The Pentagon revealed the secret of UFOs: a new website is the key to understanding the universe


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There you can find everything you want: maps, evidence, research, and more.

The Pentagon announced the launch of a new website that will provide the public with disclosed information about unidentified flying objects, or, as the government calls them, unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). The site will be the official source of information released by the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Authority (AARO), a relatively new division of the Pentagon founded in July 2022 and dedicated to analyzing UAP reports in US airspace.

"This site will serve as a single point of access to all publicly available information related to AARO and UAP," the Defense Department said in a press release. "AARO will regularly update the site with its most recent activity and results as new information is cleared for public disclosure."

The site is still under development, but should be operational in the fall, the Defense Ministry said . The Pentagon said it was “committed to transparency with the American people in AARO's work” on UAP. On the new site, the public will be able to view UAP photos and videos as they are declassified and read observation reports as they become available. The site will also contain expanded tracking maps for aircraft, balloons, and satellites.


When the site is operational, it will also include a tool that will allow “former U.S. government employees, military personnel, or contractors with direct knowledge of U.S. government programs or activities” to submit a report directly to AARO regarding unidentified aircraft.

AARO has received reports of more than 800 UAP sightings over the past three decades. However, only 2-5% of them were found to be “possibly truly anomalous” " as AARO director Sean Kilpatrick revealed earlier this year.

Public interest in the UAP soared after former senior intelligence official David Grush claimed that the US was hiding evidence of extraterrestrial life-but provided no evidence when appearing before Congress this summer.