The police officer who extorted a bribe from the "red admin" of WEX is put on the wanted list


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Colonel Zakharchenko's record broken in absentia

Ex-colleagues of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are being sought for a bribe of 5 billion rubles

As it became known to Kommersant, the record for the amount of bribes set in the Ministry of Internal Affairs by ex-Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko has been broken more than three times. Georgy Satyukov, an employee of one of the most secret divisions of the ministry, the Bureau of Special Technical Measures (BSTM), was accused of receiving illegal rewards from the administrator of a cryptocurrency exchange totaling almost 5 billion rubles. However, unlike Mr. Zakharchenko, who is serving a 16-year sentence, the new defendant and his ex-colleague, who acted as an intermediary, managed to escape abroad and were arrested only in absentia. According to one version, the fugitives may be in Dubai, where one of them has apartments in the eight-hundred-meter Burj Khalifa tower.

Former head of the 3rd division of the 4th Division (for combating crimes in the credit and financial sphere committed using information technologies) of the Department for Combating Crimes in the field of information and Telecommunications Technologies ("K") of the BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Georgy Satyukov is accused of taking bribes on a particularly large scale (Part 6 of art. 290 of the Criminal Code), and his ex-colleague Dmitry Sokolov - in mediation in this (Article 291.1 of the Criminal Code). Both are charged by the investigator of the Department for the Investigation of Crimes Committed by Law Enforcement Officials, the Main Investigation Department (GSU) TFR presented in absentia, as the defendants disappeared. At the request of the investigation, the accused were initially put on the federal and then international wanted list and arrested in absentia by the court.

It follows from the case file that the officers, under the threat of criminal prosecution, imposed a "roof" on Alexey Ivanov (Bilyuchenko), the system administrator of the World Exchange Services Pte. Ltd. (Wex, formerly BTC) crypto exchange registered in Singapore. It should be noted that the criminal case against the creator of BTC Alexander Vinnik, issued by Greece to the United States, in May should begin to be considered in the court of the Northern District of California. He is accused of laundering between $4 billion and $9 billion.

In turn, the Russian police, according to the GSU TFR, in the period from March 2019 to October 2021, received bribes in the form of other property-cryptocurrencies in the amount of at least 2119.5265569864 bitcoin (BTC) 10 016 ethereum (ETS), equivalent to the amount of at least 4.9 billion rubles.

The crypt was transferred through Sokolov's intermediary to cryptocurrency wallets controlled by Georgy Satyukov for "illegal actions (inaction) and general patronage in the service" in favor of Mr. Ivanov. Thus, the investigation charged Georgy Satyukov with receiving the largest bribe in the history of the Russian Interior Ministry. Prior to this, the record holder was an underground billionaire from the ministry Dmitry Zakharchenko, who was sentenced to 16 years for accepting bribes totaling 1.4 billion rubles, while, however, assets worth 9 billion were found and confiscated from him.

The defendants in the new corruption scandal, as stated in the case file, also "have a significant amount of real estate" and funds in bank and brokerage accounts "opened with persons entrusted to them." Only Georgy Satyukov and his relatives found six large real estate objects, including a two-hundred-meter apartment in the Nezhinsky Kovcheg residential complex in Moscow, as well as about 13 accounts in various banks. Mr. Sokolov's Russian assets are still unknown, but the case file mentions that he allegedly owns apartments in Dubai's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa Tower.

Mr. Satyukov's lawyer declined to comment, and his colleague's lawyer was unavailable for comment.

However, it is known that they appealed against the arrest of their clients, who are supposed to be detained for two months from the moment of their actual detention in Russia or extradition from abroad, but did not succeed. The defense tried to prove violations of jurisdiction in this criminal case, namely, pointed out that the bribe giver was in Novosibirsk at the time of the crime, and the codes from the crypto wallets were transmitted to the police in St. Petersburg, respectively, in these cities, and not in the capital, and an investigation should be conducted.

In addition, it was pointed out that the defendants were not informed about their criminal prosecution and that they should not go abroad. The passports of police officers who possess information constituting state secrets are kept by their management.

And the investigation did not provide information that they became owners of new documents necessary for leaving the country. Thus, it is still unclear how the former employees of the K department left Russia.

