
  1. Carding

    Vulnerabilities in ScrutisWeb could be used to remotely hack into ATMs

    Researchers have warned of several vulnerabilities found in ScrutisWeb ATM monitoring software developed by the French company Iagona. These problems can be used for remote hacking. The vulnerabilities were discovered by members of the Synack red team, and the manufacturer fixed them in July...
  2. Carding

    Cool down time: how to cover up heat traces after using an ATM

    Fingerprint hunters are ready for a thermal attack. A group of computer security experts has developed recommendations on how to protect against so-called "heat attacks". Heat attacks use thermal imagers to read fingerprints on surfaces like smartphones, keyboards, and payment terminals. Last...
  3. Carding

    Contactless ATMs – what is the risk?

    In 2018, contactless ATMs began to appear in Russian cities. At first glance, such ATMs have some advantages: you can't forget the card inside, the plastic won't" jam " the device, and fraudsters won't be able to read the number. What are the disadvantages and risks of data theft, we will tell...
  4. CarderPlanet

    Обзор бесконтактной безопасности банкомата

    Содержание Как работают бесконтактные банкоматы? Что обеспечивает безопасность бесконтактных банкоматов? По-прежнему ли бесконтактные банкоматы уязвимы для мошенничества? Заключение Вопросы и ответы Более чем когда-либо потребители стремятся к технологиям, которые позволяют им держать свои...
  5. Lord777

    Card tricks: criminal business at ATMs

    To get into the skimmers area of interest, just use a bank card. How do these criminals operate and how do you protect your bank account from them? Who among us doesn't know to be wary of pickpockets? If in childhood the care of handling a wallet on the street was not taught by my father and...
  6. CUK77

    ATMs: a forgotten past or a promising future?

    A new study from Europe refutes the widespread belief that ATMs are at the end of their era as a cash pick-up point and suggests new ways that banks can take full advantage of ATMs. A report titled “Finding a Million Dollar ATM: Redefining and Revitalizing the ATM Channel,” published by...
  7. CUK77

    Where does the money come from: how an ATM works from the inside

    The first ATM was installed on June 27, 1967. How does ATM work from the inside? Most of us know what ATM looks like. But not everyone knows how an ATM works from the inside - where the bills are stored, how they are counted and how they get outside. How an ATM works from the inside...
  8. CUK77

    50 years in dispensing money: how an ATM works

    It was on June 27, 1967 that the first ATM was installed How an ATM works: basic principles and interesting facts. Today, devices that are found on almost every corner and for many serve as the only way to cash out their funds from a bank account are celebrating their 50th anniversary. We...
  9. Brother

    Why apply a card twice at an ATM

    The use of a contactless method of interacting with an ATM is now becoming fashionable. And I myself prefer to use this way. Moreover, for very pragmatic reasons: no one will jam or grab your card. Not that this often happens to me, or there are reasons to be afraid of the card being seized...
  10. Brother

    Security of ATMs and safes

    First of all, I would like to say that it is nice to see many new faces on the channel. Welcome! A little off the main topic. I had a period when I was selling safes, locks, bill detectors ... An interesting entrepreneurial experience. In general, I know a lot from those times and will...
  11. Brother

    ATM under suspicion

    Where do carders get credit card data? Today we'll talk about one of the ways to steal magnetic card tracks and PINs to them. You may have noticed that the ATMs you are used to at some point (several years ago) suddenly changed their appearance a little. Some strange structures appeared on the...
  12. Brother

    When the ATM ran out of electricity

    The world has long been unthinkable without plugging into an outlet. When de-energized, it experiences a breakdown. What if the ATM goes out of power? What will happen to the money and the card? In fact, an ATM is a very ordinary computer, but with slightly unusual devices connected to it. This...
  13. Brother

    Windows on an ATM? Why not

    Some of us, perhaps, have seen a faulty ATM, on the screen of which there is a painfully familiar green hill, the "Start" button and other signs of the presence of an OS from Microsoft. I remember when I saw this for the first time, when I was still very young and far from all this banking...
  14. Brother

    Mysterious ATM malfunctions

    If the ATM freezes or something breaks in it, we will understand, because it is constantly in touch and is controlled by a hundred signals. But there are malfunctions that you just don't know about. For example, if someone broke the keyboard (in fact, a PIN-pad, this is a complex device) of an...
  15. Brother

    One of the outdated ways to cheat an ATM

    Friends, I decided to step a little on a slippery path :) I am not a great specialist in fraudulent operations, but it so happened that I know something about such things. Just spreading such information is not entirely fair ... At the same time, such things are just very interesting in...
  16. Brother

    ATM attacks brought pennies to carders in 2021

    ATM attacks that use special malware and jackpotting techniques no longer generate normal income for cybercriminals. In the first half of 2019, ATM gangs raised less than € 1,000 per successful campaign. In total, banks across Europe have reported 35 incidents involving ATM malware and...
  17. Teacher

    ATM response codes

    EFTI Transaction Response Codes All completed transactions, whether declined or approved, carry a response code. This code appears on the various detailed reports in TransMANAGER™. Response - Processor - Description 700 EFTI Completed Successfully 01 EFTI Refer to card issuer 02 EFTI Refer to...
  18. Teacher

    Security system ATM

    As you know, ATMs, like any self-service banking devices installed in public places and ensuring the issuance and storage of cash, are, on the one hand, a source of increased danger for all participants in the process of servicing them, and on the other hand, one of the most attractive objects...
  19. Teacher

    Работа банкомата

    В наше время люди не берут с собой деньги на покупки. Вместо этого у них есть карточка банкомата, также известная как карточка банкомата. Когда нужны деньги, они идут к ближайшему банкомату, вставляют свою карту банкомата и берут необходимую сумму. Поскольку эти банкоматы можно найти в...
  20. Teacher

    Что такое банкомат и как он работает

    Термин АТМ означает банкомат. Это электронное устройство, которое используется только клиентами банка для обработки транзакций по счетам. Пользователи получают доступ к своим счетам через специальную пластиковую карту, на магнитной полосе которой кодируется информация о пользователе. Полоса...