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  • Pussy clit what 25LR you are shitting about i never deal with syphilitics like you,you real kid play your PS and keep away from Card board.
    Cunt, i never did deal with you in my life, and why with my good rep here, am i going to run away with your 25lr?
    Hey pussy i don,t even know who you are ,if i,m looking for Belg passport so i,m pedo?Listen shitty clit you need real psychologist ,or gynecologist help with you brain.Cunt....
    hey im just starting out and have a few questions about dumps and such, think you could help me out? i just noticed you talking about dumps in the shoutbox so i thought id shoot you a pm. thanks
    pal can you vouch for me here so can see the good stuff in this site i been trying to vouch but i cnt get any
    Anyway you can vouch for a fellow Zoklet member (Tdotwire7). I am from toronto, and might be able to assist you and some fellow canadian carders. I currently have a sick way to get infos, just need to cope a vx670 dummy. Anyways just thought I would give it a shot, thanks.
    need Uk Halifax grantee savers complete profiles please contact me, will pay good money for them
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