According to Kommersant, the investigation found out about the alleged corruption in the BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs thanks to a pre-trial cooperation agreement that Mr. Ivanov concluded with the First Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Anatoly Razinkin. As part of the "deal", he pleaded guilty to embezzlement from the cryptocurrency exchange (Part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code) for a total amount of 3 billion 167 million 433 thousand 649 rubles. 36 kopecks. He committed the crime by "performing the functions of technical, administrative and financial management of the crypto exchange", including by accessing user profiles and accounts, viewing and changing balances with information about the amount of funds and cryptocurrencies placed, as well as redistributing cryptocurrencies between "hot" and "cold" wallets.

Despite the objections of the aggrieved party, the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow considered Mr. Ivanov's criminal case in a special order.

The accused claimed in court that he was not going to embezzle the funds, but only tried to hide them from the security forces — in addition to the BSTM employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB operatives and solver operators claimed them, ready to solve all problems for a large fee. Only to the police, according to the accused, he transferred up to $5 million a month.

As a result, the entrepreneur was sentenced to three years and six months in a general regime colony, a fine of 500 thousand rubles.and restriction of freedom for a period of one year after serving time. As lawyer Igor Shtang told Kommersant, his client actually compensated the damage to the exchange, but the representative of Wex filed a lawsuit with the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow, in which, referring to the difference in cryptocurrency exchange rates, he increased his claims to an unaffordable size for the defendant. According to Kommersant, this is about 16 billion rubles.

• Source:


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Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and they start (or rather, continue) a series of publications about who among the security forces and Kremlin oligarchs was behind the WEX (BTC-E) exchange, received billions from it and became the richest people. This will not be a cheap throw-in of one publication that the exchange was exclusively protected by the former Georgy Satyukov, Head of the 3rd Department of the 4th Department (for combating Crimes in the credit and financial sphere committed using information technologies) of the "K" Department of the Bureau of Special Technical Measures. All job names and amounts will be displayed. You also know how, when and what court issued a search warrant for the Kremlin oligarch Konstantin Malofeev and how he" solved this problem.


Konstantin Malofeev

Starting from 2016, the K Department of the BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation carried out measures aimed at identifying and bringing to criminal responsibility persons who committed embezzlement of funds from correspondent accounts of Russian banks using malicious software.

During the operational search activities, it was established that the funds stolen as a result of criminal activities were legalized by transferring them to cryptocurrency through the BTC-E exchange that was functioning at that time.

As a result of the work in 2018, one of the founders of the BTC-E exchange was installed, which had already ceased to exist at that time, as well as the newly opened and legal successor of the latter - the WEX exchange. This person was Alexey Bilyuchenko (hereinafter referred to as Ivanov), who lives in Novosibirsk. At the place of his residence, employees of the BSTM K Department and the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation conducted a search, Ivanov was questioned about the circumstances of transferring stolen funds into cryptocurrency using the resources of the exchanges he managed. During the interrogation, Ivanov gave detailed testimony regarding the functioning of the BTC-E exchange, in relation to the newly created WEX exchange based on it, as well as voluntarily provided information about the movement of cryptocurrencies on accounts of interest to the investigation.

During his testimony, Ivanov said that the WEX exchange ceased to exist due to the fact that the oligarch Konstantin Malofeev and persons affiliated with him stole the exchange's assets in the amount equivalent to 450 million US dollars, based on the cryptocurrency exchange rate at the time of theft. These statements were documented by Ivanov, who provided material evidence about the involvement of the above-mentioned persons in the commission of the crime, including working documentation, correspondence in messengers, audio recordings of conversations both directly with Malofeev and with his subordinates Anton Nemkin, Evgeny Zhulanov and Dmitry Sarychev.

Georgy Satyukov, head of the K Department, immediately reported this information about the facts of Malofeev's criminal activities to General Litvinov, head of the BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and his first deputy, General Kozlov, who are seconded employees of the FSB of Russia. After reviewing the information received, the management of the BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was instructed to develop Malofeev and persons belonging to his entourage involved in the theft of funds from users of the exchange.

According to the source of the Cheka-OGPU and Satyukov was appointed direct executor and head of the operational group. The persons being developed were put on operational records, and a full range of operational search, special technical and search activities was organized in respect of them by a court decision. At the same time, Satyukov and the operational staff under his command found more than 30 criminal cases throughout Russia, initiated on the basis of statements of affected depositors of the WEX exchange, searched for new victims, and actively worked with the initiative group of depositors.

