
  1. Tomcat

    Traffic monetization: make more money online!

    In the era of the Internet, only the lazy did not ask the question: how to earn extra money without leaving home? Right! We need someone who will pay us for our work on the Internet, namely advertisers who are interested in receiving an unlimited number of visitors to their site, and ultimately...
  2. Tomcat

    WordPress users lose money: Little-known plugins as a new weapon for hackers

    Attackers have come up with a way to steal confidential data unnoticed. According to the Sucuri report, unknown hackers use little-known WordPress plugins to inject malicious PHP code on victims ' websites and steal payment data. On May 11, Sucuri specialists discovered a campaign in which...
  3. Tomcat

    How not to lose money in a black box: billing testing methods

    Testing paid services is one of the key engineering issues in Badoo testing. Our application is integrated with 70 payment providers in 250 countries, and a bug in at least one of them can lead to unpredictable consequences. In this article, I will talk about the testing methods we use at Badoo...
  4. Tomcat

    Equipment for verifying the authenticity of money

    For many centuries, since the invention of money, there has been a confrontation between currency issuers and counterfeiters. The former use increasingly sophisticated methods of protection, while the latter find ways to counterfeit them. Modern banknotes have such complex security features that...
  5. Tomcat

    How an ATM works: what happens to the money and data inside the machine

    How to make the most of your time in line at an ATM? We suggest this exercise: imagine that you have X-ray vision, and try to trace the entire path that the bills take inside the device. To make it easier for you to navigate, here is a post about the rich inner world of an ATM. We talk about...
  6. Tomcat

    About non-cash money and banks

    Today in Russia there is a completely normal system of non-cash payments. Of course, the concept of "non-cash" has many synonyms, such as "by bank", etc., but all this is the same essence. In the first part of the article, I will talk a little about the essence of money (what if someone learns...
  7. Tomcat

    Digital goods – new gold: how hackers make money from other people's gifts

    Microsoft spoke about the tactics of intruders who start hunting on the eve of the holidays. Microsoft published a new Cyber Signals report, in which it shared fresh data on the activities of the Storm-0539 hacker group and a sharp increase in gift card theft on the eve of Memorial Day in the...
  8. Father

    Scammers, recruiters and pranksters - how they deceive, depriving them of money, freedom and reputation

    The deputy of the Murmansk Regional Duma became a victim of telephone fraudsters right at the meeting. Allegedly, Speaker Sergei Dubovoy called him three times and asked him to urgently lend more than two million rubles. By the end of the day, it turned out that the crooks were speaking in...
  9. Father

    5 people created an international system for siphoning money from US corporations

    The US Department of Justice has filed charges against five people for cyber crimes aimed at financing North Korea's nuclear program. From October 2020 to October 2023, the defendants participated in a campaign organized by the North Korean government to infiltrate the US labor market through...
  10. Father

    Taiwan Approves Prison Sentences for Using Cryptocurrencies for Money Laundering

    Individuals who use digital assets to launder money in Taiwan face prison sentences ranging from six months to five years. This follows from the new anti-fraud laws. The package includes: Law on Fraud Prevention and Control. Law on Prevention and Combating Money Laundering. Law on...
  11. Father

    Without packages and money: phishing Mail sites become leaders in traffic

    How holidays and trustfulness of citizens affect the activity of scammers. Despite an extensive information campaign and warnings, fraudulent schemes that mimic the services of the postal service continue to operate successfully. Akamai found a significant increase in the activity of such...
  12. Father

    Deputy Head of DenizBank branch Accused of embezzling depositors money to buy cryptocurrencies

    Turkish police have arrested Utka Erdem, deputy head of the DenizBank branch in Antalya's Manavgat district, and seven other employees of the bank on suspicion of embezzling customer funds and making illegal cryptocurrency transactions. As a result of an inspection conducted at DenizBank, it...
  13. Father

    The court recovered the money stolen from the pensioner from the drop

    The court recovered 154 thousand rubles from a resident of Kemerovo, who provided fraudsters with their data for registration of a fictitious account, the press service of the Prosecutor's office of the Volgograd region reported. The prosecutor's office conducted a check on the appeal of a...
  14. Father

    From SVG files to Venom RAT: how scammers breed crypto investors for money

    Victims lose control of their savings, unaware of the hack until the last moment. Cybersecurity experts have discovered a complex multi-stage attack that uses phishing messages with invoice themes to spread a variety of malicious software, including Venom RAT, Remcos RAT, XWorm, NanoCore RAT...
  15. Father

    Financial motivation catches hackers: a BI study.ZONE captures 76% of attacks for money

    Agent Tesla spyware ranked first among cyber threats in Russia in 2023. BI.ZONE published an annual study of cyber threats and hacker groups operating in Russia. The Threat Zone 2024 report is based on an analysis of data collected by experts from incident response, monitoring, and cyber...
  16. Teacher

    A criminal group that used a phishing site to extort money from people was exposed

    Now it is established about the losses caused to citizens in the amount of almost 119 thousand UAH. Investigators informed the defendants about the suspicion. They face up to 8 years in prison. The illegal activity was stopped by employees of the Department of Countering Cybercrime in the...
  17. Teacher

    Former employees decided that stealing trade secrets is a good way to make money

    Federal prosecutors in New York have charged Canadian Klaus Pflugbijl, 58, and Chinese Yilong Shao, 47, with conspiring to pass on trade secrets to Tesla. Pflugbijl was arrested Tuesday morning on Long Island. The man was sure that he was going to a meeting with buyers to discuss the deal, but...
  18. Teacher

    SBU together with law enforcement officers of Latvia neutralized an underground call center that lured money from EU citizens

    The security services, together with the National Police, the Prosecutor's Office and law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Latvia, have eliminated an international scheme for luring funds from investors of electronic exchanges. As a result of a special operation in Zaporozhye, Kharkiv...
  19. Teacher

    The girl from the dating site well, very easily threw a Muscovite for money

    50-year-old Sergey so wanted new sensations and passions that he forgot to turn on his brain. Sofia from Loveplanet was so sweet and innocent. On the first date, I agreed to go only to the movies, without any nonsense. But the girl clearly hinted that it would be better to rent a club hall for...
  20. Teacher

    CHAVECLOAK: signing the contract may result in a loss of money for Brazilians

    A new banking Trojan has joined the ranks of malware that terrorizes users in South America. FortiGuard Labs discovered a new threat to the financial sector in South America. A new malware called CHAVECLOAK aims to steal bank credentials from Brazilian residents. The Trojan is distributed via...