Strait installs - prices, and how to pour it yourself. $ 200 for 1000 installs


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When I was preparing for this article, a lot of images, information and nostalgia popped up in my head, which I will tell you today.

I'll start a little with my story, 2-3 years ago my first purchased program was stealer, I thought "you just need to buy a stealer and I'll hack everyone"

A week later, the first disappointment overtook me.

It turned out that buying "just a stealer" is not enough. By itself, the stealer is just a tool that will not bring any profit without a certain scheme (cycle) of work.

You need traffic to the stealer build, you need a crypt (mutation) of the file, since antivirus programs will not allow the victim to run your stylus and so on.

For myself, I made a conclusion at the same time:

To get a profit, you need a cycle:

A good tool + a good cryptographic file+ traffic + competent log processing = profit

If you remove any of the components of this scheme, you will not see a profit.

Over time, I tested many tools (stealers-clippers-botnets-warriors-vnc-hrdp), learned how to encrypt my files myself, and learned how to process logs for various requests, but a new problem appeared - traffic.

First, you need to determine the logs of which CA (target audience) you want to see in your dashboard.

If carding, then these are the banks of Yusa-Europe, pp, amozon-ebey. If it is a crypt, then links of exchanges by the type of Bitrex or ebit.

I tried almost ALL the methods of attracting traffic, and there are a lot of them as it turned out).

There are a lot of them, and it took quite a long time to try them all, some of them no longer work, some of them have low efficiency, and some of them shoot very well.

In this article, I will discuss several effective methods for attracting traffic:

1) Install Exchanges (or PPI Affiliate Programs)

What do these screenshots tell you? These are the prices of intermediaries for installations.

Personally, what tells me and my team is that they inflate the price several times from the initial costs. It is I who will tell you now.

Биржа is a place where installations are sold. The place where these outbidders buy installations at cost and "push" everything to ignorant users.

Why spill installations?

We get logs from file installations (if stealer was started). If it's a botnet or a CVI center, we get all the other information.

We already process logs and earn money from them. This is all done in order not to buy a log for$10 by the piece.

Because 10$ * 1000 = 10000$

Instead of $ 10,000 for 1000 installations, if we buy them individually, it is much more profitable to shed them yourself.

What if you want to make your own installations?

To this, the user (who sells 1000 installations for $ 1000 on the forum) will cry "that it's very difficult", "it's very gemoroino to be an installer", "I don't get enough of it","it's difficult-almost impossible to pass registration and moderation" and a bunch of excuses.

But this person can "help" you, for a nominal fee of $1500-3000 to register an account in the exchange!

This is just tryndets guys, ANYONE can register in the exchange and pass moderation there!

We urge you not to overpay for installations and we will show you now.

What is the cost of high-quality installations?

USA and Europe cost$120-200 per 1000 installations at cost price. Not $ 1,000, as sellers do.

Hence the question: where did this $700-1000(!)come from? what do these "businessmen" offer us ??

There are 2 categories of exchanges:​

The first category includes direct exchanges that provide you with installation traffic directly (this is what we work with)

The second category includes "gaskets sites" , that is, simple resellers, where they are purchased from the first category and resold to us (we are not even interested in them)

When we talk about installations, we mean file exchanges, this is 95% of the traffic that comes from there!

Let's take a look at what install exchanges are and how to search for them in general

Exchanges in Google are driven in "PPI affiliate programs", for example, this site crashes for us

And as we can see, we are given a list of exchanges where InstallsPro is in the first place there (to be honest, it's not just like that, it's in my opinion the best exchange available)

On any exchange, we will register as an "advertiser", the registration process: send a registration request to the mail (basically, registration takes place in "manual" mode by the exchange moderator).

But before the registration process, we need to prepare, because registration goes through the same cycle, which we must know.

And here we "kill" the blatant lies of outbid installers, where "it's difficult-it's unrealistic, you need a thousand documents" and another +100500 lies.

All you need is some simple software and a landing page. EVERYTHING!

At most, you will need to draw docks in Photoshop upon request.

This will provide you with a free registration in any installation exchange.

You register as an "advertiser" and you promote your usual software (official story)

This can be "promotion of your company brand", "software with hidden advertising for which you personally receive a reward" or " software for attracting an audience and capturing the market (demo version).

Moderator - an ordinary person who" hands " passes "advertisers" to distribute their software.

Software can be simple, and with some specific and useful function. Then, after passing moderation, you will need to slightly change the code for uploading any file you already have.

The name of the software must be unique (if necessary, our team has a coder who will write down any software for any exchange)

I would not advise doing outright disgusting things, the software should be at least a little bit attractive)

With the same software, you can pass moderators on DIFFERENT EXCHANGES !

That's all about working with exchanges today. The rest is more private ;)

2) Making the right landing page for traffic to your target audience

A very effective method of traffic, we teach you how to make the right lend for your target audience, give you our best practices, scripts and necessary services that will help you make from 1000 installations of the desired target audience per day!

3) Youtube as an attraction method for installations.

This is also a very profitable method. Some statistics:

Total number of YouTube users — 1 300 000 000.

Almost 5 billion videos are viewed daily on Youtube.

YouTube receives more than 30 million visitors a day

The total number of hours of video viewing on YouTube each month is 3.25 billion.

Looking at the "cold" figures, you understand that you should not discount this site, there is a ton of traffic we need and I am ready to show you how to use it correctly for your own purposes!