. Driving the staff to the stingy will save you from the problem of delivering goods to RU and selling them, and will help you earn much faster. However, the amount of earnings will be much lower than if you brought the staff yourself and sold it to RU, this applies to the top liquid expensive staff.
If the goods were sent for a stingy purchase, on average a week passes from the moment the pack was sent to the drop until the payment is received. And if you send goods to the middle and want to sell in RU - on average, it will take 4-5 weeks. It is up to you to decide whether it is fast and little, or long and more.
As soon as the drops receive the pack, the drop service needs a label to be sent to the middle.
The label is like a letterhead. That is, a piece of paper that says from whom it was sent, from which address it was sent, to whom it was addressed and to which address. These labels can be ordered from the respective vendors on the forum. Usually a carding label costs about 5-10 bucks, if the label is white, the price can reach 500 dollars, for example, for a 70-inch plasma. The price depends on the garabits as well as the distance of sending the parcel.

The label is needed so that the drop guide does not bother with filling out documents, payment, etc., but simply pasted this piece of paper on the parcel and took it to the post office, there it will be silently taken away from him and it will go to its destination.

An example of a label can be found here:

1 - Full name of the sender
2 - Street of the sender
3 - City / State / Postal code of the sender
4 - Full name of the recipient
5 - Street of the recipient
6 - City / State / ZIP code of the recipient
7 - Date of dispatch
8 - Weight of the parcel
9 - Date of delivery
10 - Track number of the parcel

I will cover the topic of warming up shops / services / interaction with the resource support / SI in warming up.
The lecture will be divided into main subsections:
Where to start when starting to warm up.

Basic basics of warm-up behavior.
Interaction with the support of the resource of your choice.
Warming up using a ringing tone.
Additional Information.

Before starting the lecture, I will give you a dictionary, I think you already know these definitions.

A small dictionary:
Back / background - extensive information about a person, may include date of birth / SSN, car, place of residence, contact information, family information, etc.
It breaks through from punchers or on popular sites -, peoplefinders, intelius.
Driving in / order - online purchase in a store by entering payment information by the user.
SSN - social security number - A unique nine-digit number assigned to US citizens and residents
Dob - Date of birth.
Cardholder / ch / holder - the owner of the card / paypal / bank account.
Shop - store)
CC - credit card / debit card / prepaid card, etc.
PP - Paypal
Ba - bank account.
Pack - a package with a product.
Cookies are small pieces of data sent by a web server and stored on the user's computer. Each time the web client tries to open a page of the corresponding site, it sends this piece of data to the web server as part of an HTTP request.
Copy-paste - ctrl + c / ctrl + v (copy-paste)
Antifraud is an automatic system for detecting fraudulent activities / transactions on the site.

Section # 1.
Where to start when starting to warm up? First of all, you need to understand: you are not a carder, you are a client, and the client is above all. You have to choose a hypothetical victim (shop / service) and prepare the material for work. I recommend that you do everything very creatively and do not spare your time. Let's start taking as an example Some John Franklin from Arizona, you want to buy a camera on his behalf.

I recommend collecting the necessary background for the holder (at least his age and look at his pages in social networks), use public sites like, peoplefinders, intelius (any practice is useful)).

You have found the shop you need, which sells Canon cameras well, do not rush to go straight to your shop and add Canon to the cart.
Use the search engine google / yahoo / bing and others.

Choose several shops, including yours, browse the canon you are interested in, create an appearance in the interest of buying this camera. In this article I will not explain what kind of email you should have, I will give only brief recommendations:
Use mail services popular in the cardholder's country (in yus it is gmail, hotmail, yahoo, outlook)
Use corporate mail if you are going to buy something specific and professional.
Some shops / services punch your mailing address for being on social networks, etc. (keep this in mind).

For John Franklin, [email protected] is perfect, try not to use numbers in the mailing address, use a period to separate the first name / last name, if it didn't help, duplicate one letter in the first / last name.

Express answers to possible questions.

What is the backing for the holder for?
You can always come up with a believable story for the purchase of a product and go through the necessary verification, if required.

Why go to several shops and create activity there?
there are two meanings in this, some serious platforms monitor user activity and thereby you neutralize their malicious control. The second reason for interacting with a support, you can always ask why your store is more expensive or cheaper than this or that, etc.

