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  1. Carding 4 Carders

    Another bunch of questions!

    Hello. There are many stores on the market offering dumps for sale. There are much fewer stores selling valid dump+pin, since any seller who has such material can independently cash out dump+pin and take all the profits for themselves. The validity of dumps depends on the freshness of the...
  2. Carding 4 Carders

    A Muscovite woman fell in love with an Italian and bought him crypts worth ₽2.8 million

    The man pretended to teach his new lover how to trade on the stock exchange. The story with a broken heart and a fat minus on the accounts happened in the Krylatskoye district. The 40-year-old beauty artist met a sultry handsome man in a dating app, who said that he is Italian, but has been...
  3. Carding 4 Carders


    The release of the reference implementation of the Yggdrasil 0.4 protocol has been published, which allows you to deploy a separate decentralized private IPv6 network on top of a regular global network, which uses end-to-end encryption to protect your privacy. You can use any existing...
  4. Carding 4 Carders

    LK introduced a new serious actor named ToddyCat

    For more than a year and a half, a previously unknown group has targeted high-status victims, including government organizations, military departments, and arms contractors. Todd's operations are characterized by the use of the Samurai backdoor and the Ninja Trojan, two previously unknown...
  5. Carding 4 Carders

    Oyster Protocol founder gets 4 years in prison

    The creator of the fraudulent cryptocurrency scheme Oyster Protocol Amir Bruno Elmaani, also known under the pseudonym Bruno Block, received 4 years in prison for tax evasion in the amount of $5.5 million. In April of this year, Amir Bruno Elmaani admitted that he created a fraudulent Oyster...
  6. Carding 4 Carders

    CFTC: "In 2023, we paid cryptocurrency informants $16 million"

    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) reported that it paid $16 million to informants this year, thanks to which the regulator sued several crypto companies. CFTC Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero said that the data received from whistleblowers concerned cryptocurrencies. The CFTC...
  7. Carding 4 Carders

    Taiwan reveals scheme to launder 320 million USDT

    A Taiwanese man named Qiu and three of his accomplices were accused of organizing the country's largest cryptocurrency money laundering scheme. This is reported by local media. According to investigators, several criminal groups from Hong Kong, the Philippines and Malaysia were engaged in...
  8. Carding 4 Carders

    An FSB officer is being investigated for stealing "hundreds of millions"of cryptocurrencies from a Russian citizen

    An employee of the Department of the Federal Security Service (FSB) in the Samara region is suspected of stealing cryptocurrency from a cybercriminal, VolgaNews writes with reference to official representatives of the Federal Security Service of the Samara Region. He estimated the damage caused...
  9. Carding 4 Carders

    The US accused two New Yorkers of helping "Russian hackers"

    The US Department of Justice has charged two citizens of the United States with helping "Russian hackers" break into the taxi dispatcher service of John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. The agency's report states that " for many years, hacker attacks by the defendants prevented...
  10. Carding 4 Carders

    Kazan police found a girl who, at the direction of scammers, gave them money and hid in a hotel

    In the Republic of Tatarstan, a local resident contacted the duty station of the Yamashevsky police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Kazan with a report about the disappearance of his 26-year-old sister. The young man explained that the day before in the morning she...
  11. Carding 4 Carders

    Onyx protocol lost more than $2 million due to hacker attack

    The Onyx Protocol DeFi landing platform lost approximately $2.1 million as a result of an illiquid market exploit deployed on October 27. PeckShield experts probably noticed the incident when the protocol team didn't know about it yet. According to the company's specialists, the attackers...
  12. Carding 4 Carders

    CC to BTC carding cashout method (

    In this cc to btc carding cashout method we will be carding allows you to buy bitcoin and send to your outside wallet address. There is a limit of how much btc you can buy without going through id verification. The site however has 3d security implemented on the payment...
  13. Carding 4 Carders

    Предупреждение: F5 предупреждает покупателя или активные атаки, использующие уязвимость BIG-IP

    F5 - это предупреждение, или активное злоупотребление, или критический недостаток безопасности в BIG-IP менее чем через неделю после его публичного раскрытия, приводящий к выполнению произвольных системных команд как части цепочки эксплойтов. Отслеживаемая как CVE-2023-46747 (оценка CVSS: 9,8)...
  14. Carding 4 Carders

    Turla обновляет бэкдор Kazuar расширенным антианализом, чтобы избежать обнаружения

    Связанная с Россией хакерская группа, известная как Turla , была замечена с использованием обновленной версии известного бэкдора второй ступени, называемого Kazuar. Новые данные получены от подразделения 42 сети Пало-Альто, которое отслеживает противника под своим прозвищем в созвездии...
  15. Carding 4 Carders

    Северокорейские хакеры нацелились на Криптоэкспертов с помощью вредоносного ПО KANDYKORN для macOS

    Было обнаружено, что спонсируемые государством злоумышленники из Корейской Народно-Демократической Республики (КНДР) нацелились на блокчейн-инженеров или неназванную платформу криптообмена через Discord с новой вредоносной программой для macOS под названием KANDYKORN. Elastic Security Labs...
  16. Carding 4 Carders

    Иранская группа кибершпионажа нацелена на финансовый и государственный секторы Ближнего Востока

    Было замечено, что субъект угрозы, связанный с Министерством разведки и безопасности Ирана (MOIS), ведет сложную кампанию кибершпионажа, нацеленную на финансовый, правительственный, военный и телекоммуникационный секторы на Ближнем Востоке, по крайней мере, в течение года. Израильская фирма по...
  17. Carding 4 Carders

    Практический обзор: Расширение для обеспечения безопасности корпоративного браузера layerX

    Браузер стал основным рабочим интерфейсом на современных предприятиях. Именно в нем сотрудники создают данные и взаимодействуют с ними, а также получают доступ к организационным и внешним SAAS и веб-приложениям. В результате браузер становится мишенью злоумышленников. Они стремятся украсть...
  18. Carding 4 Carders

    Поисковики Разоблачают Подпольный Сервис Сокращения ссылок Prolific Puma

    Участник угрозы, известный как Prolific Puma ведет себя сдержанно и использует подпольный сервис сокращения ссылок, который предлагается другим участникам угрозы, по крайней мере, в течение последних четырех лет. Prolific Puma создает "доменные имена с RDGA [алгоритм генерации...
  19. Carding 4 Carders

    A new approach to machine learning: the "brain" of nanowires

    When machines learn like the human brain. The world is passionate about artificial intelligence (AI), which can process huge amounts of data. However, modern AI systems based on artificial neural networks consume a lot of energy, especially when working with real-time data. Scientists have...
  20. Carding 4 Carders

    American domains .US as a phishing and malware incubator

    The main domain of the United States has become a tool of scammers and cybercriminals. Infoblox research has revealed that the US Top - Level Domain (TLD) is .US-has become a platform for registering thousands of new domains associated with the malicious link shortening service, which is used...