Bitcoin went up: hacking of the SEC account almost changed the situation on the crypto market


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Why can't Elon Musk's platform provide an acceptable level of security anymore?

This afternoon, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) account on the X * platform was hacked. Unknown attackers used it to publish false information about the commission's approval of the listing of Bitcoin funds (Bitcoin ETFs).

"Today, the SEC gives permission for Bitcoin ETFs to be listed on registered national security exchanges," the fake message on the X platform said.


The news quickly spread on cryptocurrency information resources, which even caused a short-term increase in the price of bitcoin. However, this did not last long, as Gary Gensler, the SEC chairman, soon confirmed on his personal X account that the @SECGov account had been hacked and the tweet posted was unauthorized

Platform X has been experiencing a growing wave of account hacks in recent months. Many verified organizations have been subjected to similar attacks in order to spread cryptocurrency scams and links to malicious programs.

Yesterday, the accounts of Netgear and Hyundai MEA on the X platform were also hacked to promote fake cryptocurrency sites that stole cryptocurrency from users wallets.

Last Friday, the account of CertiK, a Web3 security company, was also compromised to promote a wallet-stealing program, and on Wednesday, the account of the information security company Mandiant was hacked, despite two-factor authentication being enabled.

In addition to hijacking accounts, attackers also use the X advertising platform to create an endless stream of fraudulent ads promoting cryptocurrency schemes and malware sites.

The SEC, the latest victim, said it will work with law enforcement agencies and partners to investigate the incident and determine further steps related to unauthorized access and related offenses.