What is a date of birth and a correctly created mailing address for?
The answer is extremely simple, some shops are not easy, so they enter fields to fill in the add (date of birth), this information breaks through them in the databases. A correctly created mailbox will not arouse suspicion from a fraud agent rather than [email protected]

Why is it worth using a search engine to go to shops?
Well, here the answer is extremely simple, do you fill in additional cookies for yourself, and even more so who does not use the search engine and immediately go to the site? Do you often write the full Wikipedia address into a string? Or a computer universe? That's the same.

Section # 2.
Basic basics of conducting a shop / service when warming up.

After completing the first stage:
Creation of activity in other services with this product.
Breaking the back to the holder
Preparing your material for work - correctly created mail, a set of necessary cookies.

The main stage of the shop / service warming up begins.
For each service or shop, the approach is significantly different from the other, somewhere you should not bother at all, where it is worth approaching industriously and responsibly.
Take, for example, a store that sells electronics, in your head you must forever remember that you are not a carder, but a customer of this store.
First of all, any potential client has climbed a certain number of shops before, in order to choose the best option for himself, take this into account.
Read the FAQ, delivery information, rules of using this service in the shop of your choice, read the contact information.


Do not just click it as if nothing had happened, but emulate the interest in buying, stop on the page. Scroll through it, perhaps search for something that interests you in Google. You can subscribe to the shop's newsletter, they love it very much. Read the payment rules, think like a client and you will succeed. Think about how, in which case, contact the support.

On the shop's website, go to the desired product category (do not mindlessly wander around the shop / service, use the product direction you have chosen, is it not suspicious if a person wants to buy a camera and is looking at a smart watch). View the n-th number of competing items / add the product you need to your favorites, do not rush to add your product to the cart


If you use search in a shop, there can be no question of any copy-paste! Write everything only with your hands!
Go to the page of your chosen product, and follow the payment procedure (it is up to you to pay as a guest or as a new user / I try to pay from the guest)
Fill in all the information about John by hand in Antik Sphere there is a very convenient Paste Like Human Print function, I recommend)
Mandatory for US / UK: enter the correct billing address this information is verified at the bank level (AVS).

You will immediately have a question - in the phone number field. I advise you to indicate the number of the holder, shops are rarely the first to disturb the holder. Usually this action will add a plus to your antifraud. I advise you to indicate the number of the holder, shops are rarely the first to disturb the holder / usually this action will add you a plus to antifraud.
If there is no holder's phone number, indicate the phone number for the holder's state, gvoice / dedicated vulture, etc. As a last resort, enter a fake number, but do it at least under the state of John in this case Arizona.

Before paying for the goods, in the shop there are often footnotes offering to get acquainted with additional information, if John reads it will play a plus to antifraud. Finally, pay for the goods, do not forget to enter everything by hand, do not rush and be careful.

Express answers to possible questions:

Why can't copy-paste?
The answer is quite simple: the service can monitor this and not a single normal person copies everything) basically everyone writes by hand.

How long does it take to warm up the shop in this way?
It all depends on your shop / service how protected it is. Good warming up never hurts.

Why study payment / delivery rules and other information?
This gives positive anti-fraud credibility points + can further help when talking with a support.

Why not open all the tabs and close all at once?
All of this is monitored perfectly, and few people read at 10,000+ words per minute.
What is the difference between the warm-up based on corp-mail and personal?
Here the question is rather ambiguous, I use corporate mails most often to order something extraordinary (printer / coffee machine / working tool). In the case of corporate mail, I would recommend communicating more with the support, asking about wholesale, etc. More on that later.

Question with choosing a phone for billing / shipping.
Now more and more shops are monitoring this information, I recommend specifying John's data, if there is no phone, use Google voice, sip, put an answering machine - they say Hello is John, now I am extremely busy, I will call you back later, have a nice day, do not get sick.

Which Billing is clear to indicate, but which shipping?
Always indicate beat = thorn, the difference in these data will lead to an extensive question and unnecessary attention to the antifraud system, the only solution where you can beat this is communication with the support, I will tell you about this in the course of the lecture.

Billing John - how do I get the camera then?
It goes a little beyond this lecture, but now the main ways of solving it are stopping your pack in the compartment (hold) and then picking it up, or redirecting your pack to a drop / middle (reroute)
Remember, the more time you spend on the preparation of the drive, the more time / money / nerves it will save you in the future.

Section # 3.
Interaction with the support of the resource of your choice.
When a highly respected client John Franklin added a camera to his favorites, having previously studied the websites of competitors and the policies of this shop, a special chapter begins - communication with the support.
You must understand that you are a god for a support and he is praying for you.

