The whole truth about CARDING


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In this article, we will talk about what it is and what is really happening in the industry.

Hello, Anon. There have been a lot of questions about carding lately.

This area is very popular and several dozen people teach carding on each board. In this article, we will adequately weigh all the factors and see if everything is really as good as they say.

If you think that carding is a super-profitable topic — I hasten to disappoint you. This work requires a lot of effort, dedication and experience. The days when goods were sent anywhere in the world are long gone. Now it's a tough battle between carders, stores, banks, and cardholders. It is better to think a few times than to start doing this business. Large earnings are received by those who constantly work and have long-standing achievements in the topic. Users succeed only because of their experience, will, and diligence. And no one will sell it for three pennies.

Basic concepts​

  • Carding — fraud with bank cards. It comes in several varieties: duffel — buying clothes with subsequent sale, online-draining the balance from the card or BA to your wallets, offline-physically duplicating a bank card and withdrawing money at an ATM or shopping in a store.
  • BA — bank account or personal account (LC).
  • Stuff — carded goods.
  • EXT — additional information about the CA (date of birth, document numbers, etc.)
  • Buyer — a person who buys a hard goods for resale.
  • Drop — a fake user who receives a carded product. Two types: Divorcees — people who have been divorced to accept carded goods are of poor quality, as they can throw, and no one will vouch for them. Indissoluble — people who know that they will receive exactly the same goods, and the drop-driver usually vouches for them.
  • Dropovod (drop service) — a person who oversees drops, can work in tandem with the buyer, which is very convenient.
  • Cardholder (CH) — a real cardholder (the cardholder is always a bank).
  • Chargeback — the process of returning funds stolen from the card.
  • Material is a map with all data about the cardholder and owner. As a rule, this can be the date of birth, maiden name of the mother, document numbers, etc. You can always specify the format in which the material is sold.
  • Refund (ref) — a complaint to the store that the product was not delivered, in which the store re-sends the product at its own expense or returns the money.

Sample operation scheme​

I will tell you how everything happens, without delving into the details, so that you can imagine everything figuratively. So, we find sellers and buy material from them. Next, we go to the online store, find the product we need in the form of a phone or a half-hand ring, order and pay with the purchased card. Not everything is as simple as it may seem, and at every stage we can expect pitfalls. One of the most difficult stages is the antifraud system. This is a system that tries to determine whether the cardholder is actually performing the operation or whether it is just another scam artist. This system compares the IP address, system fingerprint, time zone, languages, and other parameters. For example, if a certain Michael Smith lives in Florida and wants to buy a watch, but his IP address is from Russia, the language is Russian, and the time zone is in Moscow, then it is clear that no one will send such an order. Next, you need to think about drops. Ordering to your address is a very big gamble. Therefore, you need to look for proven drops that will also take their percentage. There are a lot of parcel collection and dispatch centers, but they are already included in most of the black lists of all popular shops. That's why it won't work that way. This is another important stage that requires costs.

Yes, you can make good money in carding. For example, a great topic is driving in hotels, where you can earn a lot of money. And in order to deal with this topic, you need to be able to make documents, make calls, and know who can buy great material from. Since the amounts there are large, this means that the cards must have a good balance. You need to have a deposit of 100–150k (just in case of fire) and still have a sufficient amount, in case the client is already near the hotel, and you have a chargeback and need to solve this problem immediately. No one will definitely teach you this topic for 15k rubles. Themes sold at this price usually have no weight. First of all, they will teach you exactly how to wear clothes. Secondly, such topics are scraps of information that will not be enough if you try to develop further.

For example, there is a theme on sale for driving in eBay. Large amounts of eBay does not give at all! Even 500 bucks won't work, so your ceiling is 100-250 bucks per position. Buyer will not even accept such a product, as it is too cheap, so you will have to order such a product somewhere for yourself and then wait for the mask show to be sold on forums for 20-30% of the price. True, there are also who are trying to sell for 60-70%. Yes, you can try multiplying 100 bucks per position (for example, points cost 200-250) by 10 (and I'll order not just points, but 10) and think about the income of 1000 bucks. That's just worth considering that the buyer will not accept, and people will buy for a very long time and you will sit on boxes with glasses and cry ... cry…

It's also worth noting that you can't just buy 10 cards and order 10 points and earn a mower on the same day. Since the drive goes with the account warming up, which takes a day, and sometimes 2 and 3. Everything else depends on the store — this is one time. For each purchase, you need to buy and set up a dedic - this is two, for each purchase you also need tunnels — this is three, and you will not be able to sell immediately in any case-this is four.

And that's so much brain-fucking for 100 bucks, not counting consumables.

Well, for example, you still learned how to beat liquid and you paid the same 15k for the topic. No, let's even take an Amazon theme that costs 100k. The essence of the topic is to order a product on the holder and make a refund on the drop. And then again, the question of drops will arise, it's good if you found some kind of buyer service that will buy liquid from you for 40%, and illiquid for 20 (this is the standard pricing policy).

Fail1. Amazon needs to be warmed for a long, very long time and very efficiently. As one member said on one forum: "Amazon is like a woman who needs to be bred and aroused for a very long time and efficiently. And when she's ready to give it to you, just tell her to fuck off. And then it's yours "(well ... something like that).

Faile2. Not every product can be driven in, there are many reasons, one of which is that you need to select a product so that the seller is Amazon itself and something else.

Fail3. Work on Amazon is rather seasonal, for example, you can raise well (hah, well-this is 50-60k rubles per month) for some time, usually at the end of the year (from August to December), and in the new year Amazon calculates losses and tightens the screws. That's all. For the next 8-9 months, you'll be sucking your pussy. And cry-cry on the boxes with glasses)))

And pay attention, this theme is not worth 5,10,15 k, it costs 100k!

