Recruitment of drops. How and how much you can earn on them.


Reaction score
  • How do I find / recruit drops?
  • Which legends exist and which ones are better to use?
  • Security when working with drops
  • Drops service

Drops (mules, couriers) are people who do things for you, while leaving their passport details, and your data and your identity remains in the shadows.
In fact, this is your second identity, which law enforcement agencies will come to first, since it is highlighted everywhere. And you stay in the shadows.

How to find and recruit drops. What legends can I use?

Let's start with continuous drops. Here everything is simple, these are mostly your friends, or friends of friends. The main thing is to choose the right type of person. This may be your former classmate, who does nothing but drink beer in the evenings and sit on his parents neck. They usually say "the prison is crying for him".

If you have such an individual in your field of vision, then know that you will not find the perfect candidate. For such people, money is usually the incentive.

Never tell the drop that the job is a one-time job, always try to convince them that the job will be permanent, and you will often use their services. This method will reduce the drop reward. The reason for this is simple - you will work on a permanent basis. And I don't care that you may not contact him again, the main thing is to create visibility.

Also, drug addicts are great for non-breeding drops. They are able to do anything for a dose, as long as they have the opportunity to get a shot.
But here it is important to understand that payment should follow only after completing your order, and in no other way. Never give in to persuasions, pleas, requests, and so on. Remember that in this situation, you are in charge, which means that you decide when the payment is received. Also in the advantages of using addicts, the fact that they can bring their friends to earn money themselves and earn money for friends is perfect. It turns out a kind of network marketing.

The disadvantages of using drug addicts include such a factor as maximum instability. They require additional supervision (like a mother for a 5-year-old son), so if you decide to use them, be patient. They will eat up quite a lot of nerves.

In large cities, there are universities, which enroll nonresident students. These are your clients too, as we all know that a student is an eternally hungry creature, greedy for money. Especially if he is from another city. Of course, it is better to give preferences to the guys from the villages and villages, they are harder on quick-wittedness, and this goes into our hands. We don't need too smart drops, we need executive ones. It's almost like drug addicts, only more organized and less nerve-racking. The best option there is.

It is clear which drops to use, but how to offer them to earn money?

There are several rules and tips that I want to give you here.

1. Fully Study the topic for which you have decided to use them. All pitfalls that may arise or questions that they may be asked (for example, when opening an account).

Consider the example of opening a Bank account. The easiest way to gain this experience is to open an account for yourself first. Remember everything, and only then send a drop. If this is, for example, receiving a parcel from a foreign store (carding), then order the parcel first for yourself, paying with your own card (i.e. legally), and see how this operation works. That is, I want to convey that before you recruit drops in any topic-study it yourself.

2. Express your suggestions clearly and clearly, without stuttering or mumbling. Training in front of a mirror helps. Try to persuade yourself to work for you. Polish your speech to the maximum, so that when you say it to yourself in the mirror - you would agree to work for yourself.

3. Make an impression. In the case of non-dilute drops, this is the impression of money. That is, you should look good, you should have a good phone number, and it's better to make a job offer (to the first drops, they will then bring you the rest) in some restaurant or status institution of your city.

Of course, the question arises, why should I spend so much money on some drop? And you don't need to spend a lot, even in the coolest restaurants in Moscow, coffee costs $ 10. And this is Moscow. And when talking - you don't need to feed anyone, just order a couple of cups of coffee, and discuss your offer. The main thing is to throw dust in your eyes, to make an impression.

So, if everything is more or less clear with non-breeding drops, then let's move on to divorce drops:

Adjustable drops
If you have a creative personality, then working with adjustable drops will give you a lot of pleasure. What's the point? The point is to convince a person to perform the action we need, while convincing them that everything is legal and that they will get paid.

The difference between divorce drops is that they don't have to be paid. This is nothing more than a single-use material. That is, 1 person - 1 action, no more. Of course, you can use them constantly, rubbing some legend into your ears, but this increases the likelihood that one day he will throw you, because someone will tell him something.

Let's start with where to look for adjustable drops? Unlike permanent drops, you can search for adjustable drops from the comfort of your home. To do this, we need only the Internet, a competent Russian language and a little imagination to invent a legend:

- Social networks (Facebook, Instagram)
- Dating sites (Mamba, Tinder, Badu)
- Entertainment sites (teaser ads on such sites)
- Job search sites

There are a lot of inexperienced users on the Internet who are happy to peck at various earnings offers. These individuals are not burdened with intelligence, they are happy to send SMS MESSAGES in order to find out the date of their death, or download "Internet cracker". Therefore, the scope for creativity is simply huge.

When working with adjustable drops, as I wrote above, the main thing is the legend, so below we will look at the basic principles of building a legend, which you can modify to suit your needs.

To begin with, a legend is an 80% success rate. The better and more beautiful the legend, the higher the chance of finding more drops.

Let's look at a few legends:

Legend #1 (WebMoney personal certificate):

We are a large company that works with clients from the United States. We are looking for employees who will help us conduct financial transactions with clients from abroad. To do this, our employee needs a personal webmoney certificate to work with the money of foreign clients. For each such transaction, our employee will receive from 3 to 5% of the amount spent through their account, and the company will receive an additional 2%.

To control their integrity, the employee must provide us with all the data on their webmoney account so that we can monitor their work and see that they are not deceiving us or trying to steal money.

Such a simple legend may seem like some kind of nonsense to many. But this is only to our advantage, the legend should be true, but at the same time a little stupid. We don't need too smart drops - our goal is to find trusting people who are not burdened with intelligence.

Legend #2 (receiving parcels):

We are a foreign company that supplies goods. Our clients are located all over the world, but since in your country (Russia/Ukraine) there is a customs limit for receiving parcels above 1,000 euros per person, we need people who will receive parcels for a certain fee ($ 30-50-100) and forward it to our customers.

