Professional Carding. Working with Enroll is the key to a successful Carder


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Hi rookie carders.

Today we have an Enroll theme, this is the most common CC for 3-10 bucks.

But for this CC, we can register a personal account on the site corresponding to each CC and its bank.

A personal account in the bank provides many opportunities.

But today we are considering specifically changing the billing address.

Billing address, as you should already know, is the address of the person who owns this card.

The majority of banks that we can enroll will call online to change the billing address to the one you need - Drop / client / intermediary (I highly do not recommend changing the address to an intermediary).

If the bank does not allow changing the billing system online, then it is possible to do it by dialing. That is, we call the bank and ask to change the address.

In my opinion, this type of carding is one of the simplest in the USA, since we will order the goods for billing = shipping.

What other advantages do we have from Enroll?

The second most important huge plus is mini-deposits (mini-deps, miniks).

This is a micro-transaction that the shop charges you.

As a rule, the amount of the mini-deposit will be around $ 1-2.

This transaction serves as the verification of your card in the shop.

The shop withdraws a small amount of money from you and asks you to say exactly what amount they have withdrawn from your card or the transaction code that came with this mini-deposit.

If you told it to the shop, then everything is Ok.
The level of the shop's confidence in you increases significantly and in 99% of cases there will be no problems with this order.

The last places where I was asked for mini-deposits were Steam and Skrill.

I add a card, send mini-deposits, see the amount debited by our shop in the link office, confirm, and drove carding - to steal money from the cardholder.

Victoria's Secret also sends mini-deps, their Gift is selling very well.

Another plus of enroll is VBV - if the card is VISA and MCSC - if the card is the master card.

Amex does not have this type of protection.

VBV is like an internet pin code.

If you have enroll, then you can install it according to the information that comes with the kit.

You can assign an VBV when carding, at the time of payment a window will pop up and ask for this code, there you can either put your own right away, or just reset the old one and just put your own or set it in advance.

Here is the visa website

As a result, if the shop asks for a VBV code request and you entered it, then this is another good plus in the shop's confidence in your purchase.

The last point that we will consider from the advantages of enroll is the change of the cardholder's phone in his card.

It's no secret that we can call with the substitution of the phone number that was specified when purchasing the card or we found the phone number in our personal account, but the shop can sometimes call back to the number from which we called. And if the shop does this, then they will call the cardholder himself, we do not need it. Even a call from our phone number, which we can buy on Skype, will not help us, because now very often they call the bank from the shop to verify the address, the name of the cardholder, as well as his phone number. And if the bank says that the information does not converge, then the shop cancels the transaction immediately and the bank blocks the card. This is the end, we have no warrant and the card is dead.

In this case, enroll will save us, together with the billing address we can change the phone number. As a result, when the shop calls the bank, all the information provided is the same and the pack will be safely sent to your drop.

Now we know what Enroll is and the following question arises:

Where can I get Enroll?

There are two options here

First way. Go to the "carding offers" section on the forum and buy an enroll from the seller you like.

The second way is more difficult - we try to roll on our own.

I can warn you in advance, it can be fortunate the first time, and maybe the fifth time it will not work to upload the card.

My first video came out on the sixth try and was immediately purchased for $ 3500

In this case, we must know the banks that roll with a minimum of information, we must buy the CC, and push the very information to it.

Different banks require different info for enroll.

They can simply ask for SSN / DOB, or they can ask for the mother's maiden name, PIN code, billing phone, answers to the cardholder's backgrund, the code provided by the bank, account number, and so on.

We need those banks that ask for SSN / DOB.

SSN - social security number of the holder
DOB - holder's date of birth

Punching services -,

Next, having received ssn / dob, we go to the bank's website and try to make an enroll by filling in the appropriate fields with the information required for this.

If everything is ok, then we get the same enroll that I am telling you about.

Where can I get those bins for enroll?

You can use the method of enumerating banks, or you can use the first method and just buy a roll from a seller, burn a bin and then roll this bank yourself, as most do, it is easier to buy, of course, a pack of bins of a certain bank, you can work with 10 bins for at least a whole year, while sellers will not run out of cards. They cost about $ 0.5 per piece, it is cheaper and faster.

Why might you fail to enroll a card?

There are several answers to this question:
- The card is dead.
- The information is not correct.
- The card does not belong to the person who was specified during the purchase, but the real holder is mom / dad / wife / husband / son.
- The card is not the main one, but only serves as an additional card that is tied to the main account of the husband / wife / mom / dad or someone else.