Let's start with why you need contact with a support?
For myself, I have deduced several neutral stages of development.
John Franklin does not know what kind of delivery his goods will be sent to him, you never know he wants to register it in the future, and there are usps.
This is a fairly basic case and can be approached both at the beginning of the warm-up and at the end of it. This will give a certain plus to the anti-fraud system and will establish you as a person in the shop. You contact the shop in a dialog box / by mail / via telephony and ask the necessary question, get the required answer, everything is quite simple. It is important to understand you are a person, not a robot, no copy-paste inside the shop. If you write in a dialog box, you can deliberately make a mistake in a complex word, this will describe you as a person in the face of a support. Communicate calmly and with interest, this is your key to victory.

John Franklin is having difficulty choosing why should he buy it here?
Everything here is just a rather arbitrary point, write to the support with a request to tell about the advantage, is there any kind of guarantee, and why is it cheaper in your store, how quickly do you deliver, etc.? You get a plus for antifraud.

John Franklin wants to send a present to his friend.
oh, this is actually not easy now) but perhaps the key to this success is good warm-up, preparation of material and backing, John's task before ordering is to find out the possibility of sending the goods to a friend or to himself to another address under some pretext, after that it is worth moving on to the order itself, use In engineering, you were returning home (a car broke down, stopped in another state, your relative got sick and you are now with him and support him, your state is now abnormally hot and you moved to another during your vacation)

John Franklin is having difficulty paying.
This point is rather unpleasant, perhaps John does not remember his password from vbv / 3ds, John does not load the payment form and something like that - Here John must contact the support (punch back John), it is advisable to start the conversation with the fact that you John is fond of photography, you lead your Instagram, studied the selected product for a long time, familiarized yourself with the prices of competitors, then voice your problem (you could not get through by typing in) voice to the support that your payment window does not load, ask for help with this, often the support can conduct manual debiting of funds from John's card, which will greatly simplify your driving. The support may ask you to ring - you must call to answer his questions and ask for help and you are the client who will help you)

Well, the most classic after ordering.
John wants information about his order. (here I think without comment, you want to know the status of your order)
Negative stages of development occur when the questions are not asked by John, but the questions are asked to John)
The classic scenario of development - you were asked to undergo additional verification, prepare information for answers in this form.

Firs / midl / last name
Email + telephone number
Ssn (social security number) + dob (date of birth)
Billing + shipping
Your ss details + name of the bank that issued your card.
What did you order and for what amount + order
number Product number / code.
For egift, they will additionally require the recipient's address (name + email)
If you call yourself, everything is in your head, if a ringing rings instead of you, provide all the information clearly + additional information. Be sure to give the dialer the number you want to call from.

If you call yourself, everything is in your head, if the ringing rings instead of you, provide all the information clearly + additional information. Be sure to give the dialer the number you want to call from.

What options can there be?
You have been contacted by mail and asked for additional information.
It is very polite and believable to answer, take into account your response time, you should not answer at two o'clock in the afternoon Moscow time, John is most likely still asleep, Answer the support at a comfortable time of day. If your support asked for documents (ID, statement, etc.), it is very logical to assume that John will not have this at hand now, and you never know if he is going to work now, very politely inform the support that you are at the workplace and will be able to satisfy his request in the evening. When John gets home, he will definitely go to the post office and send everything that the store requires, preferably not scans, but photographs.

Support asks John to contact him by cell phone.
Get ready to remember all your backing and get ready more extensively, if you call yourself, chat very politely tell me that you are fond of photography, ask why I needed to call you and the like, if you do not speak English, give this business to professionals and familiarize them with the necessary back and order info.

Express answers to possible questions.

How important is it to communicate with the support before ordering?
If you send to bill = shipp, everything strongly depends on the severity of this shop, there is often no need for communication, if your thorn and thorn are different, be sure to contact the shop.

Why is it important to know what mail service does this shop send?
This is also a little beyond the scope of this lecture, but think about your task for Pak to come to your hands, you need to understand whether it is possible to do this with the courier services that serve this shop.

Why may a support have questions for me?
In fact, this is a common procedure, the support can conduct a survey / find out if everyone is happy with you when ordering, etc.
But the main reason you stubbed the joint.

What could be my mistake if the support asks to communicate with him?
Here it is worth thinking about everything, starting with your system / ip / type of connection / compliance with the ip system, etc., as well as how many fraud scores you scored and why, you can avoid fraud scoring points by performing the correct preparation before driving in, and a good warm-up, remember fraud points capture everything from your postal address / system to whether you have read the terms of use of this resource or not.

