What is the real deal with ATM Cameras?

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I have been sitting on 50 skimmed ATM cards for almost a year now and need to use them but have been to nervous to use the ATMs becasue they have cameras in them and it is to risky to wear a mask or look out of place when using one.

I would like to know more information about how the cameras work, when they come on and how long they record for. Do they record all the time?

Would it work to walk up to the machine 1 hour previous with hood on, quickly place tick tape over camera window on the ATM and then come back in 1 hour and just use the machine as normal not having to worry about being recorded?

I am looking for information from those of you who know and are not jsut making a guess.


just stay away from atms with cameras. there r lots of em. but be careful where u are and just be smart about it...if u in a gas station or somewhere that might have a crappy atm like that then they might have cameras in the store itself.
i agree no more than 3 at a time, but if u want to be real careful just do 1. u drive to another city or just out of town, hit one atm without any camera, using 1 card during a time of day where not many people are around...and wearing a hat or something (just a hat or sunglasses, u dont have to put on a darth vader mask or anything that would draw attention) then drive down the street and do it again....u should be safe!
plus worse case senario and ur mug does get taken, hte pics r usually bad quality anyway and ur not even from around there...RIGHT?
one idea is to case the joint before going in and see if they have cameras. if they do, know where they are so when u come later that day or the next with your hat and different clothes (darth vader mask left in the car) u can know where NOT to look.
But this is probably really overthinking this.....JUST GO BANG THOSE BITCHES OUT!
3 cards is the 100% safe ideea,plus the cover +mask thing yes another good ideea,but u know...seriously just avoid big traffic uptown use suburbans and u can clean even 10 or so per atm,depinds of THE PLACE.
Second having a batch of skimmed cards,and using 3 cards a day or 1 card a day,c`mon people YOU CAN`T DO THAT,why? Cause the BANK WILL CLOSE ALL THE CARDS + and - from the card number u cashed.
Yes is better to be safe cash 3 per atm,but WTF u gonna do when u go 160 cards?
Bravo....now this has got to be the definitive post on ATM cashouts. Nice MrJohn. and on a side note, is it just me or should halloween be the cashout night of the year....b/c u actually can wear the Darth Vader mask at the ATM and no one will think anything wierd.
I did 3 cards today at one atm and all were declined or not usable at that time for whatever reason. Dissapointing. It was old NCR machine with no camera but I still got spooked and decided to leave after 3 unsucessful cards.
I'd like to mention, there are some banks with atms that have bus terminals near them which have cops working security. Most of the time they just sit in their personal car, observing the bus terminal for any suspicious activity....but if they happen to look in the rear-view mirror and see someone acting nervously round the atm, they might want to see what they are up to.
Its not hard to cashout 160 d+p in one day, but it require some preparation first if u want to do a pro job.

1. First u must choose what banks u will use to cashout, I mean in every country there are at least 20 banks and all have their own network of atms, and beside that there are so called private network of atms that aren't affiliated with any particular bank.

2. Ok, if this is the first cashout job and don't know what are the best atm networks to use, just go for a walk in ur city and see what types of atm`s are around. Look for the old and small types of ATMs, NCRs are the best as many of the old models are still in use. Along with the atms u will know witch banks still use that type of old atms, lets say u see around 20-30 atms in a 2 hour walk in the center of ur city, and from that atms only 5-6 was old type without buildin camera. Now remember or note what banks own that particular atms, lets say that only 5-6 banks owned that old atms.

3. Go home and visit that banks websites and go to Branch/ATM location, every bank have such a list on its website. There u will find all locations of the bank atms. Now choose on what city u will drive in order to cashout, and get a list of all atms locations of that particular banks.

4. Lets say u live in city X and u will card in city Y, with the list of banks atm locations in front of u, use google map to check every address in the city Y area, to see where exactly the atms from the list are situated. Remove the locations that are in the centre of city Y and after that choose from that list only the atm locations that are in the same part of the city Y. Is better to choose one suburb to cashout in it, as u can loose time if u must drive across the city from location to location.

5. After u filter ur atm locations list from city Y with the help of google maps its impossible not to have at least 20-30 locations on the final list. Like I said, in every country are at least 20 banks, and from that banks at least 5-6 still have an network of old atms in use so if u do your research u will find at least 5-6 atms for each bank in city Y that are good to use for cashout.