Someone will be indignant, say, wow, to pay such money for a parcel? And you don't need to pay, the payment will be received after our order is completed, and when it is completed, we don't care about the drop, we don't need it anymore, so we don't need to pay. Cruel? Yes, but these are drops, which in this case are consumables that you use to build your business.

Legend #3 (Bank cards)

We are a large construction company in Moscow (or any other major city). Yes, we attract illegal immigrants to work for us, and we have to pay them a salary. Since they are citizens of another country , they cannot open a Bank account for themselves, and it would be more convenient for our company to transfer their salary to plastic cards so that they are not robbed, etc. Therefore, we offer you such a solution : you open a card for yourself (a debit card, you can't apply for a loan on it, you can check this with the bank), and transfer the card to us. For this, you get 8-10% of the monthly salary of our worker (about $ 50-100). Great passive income for you!

I have listed 3 main legends that change from case to case.
It all depends on what purposes you need a drop for, and what you want to get in the end. A beautiful website and contact phone numbers-significantly increase the chance to breed a drop, so if you work hard, then the distribution of drops will become a regular routine for you.

Next, I would like to talk about security when working with drops, and in the same section we will include nuances that many people do not pay attention to.

To begin with, many people naively believe that if he used a drop, then he is completely safe. But this is far from the case, so I will outline one situation, and you will try to see a logical connection in it and understand how to avoid bad consequences.

The situation:
For example, you issued a personal certificate for Vasya Pupkin, used Dedic (remote access to another computer) to use this wallet with the certificate, and stole $ 10,000 from the exchange office. You have successfully exchanged the money to Bitcoin (an anonymous cryptocurrency) and withdrawn it.

The exchange office contacts the police, and an investigation of the theft begins. It is logical to start with the person for whom this certificate is issued? On Vasya Pupkin. An investigator comes to Vasya and politely asks Vasya:

- Vasya, didn't you steal $ 10,000 from the exchange office and withdraw it from your wallet?

Vasya, of course, is shocked, he did not steal any money, and generally has no idea what this is about. The investigator is also not a fool, and he realizes that Vasya has acted as a figurehead (drop), and asks Vasya a leading question:

- Vasya, when you issued the wallet, did you transfer control over it to someone? Maybe you designed it for someone?

- Well, of course! - Vasya exclaims - My classmate asked me to do it for him!

So they found out about you (if you directly asked for Vasya), or they found out about someone who asked for Vasya for you. If you asked someone, then of course there will be a conversation with a classmate who will point the finger at you. So the chain will reach you as well.

Therefore, it is important to understand that computer anonymity (proxy, VPN, Dedic, anonymous cryptocurrencies) this is not 100% protection. There are also drops that can lead to you.

So let's take out a few safety rules when working with drops, which we should follow so that in case of something the investigator does not come to you:

1. "Don't shit where you eat"
What does it mean? This means-do not divorce your friends on previously stupid topics, because of which the investigators may come. If you want to issue a personal certificate, for example, in order to trade accounts, then this is one thing. And if you want to drain dirt from exchange offices-then look for drops in another city (at least), or those who do not know you at all.

2. Never give your details when working with drops
That is, if your name is Sasha, then for drops you are Anton, or Grigory. The less drops know about you, the harder it is for them to provide more accurate information about you later.

3. Meet in neutral places that make it difficult to link you to your place of residence.
That is, if you have a wonderful cafe near your house, where you have lunch every day and the waiters know you as a regular customer - do not drag drops there. Choose a place in another city, or at least on the other side of your city, where you never go.

4. Telephone communication.
It is clear that mobile communication has become a part of our life, and without it, nowhere. It also has to be used to communicate with drops. Get your left phone + left SIM card that has nothing to do with you. Chat via WhatsApp on a virtual number.

If you get involved in a rather dumb topic, because of which 100% will be searched , a "bag" with a copper braid will also help, in which you will put your phone after you talk to the drop. This bag suppresses any signals, so it becomes many times more difficult to find such a phone.

Qualify the danger of any action
If you need to accept a regular parcel, then any drop will do, and you don't need to be too paranoid. If you need to accept a parcel with, say, cocaine , then you need to be extremely careful. A sound mind and a sober mind are the main guarantee of security.

Drops Service (Dropovod, Buyer Service, Drop guides)
A drops service can have dozens or hundreds of people in circulation. How much does a dropovod get for providing services? The price is from $ 20 to $ 60 for the received package + payment for sending it to the buyer's address or already sending it to you. Or, as often happens, the drop-seller buys the product himself for a low price. % from the cost.

It turns out that one drop brings an average of $ 600 to the drop guide for 2-3 weeks, with the condition that there is someone to drive to the drop address. One step higher, there is already a dropovod that takes out drops to get transfers to a bank account.

The value lies in the fact that the bays work for % and the amounts go out in thousands of forever green on one account, and the drop can open them in each Bank and receive transfers. Dropovod will always be in demand, drops will always be needed and it is not difficult to master the direction. But not everyone will be suitable, you will need to communicate with people a lot and look for an approach for almost every drop that would make them do what the drop guide needs.


Reaction score
Finding drops is very easy:
1. Preparing a fake website for a business company, which, for example, is engaged in the transportation of goods.
2. Download a fictitious employment contract in your personal account.
3. Place ads on all sites for search and job offers. Or we will use services that offer a job response - it is very fast and efficient.
4. Get people willing to work.
5. Test them on small orders.
Whatever they deceive you, demand a complete set of their documents, allegedly for the execution of an employment contract.
You can also use the received documents for any verification or simply sell their scans on the black market.