By the beginning of 2019, operational development fully confirmed the involvement of Malofeev and his associates in the theft of assets of the WEX exchange. Additionally, in the course of carrying out special technical measures authorized by the court for wiretapping telephone conversations and monitoring Malofeev's Internet traffic, numerous other facts of criminal activity were revealed, both by Malofeev himself and by persons belonging to his entourage. A wide range of Malofeyev's corrupt connections, consisting of various high-ranking officials, was revealed, and the facts of patronizing him and even complicity in his criminal activities were documented. The received results of operational activities were constantly monitored by the management of the BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, relevant instructions and instructions were given on them, and employees of the Prosecutor General's Office and the FSB regularly got acquainted with the materials of the operational case in the order of supervision.

As a result of operational development, it was established that an organized criminal community (hereinafter referred to as OPS) has been operating on the territory of the Russian Federation since 2005, the leader of which is Malofeev, specializing in the commission of theft, fraud, extortion and raider business seizures.

A characteristic feature of this OPS is the widespread use of corrupt connections to provide cover for organizing criminal activities and evading criminal responsibility, as well as deep penetration into the Russian authorities at various levels.

The total volume of the operational file containing materials on Malofeev's OPS exceeded 12 volumes, and therefore it was decided to implement operational development. Part of the operational materials concerning the participants of Malofeev's OPS on the fact of embezzlement of funds of the WEX exchange was legalized in accordance with the current legislation and submitted to the Board of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for decision-making and organization of investigative measures.

For a reason that was not clear at the beginning, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation stated that it was impossible to investigate these facts directly in the production of investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. As the First Deputy Head of the Interior Ministry's Board of Internal Affairs, Krakovsky, officially stated (a participant in many corruption stories), "due to the fact that the crime is not of an international or interregional nature and does not belong to the category of particularly serious crimes" (C).


First Deputy Chief of the Interior Ministry Board of Internal Affairs Krakow

Management "K" was asked to transfer the received materials for investigation in the framework of one of the criminal cases initiated by the statements of the injured depositors of the exchange. As a result, the legalized operational materials were attached to the materials of the criminal case being investigated in the Chuvash Republic.

The result of consideration of the received materials and investigation of the criminal case was the receipt in September 2020 of decisions of the judge of the Leninsky District Court of Cheboksary E. A. Egorov (No. 3/3-201/2020) to conduct searches at the places of residence of 6 persons: Konstantin Malofeev, Evgeny Zhulanov, Anton Nemkin, Dmitry Sarychev, Dmitry Sutormin, Dmitry Khavchenko. As a result of the searches, detentions were planned.

Malofeev, having received information about the planned searches and detentions, uses his administrative resources and fully uses his corrupt positions in order to avoid criminal liability.

Already in October 2020, the criminal case is withdrawn from the investigation of the Chuvash Republic and accepted for production by the Board of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which previously refused in principle to conduct investigative actions in this case. Also, since October 2020, Satyukov, as a result of a sudden change in the vector of behavior of the BSTM leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, has gradually been removed from both conducting operational development of OPS participants and from supporting a criminal case.

The deputy head of the BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Kozlov, is instructed to immediately remove the participants of the OPS Malofeev from the operational register on absolutely fictitious grounds, work on the material of the operational case actually stops. On the instructions of the same Kozlov, certain operational development materials, especially in terms of the results of listening to Malofeev's telephone conversations and his established corruption ties, are withdrawn from the case, transferred to the archive, and some original official documents are even destroyed.

In addition to Satyukov, the management of the BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also begins to repress employees subordinate to him who have even a minor connection with the development of the Malofeev OPS. As a result, more than 80% of the personnel are dismissed from the department in which Satyukov worked for various reasons, that is, the unit is practically disbanded. In September 2021, Satyukov, realizing that all his developments are blocked at the management level, constant pressure is exerted on him and he is strongly recommended to leave the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, writes an application for retirement on superannuation.

Thus, the leader of the OPS Malofeev and a number of active participants once again manage to avoid criminal liability for embezzlement of funds of users of the WEX crypto exchange in the amount of $ 450,000,000, despite the presence of a documented evidence base for their criminal activities.