6. Now that u have ur final list of locations for city Y, if u have a nav system on your car in order it will be very easy to locate each location on the city Y, if u don't have a nav system just make some prints of google maps for that locations, so u can use that prints when u are in the area in order to find the locations.

7. prepare all 160 plastics for cashout ... and please DON'T write the pin on the plastic )
as I've seen a lot of ppl doing this shit and then asked themselves why they was caught. You don't even imagine how far graphology goes with the handwriting personality profile and other similar shit. Feds writed even a book on this subject, and named it: they write their own sentences, so plz don't become a book subject.

8. Now that u have ur atm locations list from city Y and all cards are ready to cashout, wake up in the morning and drive to the city Y area from where u have most of the atm locations and start locating them on the field. It will take u a couple of hours to do that, and that's why I said to wake up in the morning, because it will take u 3 hours to arrive in the city Y and by the time u start looking for the atms on your list and u are with google maps in hands there will be noon in the city Y and a lot of traffic. And right now a lot of human traffic around you is good because nobody will notice u moving around there, and staying "off the radar" is the most important thing for ur safety.

9. After u locate in the field all the ATM locations u want to use, and u check that the locations don't have cameras(building or outside), and there aren't any threads for u in the nearby atm locations you must make a visit tour to all the locations u pickup for your in order to familiarize with the area and in order to make sure you know how to go straight to each location. Lets say u choose 10 locations in the same suburb area of the city Y, before start cashing out just go from location one to location 10, if u have no difficulty in finding each location you are ready to work.

10. After u do all the previous preparation it will be 17:00 - 19:00, this is the best time for cashing out, because the majority of the ppl are already home from work and their only interest in this time is to eat and relax from a work day, they will not pay attention to somebody that use an ATM or things like this. U must know that even the police patrols are changing shifts around 18:00 - 19:00, so my opinion that starting from 18:00 till 22:00 is the best period to cashout.

11. now as the time is good and you are ready with everything, start using location 1 for cashing out 3 cards. after u finish 3 cards, go to location 2 for another 3 cards. In this way after u reach location 10 u will have 30 cards cashed out and enough time was past in order for you to come back to first location and start with another 3 cards and then move to location 3 with another 3 cards and keep it in that way until u have all your cards cashed out.
If u choose 10 locations for cashout, and u cashout 3 cards for each location on a time, u will have to make around 5 tours in order to cashout all your 160 dumps. And 5 tours is safe if u do it quick and right, because even if u will use the same ATM location for 5 times, u will use one particular location on a 30-60 minutes time interval, and nobody will notice that the same guy from one hour ago came back and use the same atm once more for another 4-5 minutes.
But in order to do this I already said that u must choose very carefully your cashout locations, and exclude thoose locations that have security guards stationed in the lobby of the building on other side of the street or some old neighbors that stay all day in front of their house/block.

12. Also, for your best protection you can take with u 5-6 various jackets and hats, and use one per every cashout tour u make, so even if somebody spot u on a second tour on that particular atm, they will not be able to say that u are the same guy that use that atm one hour ago because u have differit jacket and hat. But the important thing on using hats ... don't use funny hats and don't use strident colors, as u don't want to draw ppl eyes on you.

Bottom of line, we are talking here on how to cashout 160 d+p in one day and not to be caught ... EVEN on tape! This is not impossible to do, but is a hard job for somebody that don't have field experience and require previous preparation, in order to do it fast and do it right.

And remember that we are talking about serious money, so this is no kid job and not an easy job so don't treat it very seriously and as much pro as u can. On a 400$ average withdraw from each dump, and on a bad scenario of only half of your base still work ... the pay day for this job will be around 30k and this is good money earned in one day even for Donald Trump.
So don't be lazy and start ur research and preparation for this right now and if u still don't have balls to do it yourself contact a trustful cashier and give those dumps for cashout(not all once), as by everyday it past u risk to loose more and more of them.

On the other hand, of course u can be lazy enough to cashout 10 dumps once on an ATM and come back to the same atm on a 10 minutes interval and cashout another 10 cards and so on ... but this is fucked up as u want to make 30k-40k in a day but you are so lazy as u don't even spend a couple of hours on planning the job. There is no such thing as easy money ... easy comes only with easy to get caught.

