Adaptive phishing turns off victims guard


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A new threat is gaining momentum in the world of cybersecurity: adaptive phishing campaigns. This method is an evolution of traditional phishing: attackers use a personalized approach to overcome defenses, using information about victims collected from social networks, public sites and past data breaches.

The basis of such campaigns is social engineering aimed at psychologically manipulating victims. Criminals use personal information such as names, titles or company details to create fake messages that appear to be credible.

Adaptive phishing can be done through email, text messages, social media, and even phone calls. Often, to increase their effectiveness, scammers use specific events familiar to the victim, or even emergency situations.

An example is the “My Slice” malicious campaign targeting Italian organizations. The attackers sent emails on behalf of the support service, warning that the mail account's memory limit had been exceeded. To solve the problem, it was suggested to check the account status through a special support page.

The phishing page was copied as accurately as possible from the official website of the real support service and personalized specifically for the victim using the logo and name of the target organization.

After entering the victim’s data on this fake page, the information was sent to the attackers’ server, and the victim herself was redirected to the home page of her organization, which finally lulled her vigilance.

To protect against adaptive phishing, you must follow cybersecurity best practices. Organizations and individuals should be aware of adaptive phishing tactics and provide training to recognize and avoid online scams.

Using advanced security solutions such as anti-phishing filters and AI-based threat detection systems can also help reduce the risk of falling victim to these sophisticated campaigns.

In conclusion, the phenomenon of adaptive phishing campaigns highlights the need for a proactive approach to cybersecurity. Only awareness, training and the implementation of advanced defense measures will effectively protect personal and corporate data from this growing digital threat.