Sometimes, when they wrote to me that the data that I enter does not fit, but the card is 100% valid, I could break through the data of the husband / wife, and very often the card came up and the card rolled, this often happened with the boa and synovus banks.
I recommend doing this activity when you have free money.

There were cases when the data was recognized correctly, the vbv is installed according to these data, and the map is alive, but with enroll it writes that the data is incorrect. A call to the bank with the question - WTF? Why doesn't it roll?

It often turned out that the data on the maps was curves.

And the last option, the card was uploaded to you, that is, the cardholder has already registered a personal account.

We will consider this moment in more detail.

Since there are two kinds of enroll:

1. Primary - the holder has not yet made a personal account before you, and you calmly do it yourself

2. Reroll - a personal account has already been created before you, BUT the bank makes it possible to restore your username and password. Most often, for this you need to have the same information as with the primary enroll, sometimes we can get to the background of the cardholder.

The background is usually 3-4 test questions, each with four answer options.

Questions can be like - where did you live in 2005, what year did you get the mortgage, what kind of car you had, what was your phone number, and so on. This information can be searched in public services, most of it is almost freely available, for example

Either buy a LexisNexis or Westlaw background, two offices in which provide very fat backgrunds, but you can only buy it from punch.

To get to Primari Enroll, I can advise you to take cards with the maximum expiration date of the cards.

Cards are going well now ** / 21 - ** / 22 years

The longer the exp date, the better.

It is much more likely that the holder did not get around to creating a personal account, since he recently received a card.

I recommend starting with the credit one bank. Usually there are shallow balances, but to understand the process itself it is great. That is, if the cardholder has made a personal account, then you can easily reset the password to yours.

Take this bin, there is a lot of it everywhere - 444796

Sinovus is still alive, although maps are hard to find.

Then there is such a bank as Omaha, it still lives and gives, bins 441840, 441802, and any other bins of CREDIT cards, not debit, level - classic, signatures, platinum, world, prime.

So, with this finished, the last section, where I will tell you step by step how I work with enroll. First, I decide which bank I will roll, go to CC store, take a pack of 5-10 cards, find out ssn and dob for them, and start rolling, I roll immediately on a dedicated server for a drop.
I mean, the IP for the state of my drop, if the 1-2-3-4 cards are not overloaded, then I do not change the dedicated server, I just clean it.

I change the dedicated server as soon as I have an enrolled card on this dedicated server.

Antidetects not used the rest of the nonsense lately, because I do not like the result, after I received several rolls, postpone them until next Monday. On Monday, I change the address on all these rolls.

As a rule, it changes 3-4 BUSINESS / weekdays, I am in no hurry to do carding, but usually wait until the beginning of a new week, so that shipment of goods does not fall on the weekend.

Carding on Monday from the same dedicated servers from which they rolled or order them by phone, if have any doubts about the quality dedicated server.

After carding, the roll should not be immediately used in another shop, as it will die 99 percent and you will not get anything at all. Wait until the goods are delivered and as soon as they are sent, you can go and re-card this card.

And so, everything seems to be. It remains to get BINs into carding.




Information required for enroll cards:
Name on Card
Credit card number

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) Online billing address change is available (1 business day)
2) If you change the password to access an already uploaded card, you need to know the User Name, otherwise you need to call (1FBUSA Customer Service 1-888-828-9640)
3) You can watch pending charges.


Information required for enroll cards:
Card Number
Expiration Date

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) There is no online billing change function. the problem is solved by dialing (MMN is often asked)
2) The type of all cards of this bank is 'Business'


Enroll info:

Enroll's website (business / corporation):

Information required for enroll cards:
Account Number

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) Depending on the type of cards (business or ordinary) - enroll on different sites.
2) If the card has already been deposited by the holder, then you need to know the User Name in order to change the password.
3) There is a change of billing online (term 3 days)


Information required for enroll cards:
Account Number
Expiration Date
Signature Panel Code (CVV / CVC)

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) Change of address online (3 working days, preferably 5-7 days)
2) On a freshly registered enroll, it will not work to change the billing online, after 30 days the function is again available.


Information required for enroll cards:
Account Number
First Name
Last Name
ZIP Code
Home Phone

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) If the card has already been deposited by the holder, then you need to know the User Name to change the password.

