Alex Labs DeFi protocol lost $4.3 million in hacker attack


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CertiK Alert analysts reported that the DeFi platform Alex Labs was hacked on the bitcoin network. Losses amounted to about $4.3 million.


We have seen a suspicious transaction affecting @ALEXLabBTC

Initial evidence points to a possible private key compromise.

Deployer of 0xb3955302E58FFFdf2da247E999Cd9755f652b13b upgrades to a suspicious implementation.

In total ~$4.3m worth of assets have…
— CertiK Alert (@CertiKAlert) May 14, 2024

Experts suspect a possible leak of private keys.

According to on-chain data, the incident occurred after the contract updates of the Bridge Endpoint platform in BNB Chain. After that, an unknown person withdrew 16 BTC, 3.3 million USDC and 2.7 million Sugar Kingdom Odyssey (SKO) from the protocol bridge.

Calling the update operation actually changed the implementation address to an unverified bytecode, making this change invisible at first glance.

The hacker's address created two unverified contracts on May 10 and two more on May 14. Prior to this, the wallet was not active.

After the start of updates, the proxy address of the bridge contract caused an unverified function of another account, as a result of which funds went to the criminal's wallet.

According to analysts, it is possible that the attacker tried to attack the protocol in other networks, since Alex Labs contract updates were also initiated in Ethereum.

Representatives of the DeFi project confirmed the hacking of the XLink bridge. The team reported on cooperation with many exchanges and successful freezing of part of the stolen funds.

ALEX Security Update

We want to update our community about a recent exploit involving the XLink bridge. We are actively collaborating with exchanges, partners, and ecosystem contributors to address the situation. A significant amount of the funds associated with the hacker has…
— ALEX THE Finance Layer on Bitcoin (@ALEXLabBTC) May 15, 2024

Alex Labs also added that they have already identified the identity of the hacker and offered him to return assets by May 18 for a reward of 10%.