PS: if u want to maximize your profit, before u start cashing them out do your research like I already explained only for 2 cities. And after you will finish cashing them out on the first city, next day cashout them once more in the second city, in the same way ... as the atm withdraw limit of all cards are reset on 00:00 local time of the issuer bank. So u will double your profit if u cashout them once more in the next day, but if u don't do it next day, and in another city ... probably in 2-3 days all cards will be dead.
Good Job Ion,i didn`t say i didn`t know how to cash 160-200 dumps at once,i just tried to point u guys on the road of :"What if u resume urself to 3 cards a day,u will may Loose the rest of the batch".
Second i won`t agree with one thing from all your post.
That is the Navi-Gps system on ur CAR!YOU WILL NEVER USE SOMETHING THAT CAN BE TRACE,jesus people,let`s not forget this part of beein Traced.
Second i don`t agree with all this "security" let`s not forget not all the town/city merge on this CyberCrime Road,and not all the Places are very well secured like u tried to show in ur post.
And Yes if u are lazy and think Skimming is a Kiddo Job,u will end up caught?
Pride,Ego,BullShit Drama,and Yes Macho Role
So Every body take a good look of Ion post is a good post,a positive post and teach you TO THINK BEFORE YOU ACT.
routine? ... sometimes this feeling is what will get u in trouble, as when u are in the line of biz not from today u start thinking that u are really good at what u do and u become more relaxed and more confident that nothing bad can happen to you. You see every week on news more and more ppl getting caught and u think: "what a bunch of fools ... this will never happen to me" ... but as the days past and u??™re getting older in the line of work u loose little by little the attention and the paranoia that kept u out of troubles and is only a matter of time when the day when u will also loose ur luck will come, and if in that day u are working ... some other ppl will see u on the news and think that will never happen to them.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that you Mr. Panther think in that way, I described part of what I've seen in the past, as I know some ppl that get to confident in their way of doing work and in their luck and start jumping over the minimum work security ... any now some of them are not to good.

And about the kids ... I don't need to tell u that a lot of kids are now eating the bread provided by the state and will not pay any rent for the next 4-6 years because they thought that for cashout u only need to input ur blanks into the atm machine, input the pin writed on the plastics and then ask for the money ... and voila, u will be the next Richie Rich.[/QUOTE]

Didn`t take it Personal Ion,i got ur point....
Second the fact about ROUTINE yes beside the ones i mentioned above too,but u know what`s my Opinion?
1 Greed
2 What is legal known as a Group (From 3 Persons UP involved together).

I will explain number 2,i guess the 1 everyone can understand.
From my "own" "mind" i always considered 2 persons as a crew for skimming is always enough,2 is the Lucky Number,2 is the Safest Number.
If u are more than 2 there will be always like TALKING,alot of Ideeas,when in fact in 2 is simple to resolve anything,comunication and INTEREST is at a same LEVEL,let`s not forget in 2 ur not even to be put to arrest as a group,and alot of Motives ....simple 2 is the BEST NUMber.

Now IOn,add some more let`s say about....how u install a skimmer on a deserted atm,wich is on an empty street,make a scenario out of that,the atm doesn`t have camera.


I`m not gonna Quote again the whole deal,but...From "movies" let`s say so...i can say the single person can install both skim and eye in under 50 seconds,while the guard watches the whole Yard.
Second reguarding fingerprints,Gloves ..LEATHER GLOVES are the ideal ones,Glue may work,but u know glue enters in ur skin,and if the CASE is BIG they can source ur DNA...(don`t Forget DNA is the main "toy" for the yrs 2000).
Third from "movies" i can say : YOU DO NOT NEED TO GUARD UR SKIM either ways u ALREDY GET HEAT ON YOU( if u try to interffer with the Person who notices ur SKIM,automaticly he can see HOW U Look,AND IF it`s captured is captured u just lost 4-5k and that IT,THINK BIG u STILL GAIN UR FREEDOM)
Fourth YES NEVER DRIVE UR CAR NEAR "hotspots",never SHIT where YOU EAT,and ALWAYS try to buy Future Toys like GSM ones that sent txt msg.
In that way u won`t have Worries.....Just try to PUT IT GOOD FOR SURE,and IF the Amount of cards Obtained are like over 40`s ur alredy in Advantage.
And Last ... NEVER and i MEAN NEVER talk about WHAT U DO,and for fuck sake NEVER KEEP uR TOYS IN UR OWN HOME!!!