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Under the conditions of full operational cover and control, Ivanov, being in the special unit of the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center, using a laptop previously seized from him during detention, transferred 10,000 BTC to the wallet addresses provided to him by the participants of the Malofeev OPS. In addition, Ivanov issued a power of attorney for managing and disposing of bank accounts to Yulia Nazarova, an employee of Alfa-SB LLC, who has a lawyer's status. This employee was brought to him as a result of operational work, after he was forced to abandon two previous lawyers and exercise additional control over his actions by the participants of the OPS Malofeev.


Nazarova Yulia Aleksandrovna. For a long time she was an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Yoshkar-Ola, where she rose to the position of deputy head of the investigation. In 2020, she was recruited and employed in AT-CONSULTING holding, and later in Alfa-SB LLC, where she worked with Volkov, Izotov, Ekimovsky, Mozgunov and Ibraev (with whom she lived in the same village of Novotaryalovsky as a child).

In order to provide legal cover for members of the OPS, using corrupt connections, he receives the status of a lawyer in the First Bar Association in the Republic of Mari El.

Participants of the Malofeyev OPS cash out 3,300 BTC, the received funds in the amount of 3,167,433,649 rubles are deposited by Nazarova to a bank account opened by her under a power of attorney in the name of Ivanov, for their legalization and to ensure payment of damages to Khavchenko agreed in advance with the Board of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The result of almost two years of work of the employees of the Internal Affairs Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was the conviction of Ivanov in a special order within the framework of the pre – trial agreement concluded with him and the implementation of material compensation to the active participant of the Malofeev-Khavchenko organized criminal group in the amount of 3,167,433,649 rubles.

Information about the guilt of embezzlement, alleged roles and possible criminal actions of Satyukov and Sokolov, set out in the primary operational materials that were the basis for the seizure of their property and the seizure of money and valuables, for a two-year period was not confirmed.


Despite the presence of arrests on property and bank accounts for the entire period since the beginning of the events, not a single investigative action was carried out with Satyukov's participation, and only one interrogation was conducted with Sokolov as a witness. Not a single call was made for other investigative actions involving them, and all attempts at legal defense were blocked using administrative resources.

Since the beginning of the searches, the Interior Ministry's Board of Internal Affairs, Satyukov's and Sokolov's lawyers have provided all the necessary documents confirming the legality of the funds and material income received, used to purchase real estate objects that were seized. Satyukov and his relatives were provided with full proof of material income and sources of receiving funds necessary for the purchase of real estate objects owned by them. In the case of Sokolov, the originals of these documents were even seized during a search of real estate objects in February 2022, however, later they were deliberately ignored by the investigation, were not even examined in accordance with the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code, all petitions and complaints of the defense were rejected

At the same time, the documents provided later, including those officially seized during the initial searches, fully confirmed the legality of the funds received and the existence of a permanent source of income that allows you to purchase real estate objects and valuable items that were seized.

This documentation, among other things, contained tax returns officially filed both on the territory of the Russian Federation (some of which were obtained by the investigation independently during requests to the tax authorities of the Russian Federation) as well as in other jurisdictions, information about legal entities, the status of bank accounts before the events incriminated to Sokolov, and about the business activities carried out.

Despite these facts and the presence of concrete evidence in the materials of the criminal case, the investigation continued and continues to ignore the availability of available documentation and claim that Sokolov did not have the funds to purchase the property he owned.

In violation of all instructions and orders regulating the conduct of operational search activities, relatives and family members of Satyukov (including minor children) were covertly monitored in various regions of the country for 1 year, which was conducted in both outdoor surveillance crews and operational officers acting as personal detectives in private cars. The facts of joint participation in the implementation of surveillance of full-time secret employees of the SN units and involved civilians of Eastern ethnic nationalities were recorded.

During the inspection of cars, 4 GPS-positioning devices with characteristic inventory numbers were found and seized, and the process of installing special technical means of secret video surveillance with video recording of the actions of full-time secret employees who install it was recorded on video. On this fact, a statement was sent to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the FSB of the Russian Federation.

In order to conceal criminal activity in relation to Ivanov and legalize his detention, as well as legalize the money received from him, the latter, after 5 months of arrest, is inclined to conclude a pre-trial agreement, under which he gives false testimony against Satyukov and Sokolov, accusing them of taking bribes, which is a prerequisite for him to conclude an agreement. There was no evidence of Satyukov and Sokolov's guilt, including the results of the OPM, other than obtaining false statements against them.

