Real Credit Card Fraud by Emergency Interript of Advanced Telecommunication Inc.


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/^\ Real Credit Card Fraud /^\
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/^\ Emergency Interrupt /^\
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/^\ Advanced Telecommunications Inc. /^\
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I have seen files on Credit Card Fraud using carbons to get shit though
mail order. Well I have a solution for those of you who can't get anything this
way. Maybe you sound to young, maybe UPS doesn't drop shit in bushes or back
porches anymore, well I have a way around this. Buy remember Credit Card Fraud
is a Federal offense! Probably because they never catch you doing it, just
like stealing mail is a federal offense but who gets caught doing that! Also
when I refer to sting I mean steal. Because stealing is against the law, but
stinging isn't. Har har har, maybe it's not funny but it just stuck after a

Step 1: Location

Find a secluded place where men/women leave their wallets and purses
in there cars. It is best if you live near a beach where there are tons of
cars and they will not be near there cars for hours. I have found that
resturants are these such places also. Since I live near the beach this is
my best location. I have never been to the mountains or anything like this,
but a place like Ski Mountain or someting could also be veby effective. I
think places like Disney World, Circus World, Sea World, Wild Waters and
shit like that would be good!

Step 2: Looking for the purse

Once you have found a good spot with tons of cars walk around and look
inside cars for shit like purses under seats or under towels or anything like
that hidden somewhere. Try not to look to obvious because some people will
call the police. While looking for purses try to social engineer a way so it
doesn't look obvious, I have tried acting like I have to piss every five
seconds or something like "Is that Freeda's car, humm I can't tell, let's look
inside." This ban be effective too.

Step 3: How to get the Hell out of there once you have the purse

Now that you have found a car with a purse you have to think of what 9o|
are going to do and after you get it how the hell are you gonna get out of

A] Getaway Car - A fast one, the cars I use are my friend I go stinging
with. I would suggest something that is not to flashy.

B] Run like hell - this works best anytime, especially when your doing it
on your own.

Step 4: Getting into the Car

Since you know how you are gonna get away you need a good way to get into
the car. Sometimes it is best to check all cars with purses for unlocked doors
but if all of the cars are locked then I suggest choosing the car that looks
the nicest or is the most expensive (ie-Mercedes,Porche, and shit like that!!)
I have three methods of breaking into cars:

A] Slim Jim - workr best when you have time to get in, but if you are in a
hurry I suggest another way.

B] Screwdriver - this sucker works good, just put it between the top of the
gindow and pry the window out till it shatters.

C] BB Gun - in case you don't feel like having a piece of glass hit you when
you use the Screwdriver then I suggest a small BB handgun.

When the window has shattered reach in a grab the purse, take your time
and don't cut your self if you spaz out. Always check the glove compartment
for shit and if you have time look for objects that say 'Hide-A-Key'. These
can be very useful when stinging the car. Also check ashtray, because not all
people smoke but some people put shit there. If the car has tint then it will
prabably spider, so you will need a glove to knock all the glass out of the
way. There are other methods of breaking a window, but the pwo I have are very

Step 5: Looking for Important Merchandise

You have the purse, you have searched the car thoroughly for hide-a-keys,
extra cash, maybe even try to sting their nice brand new top of the line Alpine
stereo with Compact disc player and complete cassette collection. Whatever you
get just don't get caught. Once you have you main goal, the purse of course,
check the billfold for cash and credit cards. Also look for gas cards, MCI
cards AT&T calling cards movie rental cards, Honor cards, and other crap.
There are a number of things you can do with the plastic you just got:

A] Gas Cards - free tank of gas and food if it is a convient store. These
cards are usually good for about two weeks, although some place don't call them
in. For instance Gulf,some Amoco's, Chevron and other you won't be returning them!! ha ha ha..

D] Honor cards - Not good without codes s} look thoroughly through purse for
a code or if you can't find anything try some four digit combo like the last
for digits of fone number.

Sometime you can find the keys to thier cars and house, well if you go
back to their car, which I highly do not reccomand, take the car and hall ass.
You can find some really phun shit to do with their car. You could ram it
through their house, and enemy's house, wreck the hell out of it or anything

Step 6: Using the Card
Ok, you have a fresh credit card! What you want to do is use the hell out
of what is left in their account today!! You will need the following:

1) A young person, with a good memory
2) A older person, someone who sounds like a mother/father
3) A payfone

Say you want to get a Pinneer reciever, get the young person to go in, he
picks out the reciever goes up to the counter..

Employee: "Will this be cash or charge?"
Young ps: "Charge, it's my mom's.."
Employee: "Is their anyway I can talk to your mom to verify this?"
Young ps: "Sure call her at 555-9123 (payfone number..)"

The Employee calls you mom..

Employee: "Can you son use your Visa to purchase a $569 pioneer reciever?"
Older ps: "Sure he can, it&s his birthday today"
Employee: "Thank you.."

Employee: "Ok everything's clear"

Then he'll ring it up and call in the card, it will either have enuff
credit on the card or not enuff, but if it does just act cool and take your
new reciever home and listen to some music!

Sometimes they say shit like "Sorry you have to have ID", or "Sorry you
have to be with your mom to buy this" But sole places they don't give a fuck
and don't even call to verify this shit..

Step 7: Using the card the next day

Usually after the day you got the card it is dead, but you can still buy
shit with it. If you keep the amounts under $40 for Visa and under $50 for
mastercharge you can still use them till the Warning Bulletins come out. Just
use the same technique to buy shit, but don't go over the ammounts listed. I
think these Warning Bulletins come out everyone Monday, but I know they come
out weekly but not sure which day.

Step 8: Data

The only cards I have gotten are Visa Premiers and Classics, some
Mastercharges, and one American Express. I have gotten all together about 25
cards in the last 5 months. There are several things good to know that I may
have alreay mentioned but I need to go over again:

1) Allways check purses for cash
2) Always check for secret codes for Honor,Sunbank and othdr Bank cards
3) Always keep checks, and cards
4) Always have someone at a payfone when buying something.
5) REMEMEBER the name on the card!!!
6) Practice a signature
7) After you think the card is dead don't got over $40 for Visa or $50 for
8) If you steal the car use it that day and get rid of it that night
9) Never keep anything in your car or house that you won't use that could
be used against you in court, like wallets,purses,driver license's and
shit like that.
10) And if someone at a store says "I'm sorry I have to keep the card don't
haul ass, say something like "Oh shit, well I get my mom down here and
see what the problem is" And never go back to that store again!

Have phun!! And DON'T GET CAUGHT!!

(C)ardrite-1986, Advanced Telecommunications Inc.