Recommendations for farming accounts via anti-detection browser


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Anti-detection Dolphin{anty} browser is suitable for various purposes: account farming, traffic arbitrage, betting, working with cryptocurrencies, etc. In this article, we have collected some recommendations for farming accounts shared by users of our browser.

If you are just starting to farm accounts or you need a small number of accounts for personal purposes, this material will help you avoid common mistakes in the process of creating accounts. For professional farmers, this article is nothing new, so you can simply test the Dolphin{anty} browser anti-detection for free 🤩

What is an account farm?​

Account farming is the process of creating and preparing accounts for working with various websites and social networks. The pharma process includes:
  1. Pre - preparation of the device and software for pharmaceutical use;
  2. Preparing data for account configuration;
  3. Creating an account;
  4. Account warm-up — creating activities so that the site's security systems can analyze user behavior.
Farmers are people who are professionally engaged in creating and setting up accounts. Farmers can work for themselves, for a company that sells accounts, or within a team that often needs accounts.

Why use anti-detection browser for pharmaceutical accounts​

To create and prepare accounts, almost no user can do without an anti-detection browser-a program that changes the real digital fingerprint.

There are several reasons for this:

Reason 1: Limit on the number of accounts​

Various social networks and services have restrictions on the number of accounts that a single user can create. For example, on Instagram, you can link up to 5 accounts to a single number, and on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange — no more than 1. However, if a user tries to create several accounts from the same device at once, the system is unlikely to allow them to do so without the help of an anti-detection browser.

The fact is that anti-fraud systems of sites analyze not only the data specified by the user, but also information about their device, location, and browser — a digital fingerprint. If you do not change this data, the systems will see that the same user is trying to create a new account, after which they will either start monitoring their actions more closely, or they will simply not allow them to create an account.

With the help of browser anti-detection and proxy, you can change your fingerprint data and create as many profiles as you want from one device.

Reason 2: working with foreign accounts​

You can use the browser's anti-detection feature and proxy to impersonate users from other countries. This is necessary for:
  • creation and subsequent sale of foreign accounts. All countries are divided into three groups depending on the solvency of the population: Tier-1, Tier-2, and Tier-3. Tier-1 is the countries with the most solvent population, which include the United States, Canada, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Australia, and so on. Since you can earn the most money in these countries, the accounts of these countries are in high demand,
  • working with foreign websites. This may be especially true now, when users in some countries, including Russia and Belarus, face restrictions in their work.

Reason 3: Bypassing blockages​

If an account was previously created from a specific device that was blocked, the system may not allow you to re-create an account from it. Using the browser's anti-detect feature, you can create a new fingerprint to bypass these restrictions.

💰 Reason 4: Save money​

Without browser anti-detection, a new device would have to be selected for each account. If you only need 2-3 accounts, you can actually create them from your relatives ' phone, laptop, or device. If you have more, then browser anti-detection will be cheaper than buying a laptop and phone for each account.

What you need to do before creating your accounts​

🔹 Choose a proxy

Although there are many free proxy options available online, we don't recommend using them. The fact is that the IP addresses of such proxies are:
  • most likely blocked on most popular sites,
  • they are not safe, because it is not clear what the service makes money from.
If you haven't worked with a proxy before, you can learn how to choose a proxy for the anti-detect browser.

🔹 Choose an anti-detect browser

Currently, there are over 30 anti-detection browsers on the market. All top-end programs cope with the task of masking real digital fingerprints and offer users many additional features to improve the quality of work. At the same time, since anti — detect browsers are expensive software, be sure to use the trial period before purchasing it to understand how suitable a particular browser is for you. In particular, the quality of fingerprint substitutions can be checked using special scanners.

If you have never used an anti-detection browser before, you can find the top paid and free anti-detection browsers in our selection.

🔹 Clear and create a new browser history

You need to clear cookies so that when you create an account, your history doesn't contain links to other accounts or sites with content that might alert the site's anti-fraud systems.

A new history is needed so that all the same algorithms can see your cookies and pre-evaluate you. In the process of creating a story, it is better to visit neutral sites, such as news publications, marketplaces, etc.

If you create and work with accounts via Dolphin{anty}, follow the link to find detailed instructions on how to set up a browser profile in 5 minutes.

Prepare data for registration.

As a rule, there are several ways to register new accounts on sites: by email, phone number, or using existing accounts on other sites.

If you need to create many accounts, you can use virtual numbers. In this case, for a nominal fee, you can use the number to get a code when creating an account. These numbers have one drawback: if your account is blocked, you will not be able to restore it by phone number. For this reason, whenever possible, users try to register accounts to email addresses, or after creating an account, delete the number to receive verification codes for mail.

It is important to remember that the data in each account must be unique.

Think of Come up with internal information about the user.

Almost all sites require you to fill in your full name, age, contacts, and location. Additionally, you may need passport data if you are talking about bookmakers or cryptocurrency exchanges.

So that the information is not repeated, you can record the data of all accounts in a table. Although some users refute the need to fill out their profiles in detail, we recommend that you fill out your profile as much as possible.

Some farmers recommend creating women's accounts: it is easier for such accounts to attract attention and gain a friend list.

Payment method.

If you are creating an account for yourself and you have to pay for services on the site, think about alternative payment methods: bank cards or electronic wallets.

As with other user data, if some accounts are linked to the same card or wallet, these accounts will be automatically linked to each other. Various forums describe a lot of cases where data matches led to the blocking of the entire chain of accounts.

What to do during account registration​

The registration process will depend on which service or social network you are registering with.
For social networks, it is important not only to fill in the registration information, but also to add a photo. If you will use photos from the Internet, it is important to make them unique: edit the design of the photo and change the metadata. There are special programs for changing metadata, such as Exif Pilot, Metadata++, or AnalogExif.

What to do after registering your account​

There is a lot of debate on the web about whether you need to warm up your accounts at all, or whether this is all unnecessary intimidation of users. Given how carefully anti-fraud systems analyze user data, right down to how a person moves the mouse on the screen, we believe that warming up is necessary.

Warming up means that after creating an account, you will first imitate the actions of an ordinary user: browse different tabs of the site, read articles about the service, etc. If we are talking about social networks, you can scroll through the news feed, put reactions to posts, correspond with other users, etc.

To get a friend list faster, you can leave comments under various posts to attract the attention of other users. At the same time, it is better not to send requests to friends if they are unknown users: other users may complain about spam, and the account will be sent for verification.

It is important that in addition to the basic steps, such as preparing software, data, and registration itself, there is no universal and correct way to prepare accounts. Each farmer has their own strategies and schemes, which they develop in the process of work. The key thing to remember is that in general, the behavior should be as similar as possible to a normal user.