The evidence received in relation to Satyukov and Sokolov contains a large number of inaccuracies, logical inconsistencies, and the absence of any real evidence, evidence, or motivation, which clearly indicates that they are far-fetched and do not correspond to reality.

According to Ivanov's official testimony, he allegedly transferred between January 2019 and August 2021 a cryptocurrency equivalent to 4,933,435,871 rubles (at the exchange rates at the time of the transfers) to Satyukov and Sokolov, which he firmly believes was the subject of a bribe. For what actions such a significant amount was transferred, Ivanov found it difficult to say, in the future, according to investigators, the reason will be announced as "general patronage". Ivanov also found it difficult to tell who exactly, Satyukov or Sokolov, the cryptocurrency was transferred, and therefore he repeatedly changed his testimony.

According to Ivanov, he does not remember the amount of part of the cryptocurrency transfers, as well as the addresses of wallets, dates and circumstances of transfers, he does not have access to the wallets from which the transfers were made, however, he is sure that it was a bribe and names the exact amounts in dollar equivalent at the time of the transfer.

According to Ivanov's testimony, he did not have any correspondence in messengers, as well as the computer equipment with which he made transfers, and he also finds it difficult to provide information about his physical locations at the time of making transfers.

The remaining wallet addresses and transaction amounts are indicated from the facts of cryptocurrency transfers previously known to the crypto community, which are present in numerous independent investigations, repeatedly published on the Internet, and previously attributed to Ivanov personally.

To understand the situation, Ivanov's testimony ends with a description of the extreme transfer of another "bribe" to Satyukov in the form of a transfer of 9916 cryptocurrencies of Ethereum ETH, which amounted to 2,349,245,966 rubles according to exchange rates, at the time when the latter was already retired and was not an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (which Ivanov was reliably aware of), according to official testimony Ivanova – "for the lack of questions from law enforcement agencies." Previously, this transfer was widely discussed among the independent crypto community and was fully attributed to Ivanov as one of the episodes of his criminal activities.

Participants of the Malofeev OPS, during the year, namely from August 2022 to August 2023, actively attempt to initiate a new criminal case against Satyukov and Sokolov in the GSU of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

The motivation for the prosecution remains the same, namely the desire to get hold of some compromising material on Malofeev, thus excluding the possibility of its publication, revenge on Satyukov for the development of OPS participants and an attempt to seize elite real estate objects belonging to Sokolov.

Despite the presence of a significant corruption resource, they are unable to reach an agreement with the employees of the GSU of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow, who five times make a decision to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings.

Items, money and valuables seized in February 2022 from Satyukov and Sokolov, which were illegally held by the Interior Ministry's Board of Directors for more than a year and a half without being recognized as material evidence, are transferred to the verification material located in the GSU of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Moscow in violation of the law. Mozgunov, an employee of Alfa-SB LLC, who officially acts as an expert and controls this process on the part of the OPS participants, takes part in the transfer of items and valuables.


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In August 2023, members of the OPS of the Kremlin oligarch Konstantin Malofeev manage to get the transfer of case materials against the co-owner of WEX (BTC-E) 290, 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in relation to the head of the 3rd division of the 4th division (on combating crimes in the credit and financial sphere committed using information technologies) of the "K" department of the Bureau of Special Investigations of the Russian Federation, where the investigator Kuznetsov A.V. only on the basis of Ivanov's testimony alone, a criminal case is initiated under Articles 290, 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation against the head of the 3rd division of the 4th division (on combating crimes in the credit and financial sphere committed using information technologies) of the " K " department of the Bureau of special Investigations of the Russian Federation. technical events of Georgy Satyukov and his friend businessman Sokolov without any notice to the latter. The property and bank accounts of Satyukov and Sokolov are again seized, but already the GSU TFR in the framework of a new case and on completely different grounds, the Board of Internal Affairs does not extend the previous arrests, which clearly indicates that these arrests were held illegally for a year and a half. New arrests are already imposed on the property of persons with the status of suspects in a closed court session without notifying the participants.

Despite the fact that a criminal case has been initiated under a particularly serious article against specific individuals, the defense of Satyukov and Sokolov learns about this fact only on 05.12.2023, when the investigator of the GSU TFR Kuznetsov still decides to officially acquaint the representatives with the decision on bringing as defendants from 17.10.2023, which clearly contradicts all the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code. Also, on 05.12.2023, the defenders were familiarized with the decree on putting suspects Satyukov and Sokolov on the wanted list of 21.08.2023, which was a complete surprise for them.

