Standoff 365 Bug Bounty Expands borders: Open hunt for hackers from all over the world


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The Russian vulnerability search platform is reaching an international level.

Standoff 365 Bug Bounty-a platform for finding vulnerabilities in web applications-is the first among similar Russian sites to reach the international level. With the help of payment agents, the platform will be able to pay rewards to researchers not only in Russia, but also abroad. Payments will be made in a currency that is convenient for baghunters.

After the launch in May 2022, the number of Bug Bounty programs on the platform has grown from 2 to 53 and continues to increase, and the number of registered researchers is approaching 8 thousand people. Such large companies as Gosuslugi, Odnoklassniki, Tinkoff, Rambler&Co, VK, Wildberries and others have placed their programs on the platform.

"Standoff 365 was conceived from the very beginning as a platform that could attract researchers from all over the world. We see a great demand from foreign bug hunters; moreover, we have already received reports from abroad, but we still could not pay the reward. < .. > Entering the international arena for us is a breakthrough step that will allow us to multiply the number of ethical hackers on the platform. This means that our clients 'opportunities to implement bug bounty programs will also significantly expand," the company noted, adding that the platform will enter into contracts with researchers and work with them exclusively within the framework of Russian legislation.

For a year and a half of the platform's operation, baghunters were paid about 60 million rubles. The amount of remuneration varies from 9 thousand to 2.4 million rubles, depending on the level of vulnerability risk. At the same time, the maximum payouts are comparable to the rewards on global platforms for similar vulnerabilities.