The YTMP3 service is fighting competitors with Google's hands, and the trial is in full swing


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Battle of YouTube Rippers: who will be awarded the right to monetize their activities.

CreativeCode, the owner of one of the largest services for downloading audio tracks from YouTube — YTMP3, has asked Google to help identify individuals who send allegedly fraudulent copyright infringement notices (DMCA).

The site is subject to regular requests for content removal, including from legitimate music organizations, but its owners believe that many of these requests are fake and sent by competing services.

Owners The company, which attracts more than 40 million visitors a month, claims that traffic to the site could have been higher if Google had not removed many of the site's search results due to complaints sent by "it is not clear who".

In an attempt to curb abuse, the site sent a cease-and-desist letter to Google in April this year, asking the search engine to start checking the senders of DMCA notifications. In addition, He also requested that the trial be suspended pending future lawsuits.

This was followed by a lawsuit in August, when the company sued several competitors for sending Google false or fraudulent DMCA notices, including a message sent by the End Of YouTube Converter service claiming to protect Rick Astley's famous track "Never Gonna Give You Up."

The unidentified senders are charged with violating the DMCA, intentionally limiting an intended economic benefit, and violating the California Unfair Competition Act. With the help of a lawsuit, developers from CreativeCode hope to recover damages of at least $ 500,000.

While CreativeCode may have well-founded claims, there is a key problem: the senders of these supposedly fake deletion notifications are unknown. To find out who they are, the company is now turning to Google for help.

"The plaintiff expects that Google, as the recipient of DMCA notifications, will have sufficient information about the senders of DMCA notifications, which will be the only way for plaintiffs to identify the defendants in this case," CreativeCode reported.

In order for Google to provide all the necessary information, the court must first approve the request to provide this information, since a significant part of it is confidential and cannot be disclosed without sufficient grounds. The trial is likely to drag on for many more months.

It is noteworthy that music companies classify YouTube rippers that allow you to download audio or video tracks from YouTube, where such a function is not initially provided, as tools for circumventing restrictions in accordance with the DMCA and hotbeds of piracy.

However, service owners and They reject the notion that their sites violate the law, claiming that the sites functionality is content-neutral and that there are legitimate reasons for using them, including downloading non-copyrighted content.