A botnet. HVNC.


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In the last article, we looked at the possible types of Internet connections. But while VPNs can still be considered an official service, proxies, dedicks, SSH, and VNC presented on the black market are often obtained by exploiting vulnerabilities.

Yes, if someone uses your computer as a proxy server for their dirty business, this is very bad.

However, there are much more dangerous things that can cause you real problems.

Today, hackers have such powerful tools in their arsenal as a botnet and HVNC, which, in fact, will be discussed today.

What is a botnet?​


A botnet is a network that consists of computers infected with the same bot virus.

When a bot enters the victim's computer, the botnet owner sees it and can use the victim's computer for their own purposes.
The advantage of a botnet is that you can program an entire network of computers to perform one action at a time.

How can this help the botnet owner?

Let's start with a simple one: the botnet owner, also known as the bot owner, can program all computers on the network to send spam. In this case, the spam flow will be infinitely large, which can paralyze the operation of any service.

In addition, the mail spam service is ordered when there is a need for someone's mailbox to be so dirty that it would be impossible to detect important messages there in time.

Naturally, this is just the beginning.

The computing power of a large number of machines can be used for more complex operations: for example, brute-force password cracking.

It doesn't make sense to explain that a thousand computers will go through several million combinations faster than one.
In addition, you can program the bot to conduct DDoS attacks. This is achieved by sending so many requests to the resource that it will not be able to process them. With a successful DDoS attack, the service that is the target completely suspends its activities, which means that it incurs huge losses. At the same time, due to the huge number of requests from different computers, it is very difficult to determine who is actually behind the attack.

Raising your own botnet is very dangerous, difficult, and expensive, but it is also very profitable. All of the above services are in high demand on the darknet, and they pay a lot for them.


HVNC is one of the most delicious botnet functions for carders.


If you read the previous article carefully, you will remember that VNC is a protocol for remote computer management. Initially, VNC was used in various office systems at the dawn of the computer era to automate production. Hackers went further, and came up with a way to turn this protocol into a powerful tool for controlling an infected machine.

In simple terms, by connecting to HVNC, you get access to the infected computer, all the user's files, and even in such a way that he does not even know about it.
When using HVNC, it seems to open a parallel session, with a desktop and access to everything that is on the infected PC.

When connecting to someone else's machine, the real user does not see any actions on their screen, and does not notice any actions that the attacker performs.

A hacker can visit any site, and everywhere he will be displayed as a real user of this machine.

No anti-fraud system can track traces of HVNC. Using the victim's real machine significantly increases the probability of success of absolutely any operation.

It doesn't matter if it's a simple drive into a shop, or a bank account balance drain, or someone else's crypto wallet is emptied.

In fact, not all the techniques that are subject to a botnet are described here, and HVNC can be used in much more non-trivial cases than ordinary theft.

Today, there are entire corporations that track various malicious programs, and all well-known companies strive to invest in information security, conduct penetration tests, and even monitor how their own employees behave on the network.

All this is done in order not to become a victim.

Today, when the darknet is a trend, malware is becoming more and more popular, botnets number several tens of thousands of machines that want to infect your computer is only getting bigger.

It doesn't matter if you have something to hide or not, everyone can become a victim, just make a mistake once and your data will already be compromised.

Do you want to feel safe?

In the following posts, we will tell you how to protect yourself, or at least try.