Tips for using Linken Sphere anti-detect


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Hello!I found a list of useful information for users of this anti-detection tool. Useful mainly for carders, but not only.

Installing Linken Sphere: Put it on a VM or on the Main one? Also a very popular question. Again, you can find a better option for yourself.

Linken Sphere on the Main Machine​

  • User-friendliness
  • It does not require large RAM resources, and it loads the computer less compared to using a virtual machine, for example, on Win 10 x64, especially if the paging file is disabled for security reasons and the PC is not very powerful.
  • If suddenly there is some kind of detector or virtual machine detector in the world that no one knows about yet, then this will undoubtedly be a plus compared to using an anti-detector on a virtual machine.

    I'll explain in more detail what I meant: Almost any anti-detection tool in the world, if it does not replace any parameter, then it is most likely taken from your system, or simply disabled.
Safety. I can't say 100%, but from the point of view of security, in terms of anonymity, this option is probably worse than using Linken Sphere on a virtual machine or server.

Linken Sphere on a VM​

Here, however, the opposite is true, and the minuses become pluses, and the pluses become minuses.

3 use case
Some use Linken Sphere on a dedicated server, which is also, in its own way, an interesting option, which has some advantages from the two options above.

What type of configs is best to use for embedding? "Good" options for using configs for different OS types.
Actually, taking into account the fact that this Anti-detection is written on the source code of the Chromuim engine, it is ideal to use configurations with the Chrome browser and browsers based on the Chromium platform.

If Linken Sphere is installed on your Windows OS, then the "good" config options are:
  • Win XP, 7,8, 10 + Chrome
  • Win XP, 7,8, 10 + Opera
  • MAC OS + Chrome
  • Win 10 + Edge ( Most recently, Microsoft announced the replacement of the engine with Chromium)

If you have Linken Sphere installed on MAC OS X, then the "good" config options are:
  • MAC OS + Chrome
  • MAC OS + Safari
  • Win + Chrome
Of course, you can use any configs on any OS, but these are preferable due to the fact that the OC and/or platforms are the same.

Lifehack: Using "Non-standard" configs for embedding.​

As a good and unusual alternative to the variations that I wrote above, you can use "non-standard" configs. In my understanding, non-standard configs are those systems that are not common in general and that are rarely used for driving in. For the sphere and some other AD, the criterion may still be that these configs are not found in configshops. Here are some examples of such configs: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Blackberry, PlayBook, Kindle, etc. It is difficult, of course, to imagine holders driving in from the Playstation 4 or PlayBook, but nevertheless these options take place in some topics and as one of the factors of "non-standard" driving in.

How do I get these configs for the sphere? There is only one option – to do it yourself. After reading the full manual, you will more or less understand how to make configs. The only problem is that where can I get all the data (UserAgent, WebGL, WebRTC, Window.Screen, Window.Navigator, etc.) on these devices? It's all very simple) Either look at the real device for all the necessary checkers, or take another anti-detection from the configs.

Using the "Web Emulator" tool​

Emulator Web is a tool in the Linken Sphere that allows you to automatically visit a list of sites, simulating human behavior. This tool is useful because it automates the process of receiving cookies, thereby reducing our time spent on routine work, i.e. you enter a list of sites, turn on the emulator, and then, we already have a cookie browser for various sites.

In practice, this tool is very useful, because anti-fraud systems of shops can easily collect and analyze your cookies. Thus, using this tool correctly, we will be more like a normal user.

Check the boxes Disable popups (disable pop-ups) and Enable alert after complete (Enable alerts after the Web Emulator is finished). MaxVisited Page-this is how many maximum pages will be opened on each site. Here everyone decides for themselves how much to bet, I would recommend from 3-4 to 12-30. Max time on page, min – I would recommend setting it from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Start delay – this item is responsible for the delay (in minutes) before starting to turn on the emulator itself. Here it is already at your discretion.

Each site must start with a new line and start with http://.

About the list of sites. I would recommend that everyone make their own list of sites to crawl, depending on the country of your drive-in ( in my case, this is the USA). In my list, I would collect about 30-40 such sites in order to be able to alternate between different sites, and not crawl the same ones every time.

There you can select the TOP 500 sites by different countries, find out the average depth of page views, and the average duration of users stay on the site for the last 3 months.