To work successfully in carding topics you need to know everything: how to make calls, how to beat air tickets, how to book a hotel, how to drive in staff, how to get into the personal account of the bank holder, how to punch the DOB, how to draw documents and much more. No one will give this information by selling the topic for a spear. As well as security information. I will give you an example of a seller of one topic. Attention, announcement of a 5k carding theme -

"Having driven the ebay up to 100 bucks and the order to your address" with the comment that the teacher has been working like this for a year and he has nothing! "That's right, but fuck her security. Too much to know))) antifraud? No, I didn't hear it"

Again, you can also drive in expensive gear or liquid goods, although not in Ebay. Here you need to take a more serious approach to the issues of passing anti-fraud systems, which are extremely difficult to deal with. Yes, there is software for anti-detection, but the price for browser-based anti-detection was just over 1000 dollars - that's one time. There is an excessively liquid product, such as the GTX-1070ti video card, which the miners loved, Amazon now does not give it at all-this is two. To buy expensive goods, such as jackets for 1000 bucks, you need very high-quality material that a beginner simply cannot get. For example, there is a service for selling material (I won't advertise it) in which there is a system of discounts and priorities, all high-quality goods on it go only to those who have already put a lot of money there (from 10k bucks and above), and nonames are left only with the material that no one really needs. And again, in order for such a purchase to be missed (not to mention the call for the purchase of a product whose price exceeds a certain threshold), you will need to warm your account for a week. And you also need to find a miser who will agree to buy it right away, otherwise you will only have to cry-cry on the boxes with glasses in this jacket.

Interview with an old-timer​

Hi. Tell us what's going on in the market right now. Why are there so many people who do carding training?
The loh is not a mammoth, the loh will not die out. Recently, I haven't seen a single sensible carding course that really does high-quality training.

What can you say about the price tag of 5-9 thousand rubles for carding training?
And what can I say, the price directly corresponds to the quality. You can say that you will get something, but this is not enough at all. No one will teach you for such money. For much larger sums, you can see some developments and really working schemes. But this is not for beginners. As a rule, this is sold on private boards and in one hand. You need experience to get involved in these topics.

How do you assess the carding market in general? What's happening now?
The main weather is played out by old-timers. Old practices, connections, and verified contacts. No one will share what they've been testing for years for pennies. Newcomers, even if there are, their volumes are insignificant.

What can you say about the directions? Stuff carding, transfers, gift cards? What is currently in demand?
Everyone has their own profile. Clothing is quite difficult to do. There are quite a few shops that send liquid goods. But there are guys who live by it. This is not to say that they earn a lot.

What is mainly driven from liquid goods?
Basically, this is audio equipment: phones, components, video cards, and in the background — inexpensive jewelry, clothes, accessories and something like that. Basically, liquid goods require a lot of body movements, preparation, and there is always the possibility of failure. Well, as I said, a novice can only dream of liquid money.

How about liquidity? Where can I sell these products later?
When and how. You need to have constant sales channels. And so, on the same boards they sell. It all depends on the product. Equipment that is more difficult to drive flies faster, clothes, jewelry, accessories are much more difficult, and the percentage of scoops is not rosy. Some make their own stores and sell them through real goods, some sell them on Avito, and it turns out differently.

How much do misers charge?
50-60% — apple products, 40-50% - machinery and other liquid goods, 20-30% - clothes, accessories, jewelry, etc.

What are the current trends in clothing clothing? In terms of shops, etc.?
The guys mostly break through the stores themselves and test them, but this remains all in private hands. No one can stand it in public.

What do you recommend for beginners?
Think with your head. No one can teach you anything about carding for $ 200-300. If you want to get into carding — you will have a long way of experience and mistakes, as well as draining the dough for tests in the best case. Without proper security — you can teach yourself problems on the ass. Without an accurate understanding and good knowledge, nothing will happen. It's too bad that everyone is running like mad at the photos of macbooks and apple phones with the hope that everything is so simple. And then they quickly merge and start to suffer from bullshit.

Does it make sense to go to carding?
Right now, I definitely wouldn't start with carding. There are a lot of other topics that have good potential in the future and a much lower entry threshold. You can earn good money by selling material, databases, etc. Dig in this direction)

Related topics​

It should be noted that there is more money now in related topics. For example, in the sale of materials and databases. Of course, this activity requires a good knowledge of hacking. Therefore, it is better to master this direction than to deal directly with carding. At the same time, it is important to take into account that you can always start doing carding yourself, since no special knowledge and skills are required, and you will still have to fill the cones yourself.

I will give a vivid example, which the subscriber reminded me of, when a group of intruders somehow miraculously made unlimited cards, from which it was possible to withdraw money in any amount. And how? And very simply, a group of hackers, not carders, found a vulnerability in the bank's system and through this loophole they removed the limits on cash withdrawals, issued their unlimited cards, sent them to a bunch of countries to accomplices who massively withdrew money as much as they could at X-hour. And all because the knowledge from hacking can be applied in different directions.

One of the additional options in addition to related topics in carding is penetration testing. There is also a constantly growing demand for specialists in this topic, and at the moment there are very few intelligent specialists to conduct consultations and perform various information security tasks.


I think it's become clearer to you that the carding market now has a fairly large entry threshold. Earn those who have been in the topic for a long time and have their own proven practices and contacts. Learning carding for $ 200 is ridiculous. And getting jailed for inexperience is even funnier. Here you can also give an example of how one virus writer was put behind bars because he sold a keylogger at a price of, attention, $ 20.

Therefore, you must follow the rules of security and anonymity when working with any topics. See you soon!


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