What level of English is required, where to call, etc.?
I will answer honestly - my language level is lame, I use the services of professionals, they use vip telephony and call with a substitute number, I advise you to always call from the phone that you indicated in your billing = shipping.

What can the support ask, what should I answer, etc.?
For all this, you pushed back, I will give my recent example, the support of the rental service asked him to contact him, I, as a responsible settler, called him. I was asked how you found our service, why us?

What college am I in, etc.?
Asked to send a copy of the ID.

I'll tell you right away your friend flood, to the answer in which college you study, come up with and answer in detail, tell me I'm studying at an art college, studying modern trends in painting, graphics, sculpture, art objects, recently I visited the Venice Biennale, I can send you a photo, it was a delightful life experience for me. Tell us more about yourself about your hobbies, ask again what documents and in what form to send and complete all the instructions of the support. I wish you no questions from the support) it is better for you to make a brain for them, and not vice versa)

Section # 4.
Warming up using a ringing tone.
It's worth starting with the fact that in many stores there is an opportunity to order goods by phone or get the information you need about the goods.
What is the warm-up on the phone and why is it needed?
I will highlight a huge plus when warming up the shop by phone, before the order, before the shop warms up.
You call on behalf of John to the store and are interested in basic things, about everything that I said earlier, about delivery / warranty, etc., say that you would like to buy a camera.

Why call before the main warm-up?
It's very simple, your phone will already be in the system and when you specify it, you will have a plus to the anti-fraud!
Also, it is much more logical that the client will first call and ask how what works, and then he will order.

Why is it worth calling after carding?
Everything is very simple, you as a client want to know if everything went as it should, what to do now, and so on.
With this action, you get + to antifraud.
What nuances should be remembered when additional warming up through the phone?
Remember that this is primarily an add-on, and not the main warm-up, be like a misunderstanding customer, perhaps you should ask for a discount / promotional code. Speak pure English.

Section # 5.
Driving in with a call.
This is a very great option in the shop if you are an uncertain user of antiques / doubt in the selection of ip / are afraid that your systems are imperfect.
It is worth using a call order,
Everything is quite simple here, break through at least a minimal back / create mail / select the phone from which you will call (holder / sip / gvois)
It is worth starting with warming up by phone, the support may offer you to place an order by phone now
You only need to tell what you want to buy / consult, after that you will be asked to dictate your data (billing / shipping / contact information - email + phone number (indicate from which you are calling)) it is worth noting some shops, they may require more information in this case, keep at hand this:

Firs / midl / last name
Email + telephone number
Ssn (social security number) + dob (date of birth)
Billing + shipping
Your cc details + name of the bank that issued your card.
What do you want to order, and for what amount.
Product number / code.
For egift, they will additionally require the recipient's address (name + email)

After the received data, the support agent will manually enter your card and you will receive the result of the work (approval / delineation). If you received a declline, you should not exclude the human factor, ask the support to check the correctness of the entered data.

Express answers to possible questions:

Do I have to use phone warm-up?
This is all very situational, for more serious shops I think this is a mandatory decision, at the initial stage of the journey I recommend finding shops / services with a simpler and more understandable af.

Why drive from a ringing tone, if you can do everything through the site?
There are a number of advantages to af does not fire your system / you avoid 3d / vbv.

Which system should I call? Can someone ring for me?
In order, it is worth calling from a vulture telephony (for example naranaya), it is better to call with a substitution for the holder's phone, otherwise you should use a dedicated vip line / gvoice.

What will AF pay attention to with such a drive?
First of all, on the reality of your number / billing address / shipping address / your email.

Additional information and recommendations.
I recommend not to go straight to serious shops like china, apple, etc., start with something small, choose an unpopular shop with clothes, men's / women's cosmetics, accessories for hobbies, etc., fill your hand and everything will go.

Some recommendations before carding:
1. Responsibly approach your system setup / without proper system setup, you can forget about success.
2. Use adequate postal addresses + real telephones of the holder / dedicated telephones with an answering machine for the holder.
3. Do not neglect the set of cookies.
4. Do not make mistakes when entering information about CH - billing / shipping, etc.
5. If you are not a confident native speaker of CH, then entrust the work to professionals.
6. When you give a call order, provide extensive information about the order + CH it was mentioned in the lecture.
7. Monitor your mail after typing, always answer the support and fulfill its requirements.
8. Do not use copy-paste in a shop, where you want to do it.
9. Always check that the information you entered is correct.
10. To achieve success in a carriage, you need to work a lot.
