
  1. Father

    Обнаружение вредоносных программ на базе Windows с помощью улучшения видимости

    Несмотря на множество доступных решений для обеспечения безопасности, все больше организаций становятся жертвами программ-вымогателей и других угроз. Эти продолжающиеся угрозы - это не просто неудобство, от которого страдают предприятия и конечные пользователи, они наносят ущерб экономике...
  2. Teacher

    Samba 4.20: Fully compatible with Windows 11 and Active Directory

    The Samba development team has announced the first stable release of the 4.20 series. The Samba development team has announced the first stable release of the 4.20 series, which includes significant updates and improvements. The release enhances the functionality of Samba as a full-fledged...
  3. Teacher

    Farewell to Intel, AMD and Windows: China chooses its own path

    China's state structures: why do we need Western technologies if we have our own? China is gradually abandoning the use of Intel and AMD chips, the Windows operating system, and foreign databases in favor of domestic alternatives. The requirements mainly relate to computers and servers owned by...
  4. Teacher

    Hackers broke into Windows 11, Tesla and Ubuntu: Grand Prix on the first day of Pwn2Own

    Specialists managed to uncover 19 zero-day vulnerabilities and win cash prizes. On the first day of the Pwn2Own competition in Vancouver in 2024, participants demonstrated 19 zero-day vulnerabilities in Windows 11, Tesla cars, and Ubuntu. For their findings, experts received awards totaling...
  5. Teacher

    Zorin OS 17.1: indistinguishable from Windows OS gives new life to old technology

    3 work environment options and built-in applications offer you to learn and work comfortably. Zorin, the developer of the Linux distribution Zorin OS, aimed at inexperienced users, announced the release of Zorin OS 17.1, which offers 3 working environment options depending on your needs. Zorin...
  6. Teacher

    Microsoft inserts pop-up ads in Google Chrome on Windows

    How to protect your choice and avoid unwanted changes. Microsoft has again decided to use pop-up windows in the Google Chrome browser, the purpose of which is to encourage users to switch to the Bing search engine. For the first time, such advertising notifications that resemble the actions of...
  7. Teacher

    Bypassing Windows Protection: RedCurl turns PCA into a spying tool

    How Windows Assistant became the hackers command center. Trend Micro revealed new methods of cyberattacks by the RedCurl group, which uses a legitimate Windows component to execute malicious commands. The Program Compatibility Assistant ( PCA) component, designed to solve compatibility...
  8. Teacher

    Windows users, beware: DarkGate exploits a zero-day vulnerability

    The SmartScreen security bug served hackers well. Maybe you also managed to become a victim of it? In mid-January, security researchers noticed a new large-scale campaign to distribute malicious software DarkGate, exploiting a recently fixed vulnerability in the Microsoft Windows security...
  9. Teacher

    Группа киберпреступности RedCurl злоупотребляет инструментом Windows PCA для корпоративного шпионажа

    Русскоязычная киберпреступная группа под названием RedCurl использует законный компонент Microsoft Windows под названием Program Compatibility Assistant (PCA) для выполнения вредоносных команд. "Служба помощника по совместимости программ (pcalua.exe) - это служба Windows, предназначенная для...
  10. Teacher

    Исследователи подробно описывают уязвимость Kubernetes, которая позволяет захватить узел Windows

    Были обнародованы подробности об исправленной уязвимости высокой степени серьезности в Kubernetes, которая при определенных обстоятельствах может позволить злоумышленнику осуществлять удаленное выполнение кода с повышенными привилегиями. "Уязвимость позволяет выполнять удаленный код с...
  11. Teacher

    Misconfiguration Manager: The Cybersecurity Bible for Windows Administrators

    SpecterOps will teach you a lesson: how do I manage Microsoft servers securely? A group of researchers from SpecterOps has announced the release of Misconfiguration Manager — an extensive repository of attack and protection methods for the Microsoft Configuration Manager (MCM) environment. This...
  12. Teacher

    Wrath of God: WingOfGod Hits Windows and Linux users in Asia

    The WogRAT backdoor exploits a popular online notepad to evade detection. In recent months, a new malware called WogRAT has been actively spreading through cyberspace, targeting users of the Windows and Linux operating systems. Researchers at AhnLab Security (ASEC) have discovered that WogRAT...
  13. Teacher

    Windows 10 vs Windows 11: Who won the battle for gaming PCs in February?

    Every month, Steam conducts a survey to find out what devices and programs users use. After a noticeable jump in popularity in January 2024, Windows 11 lost some of its gaming audience, according to Valve. The company published the results of its monthly Steam Hardware & Software Survey, which...
  14. Teacher

    AI is getting deeper into Windows: the March update will bring a lot of useful features

    Generative features, voice control, and a personalized approach – what else will Microsoft enjoy? Microsoft announced the launch of the Windows 11 update, which includes a number of improvements and new built-in features. Among the new features are enhanced Copilot capabilities, new AI...
  15. Teacher

    Хакеры Lazarus использовали недостаток ядра Windows в качестве нулевого дня в недавних атаках

    Печально известные участники Lazarus Group использовали недавно исправленную ошибку повышения привилегий в ядре Windows в качестве нулевого дня для получения доступа на уровне ядра и отключения программного обеспечения безопасности на скомпрометированных хостах. Рассматриваемая уязвимость имеет...
  16. Teacher

    CVE-2024-21338: How Lazarus uses Windows Drivers to create an immortal rootkit

    Even the security mechanisms don't help you get rid of the new hacking method. North Korean hackers Lazarus used a vulnerability in the Windows AppLocker driver to gain access at the kernel level and disable security tools, avoiding detection. Avast identified and reported on the activities of...
  17. Teacher

    Windows users complain about the inability to install the latest security patch

    "Fix Tuesday" is followed by "rollback Wednesday". Well, how much can you do, Microsoft? Windows users encountered an unexpected problem when installing the February 13 security update . Microsoft has confirmed that there are difficulties that can interrupt the installation process at around...
  18. Teacher

    Updates without rebooting: Microsoft introduces "hot patching" in Windows

    In the test version of Windows 11, the Hotpatching option has been added. Microsoft has introduced the "hot patching" option in the test version of Windows 11, which allows you to avoid frequent reboots of the operating system after installing updates. Hotpatching "fixes the code of running...
  19. Teacher

    Meta предупреждает о 8 фирмах-шпионах, нацеленных на устройства iOS, Android и Windows

    Компания Meta Platforms заявила, что предприняла ряд шагов для пресечения вредоносной деятельности восьми различных фирм, базирующихся в Италии, Испании и Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах (ОАЭ), работающих в сфере видеонаблюдения по найму. Выводы являются частью ее отчета о враждебных угрозах за...
  20. Teacher

    73 vulnerabilities eliminated: Patch Tuesday strengthens Windows cyber defenses

    The next security update from Microsoft is already ready for download. Microsoft's latest Patch Tuesday update, released in February 2024, addresses 73 vulnerabilities in the company's software, including two zero-day vulnerabilities that are actively exploited by attackers, and one truly...