Until 05.12.2023, the very fact of initiating a criminal case was deliberately hidden from the defenders, despite their attempts to find out the final decision on the material of the check, in response to their requests, information was sent about continuing work on the material of the check, despite the fact that at that time a criminal case against specific persons had already been initiated, confirmations.

For the entire period from September 2022, when the procedural check was launched on Ivanov's application, neither Satyukov nor Sokolov were called to the investigator, and no single investigative action was planned or conducted with their participation.

On 20.09.2023, the Meshchansky District Court issued a verdict against Ivanov, according to which Ivanov was found guilty under Part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and he was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison. Immediately before passing the sentence, Malafeev replaces the nominee director of the legal entity WEXC, which is openly affiliated with him, Khavchenko, with a little - known, in his opinion, citizen of the Republic of Armenia-Igor Pravdin. According to Malofeev's plan, these actions were supposed to exclude him from the list of obvious interests in receiving the payment amount.

Pravdin is a former employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (until 2006). Since 2017, he has been employed in both Zhulanov's controlled companies that are part of AT-CONSULTING holding and directly included in the Malofeev group of companies Kontur LLC - Agrotur LLC, where he is 100% founder and CEO. He is a Russian citizen with dual citizenship.

The interests of the defendant Ivanov were represented in the court session by lawyers Nazarov and Igor Shtang, completely controlled by Malofeev.

In addition to controlling Ivanov, inducing him to enter into a pre-trial agreement, participating in the cashing out and legalization of funds, lawyer Shtang was involved in attempts to carry out a number of provocations against Satyukov. In March 2022, Shtang contacted Satyukov and, under the pretext that he had extremely important information for him, tried to organize a joint meeting at the place indicated by him, at which he offered to conclude an agreement with him on providing legal assistance and discuss options for solving problems. It is reliably established that the outcome of this meeting would inevitably have been the detention of Satyukov by operational officers and his placement in the conditions of the special unit of the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center.

After the sentencing of Ivanov, Nazarova's lawyer, together with lawyer Shtang, deliberately delays the time frame for consideration of the appeal filed and, accordingly, the entry into force of the verdict. This is explained to Ivanov himself by the fact that until the sentence comes into force, the term of his detention in the pre-trial detention center is calculated at the rate of 1 day per month and that it is extremely profitable for him.

In fact, this time was necessary for the participants of the OPS to conduct a re-examination of the damage caused to the WEX legal entity, taking into account the sharply increased cryptocurrency exchange rates, and it was extremely important that this examination appeared before the verdict came into force.

This expert examination was conducted, its results were obtained on 29.02.2024, according to which the amount of damage caused, which Ivanov undertook to compensate in full under the terms of the pre-trial agreement, increased from 3,167,433,649 rubles to 21,368,590,813 rubles.

In the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow, Pravdin's lawyers filed a civil claim against Ivanov (No. 02-3967 / 2024) in the amount of 18,201,157,164 rubles (minus 3,167,433,649 rubles already reimbursed under the sentence), as compensation for damage caused by a crime. As expected, Shtang and Nazarova became the defense lawyers and legal representatives of the defendant Ivanov.

On 18.03.2024, the final session of the Moscow City Court was held to consider the appeal against the verdict against Ivanov, during which Pravdin's lawyers tried to increase the amount of payment based on the results of a new expert examination. To the credit of the judicial board for criminal cases of the Moscow City Court under the chairman Komleva Yu. V., who apparently did not want to participate in a criminal conspiracy with representatives of the Malofeev OPS, the petitions of Pravdin's lawyers were rejected and the verdict was left unchanged.

Currently, the Savyolovsky District Court is holding a civil trial staged and fully controlled by Malofeev, where both parties are represented by his lawyers.

The result of this process will certainly be the satisfaction of the plaintiffs ' claims against Ivanov in the amount of 18,201,157,164 rubles, which will allow taking possession of all the numerous objects of the seized real estate of Ivanov and his relatives, the arrest of which, despite the verdict that has already entered into legal force, has not yet been lifted.

The economic basis of the OPS formed in this way has now changed its application vector from personal enrichment to active use to meet the rapidly growing personal political ambitions of its leader, Malofeev.