Where can I find the name of a person who goes on X flight?


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Is it possible to find out the full list of passengers on the plane
Sometimes people wonder if it is possible to find out the list of passengers on an airplane flight. The answer to the question is simple: without a good reason, such opportunities are excluded. There is a law that protects the rights of citizens in such situations, so violation of it is punishable in accordance with the law. If a person flies away, and you want to clarify whether he got on the plane, you will need to try to do everything according to the law.

The content of the article:
  1. In what situations are the lists amenable to disclosure?
  2. Who can access non-public information
  3. What ways can an ordinary person use
Important! Everyone has the right to move freely and have the right to privacy, so it is against the law to monitor them. Airlines disclose passenger information only within the framework of the law, strictly following their own Charter. Therefore, it is rather problematic to find out whether a citizen has flown away.

In what situations are the lists amenable to disclosure?
There are some contingencies that do not fit the planned scenario. It could be a disaster that happened during the flight or right at the airport. Such moments are practically excluded, because flying on an airplane is considered safer than driving in a car. The basis for the publication of the list of passengers who fly on board of air transport are also those actions of the military that are carried out in a specific direction of the route.

If an incident occurs along one of the routes, you can find out whether the person took off on the plane and whether he got to his destination. Airlines in such situations act as follows:
  1. A headquarters is being created, to which important information is transmitted, intended for the relatives of Russian citizens who flew on a specific flight.
  2. Hot telephone lines are being opened, which work around the clock and seven days a week.
  3. The data appears on resources on the Internet after several stages of verification, so you can check the list of people who have flown.
  4. All the details of the incident are covered in the media.
Important! You can find the person you are interested in if you read the list from the news or radio. You need to constantly monitor the update of information, because it happens in real time.
To find out if a person has boarded a flight, use the rules above. So you can determine his fate and understand if his name is not on the lists of victims after the emergency.

Who can access non-public information
Some authorities have the right to check the passengers of the vessel by sending a request to the airline. This is the federal security service or tax authorities. The organization's employees are provided with special decrees and papers that allow them to find out the list of passengers on the plane flying on a specific route. You can clarify whether specific people sat in the salon if certain situations are associated with them.
Private detectives and detective services find data on people who boarded the flight. They have their own connections and agreements with the airport staff.
Important! The legality of their actions is unclear, as clients do not pay special attention to the methods of obtaining information. However, such services are rarely punished for such operations in accordance with the law.

What ways can an ordinary person use
If a person has relatives or friends in the relevant authorities who have access to information, then you can ask them for help. If there are no such connections, and there is no way to pay for the services of a private detective, then you can try to find out the data about the passenger or passenger yourself:
  1. Ask for help from people who work at the airport. Personnel are prohibited from providing information to third parties. If you start to threaten or put pressure on an employee, then he will perceive this as a violation of the law. In order not to run into problems with the law, it is impossible to cross the border of what is permissible. Try to share the reason why you need to see the passenger list. It is worth remembering that employees must sign non-disclosure agreements. The citizen who knows how to win over people will be able to get the necessary information.
  2. If you enter the phrase “get a list of passengers (a specific flight)” in the search bar in your browser, you can see a list of dozens of sites. These are mobile applications and services of companies that offer up-to-date information. You do not need to blindly trust the first offer that comes across, as you can face scammers. Even those organizations that do get hold of the passenger lists for the flight rarely follow the established legislation.
It is easier than it seems to understand that you have scammers in front of you. If, while downloading the program to the gadget, you are asked for a bank card number, passport data, or asked to send a paid message to activate the application, then this indicates deception. Some scammers demand payment for the service in plain words. No one guarantees that after you send the money, you will have the list of passengers. You will not be able to return the money, since the law enforcement agencies will not accept such a statement, and you will face additional problems.

Important! Working with such people who act contrary to the law is punishable by law enforcement agencies. This is help to criminals, for which they may well be imprisoned.
On the Internet, crackers offer their services, promising to check the airlines' bases. Citizens know that they are violating the current legislation. Such proposals should be rejected so as not to face serious problems with law enforcement agencies. Remember that otherwise you are fraught with heavy fines, and other penalties for the violator of the law may also be taken.

If you need to see what kind of people are flying on board the plane, proceed only in accordance with the established rules. Only in this case, such an initiative will not entail severe punishment.