Article: The basics of skimming and how not to fuck around when buying


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Today we will talk about buying a skimmer.
As it turned out, it’s not so easy and now I’ll tell you why.

There is the first way to buy a skimmer - not an advanced user just drives in Google "buy a skimmer" - are you also in awe? He probably would have bought AKM in VK upon request.

Yes, yes, everything is exactly like this, and he will even find a website where he can buy it, but the result is obvious, the money will go to the ripper who will pour it on drugs and whores, and our user - with nothing.

So, one bump is full, and a not very smart user begins to understand that there are forums! Our user again, using Google, drives in " to buy a skimmer " and searches for forums under this link - are you back in auha?

So I ordered a skimmer on the forum and thinks it's in the bag, yeah, yeah. Our forum turns out to be tricky.

Our user has been sent to fuck again. I would have scored in his place and went to create a channel in telegram with scammers, but he does not give up.

It is difficult to define a scam forum from a non-scam forum. I will not explain all the subtleties how to do this, but at least it is easy to drive in the same damn Google and break through the forum for reviews.

Our user begins to guess that he needs to buy a skimmer on the forums of carding specialization, which is quite logical. And now he, already taught by experience and perfectly owning Google, learned to calculate, threw from normal forums goes to the one that he found. This is followed by registration.

But even here it is not so simple, and you may even have to dance with a tambourine and make it rain.

There are forums where the rega is by invitation only or just for money.

In short, he got to the forum and was immediately banned, tk. without reading the forum rules, he began to spam topics with stupid messages.

The ban was removed and the user became much more experienced and was already ready to buy a skimmer, but was thrown again, why? Because even if the forum has a reputation, it does not mean that you need to work without a guarantor.

And so, falling asleep with a laptop under his pillow (for knowledge), in the morning he decided that he urgently needed a skimmer ..

He begins to shovel the Internet again, and an alert appears in his telegram that the channel has released a post with the name - WE BUY SKIMMER .

He begins to read and in the calculated forehead from the blow of the rake on which he stepped, deja vu appears, and our user recognizes himself.

Well, the introductory part for the member is over, now on the topic ..

How to buy a skimmer
Earlier I said that there is audio and flash skimmer.

Audio will be much preferable, so let's focus on it. (I gave a model of such a skimmer in a previous post).

Audio reads 100% atm.

Of course% can move depending on:

1) the quality of audio electronics

2) the quality of the muzzle, the body of the skimmer itself

3) protections installed on the atma

4) crookedness of skimmer installers

Our audio skimmers can be placed on the Atma with Reb and jitter , as opposed to Flash. (Dredd says hello to the copy and paste of the article).

Buy only high-quality and branded equipment. No need to mess with shrubs, resellers and dubious personalities.

The skimmer is selected, the seller is found, then we adhere to the following deal format:

1) Directly with the seller in the cart / toad discuss the model of the skimmer. Once again the price of the equipment. What is included in the kit and whether the price is indicated taking into account its delivery to you. The most important thing is the price, discuss what is included and not included in it.

2) The buyer and the seller create a theme in the guarantor. According to the rules of the guarantor. These rules of the guarantor are approximately the same in different forums. The buyer and the seller prescribe the cost of the transaction and the equipment set.

3) The buyer makes payment to the guarantor

4) The seller is shipping the equipment. The buyer is told the track of dispatch, and we can follow the movement of the goods through the website of the courier company along the track of dispatch.

5) The purchaser has received the equipment. What to do next?

We start testing the equipment at the specified time from the moment of receipt (within 3 days you need to do a test according to the standard, you can discuss another period.

The test must be done on ATM, namely:

Attach skimmer - Drag the card several times - Remove the skimmer.

We throw off the test to the seller, you need to make sure that the dump in the decryption matches the dump of the verification card.

If the equipment is flash and immediately writes ready-made, then you need to personally make sure that the reading from the ATM is correct.

If when buying a flash, you are offered to do a test right on your hands - fuck it!

On hand, the flash will certainly read all the characters, if not completely bad quality, but you need to test not on your hands, immediately check the reading on the ATM.

6) If all the hockey and dump matches the dump of the test card - Fuck!

The buyer writes to the guarantor that it is possible to transfer payment from the guarantor to the buyer's account. If something is not satisfactory, the buyer can count on a replacement.

In disputable situations, an arbitrator is involved.

Usually, services easily go to work through a guarantor, which should be correct

In some forums, the policy of rules does not prohibit transactions through guarantors of third-party forums.

I can't leave you without fitting.

That's all, wait for the continuation. Next time I'll tell you about spying on ATMs and installing a skimmer, so that you don't get grabbed by the ass!