2) Change billing by calling 1-888-277-0444 (card info + ssn, dob)


Information required for enroll cards:
Account Number
Your Name on Your Card
Expiration Date
Signature Panel Code (CVV / CVC)

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) Online billing change is available (period 2 days)


Link to enroll:

Information required for enroll cards:
Account Number
First Name
Last Name
Card Expiration Date

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) there is a change of billing online (3-5 days)


Information required for enroll cards:
Account Number
Name on Card
Zip code
Home Phone

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) There is no online billing change, only by calling 1-800-645-2103


Compass Bank Visa for Individuals

Information required for enroll cards:
First Name & Last Name
Account Number
Name on account
Expiration Date

Enroll features:
1) If the card is already enrolled by the holder, then you need to know the User Name to change the password.

Compass Bank Visa for Businesses


Information required for enroll cards:
First Name; Last Name
Account Number
Name on account
Expiration Date

Enroll features:
1) If the card is already enrolled by the holder, then you need to know the User Name to change the password.

CompassInspire Mastercard Cardholders:

Link: (provided by HSBC)

Information required for enroll cards:
Account Number
Signature Panel Code (CVV / CVC)
Card Expiration Date

Enroll features:
1) Change billing online (term 1 day)


Information required for enroll cards:
Name (first and last)
Credit card number
Expiration Date
Signature Panel Code (CVV / CVC)

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) Small balances on cards, as the bank opens cards for citizens with a bad credit history. Maximum Total Credit seen $ 2,500.00
2) when changing billing online, you need to answer 1 question (holder's zip code; date of birth of the holder; the last 4 digits of the holder's phone number)
3) Change billing online (term 1 day, sometimes you need to repeat the request)


Information required for enroll cards:
Credit card number
Zip Code

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) There is no online address change function. To change billing you need to call 1-800-221-8890.
2) NOT all bins of this bank are enrolled on this site! (second site:
3) You can watch pending charges.

Enroll website:

Information required for enroll cards:
Account Number
Card Expiration Date
Zip Code
Home Phone Number
CVV Code

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) Online billing address change is available (2 working days)
2) To confirm changes in personal data (billing / email), you will need DOB
3) If you change the password to access an already uploaded card, you need to know the User Name, the password is sent to the holder's soap.


Information required for enroll cards:
Account Number

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) There is a change of billing online (2-3 days)
2) You can watch pending charges.


Information required for enroll cards:
First Name
Last Name
ZIP Code
Account Number

Features of this bank's enroll:
1) Be careful with the name of the holder (middle initian or middle name)
2) There is no change of billing online.


Information required for enroll cards:
Credit Card Account Number
Billing ZIP Code

Enroll features:
1) There is a change of billing online (period 1 day, it is better to keep it from 3 days)


Information required for enroll cards:
Personal accounts; Banking Services
First; Last Name
Account Number

Enroll features:
1) There is a change of billing online (period of 3 days)

For Enroll, please check out this russian topic:


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What is Enrоll?

This is a way to manage the card over the Internet. Sberbank Online is an example of our enroll. You can carry out various transactions, check the balance and view expenses online.

What is it for and what are the advantages of enroll?

For example, you can change the billing address for Enroll. That is, we will calmly drive the card where we need it) Since stores are much more willing to send billing and shipping to the same addresses (payment and where to deliver). Accordingly, we change the billing address to the drop address in Enroll and after 2-3 working days you can make a purchase) When ordering, we already indicate the drop address both as billing and as shipping. You can also issue an invoice and pay it there, in your personal account. You can also verify mini-deposits with the help of Enroll. This is a check when registering in some payment systems. One or two sums are deducted from the balance of the card. Typically 1 to 3 bucks. Next, you will need to enter the exact amount of money withdrawn. With the help of enroll,

Where can I get Enrоll?

You can buy, or you can do it yourself. It's clear about buying, but how to do it yourself?

Not all cards can be played. You need a certain bin (the first 6 digits of the card number). The easiest way to find it is to buy the first enrollment and memorize the first six numbers, and then look for cards with the same ones. It also happens that you can find this information on the forums. After finding the necessary bins and buying a card of this bin, you need to punch information on the holder, basically it is SSN (social security number) and DOB (date of birth), sometimes banks also require other information (MMN (mother's maiden name), MDOB (date of birth) mother) and more). To see which bank requires which information about the holder can be found on the bank's website. Then we use the service for breaking through information, of which there are many on thematic forums)

How to make an enroll?

I will describe it step by step. We got the CC of the rolling bin, hit ssn and dоb, go to the bank's website. We start the registration procedure, enter the credit card number, validity period, color per year, ssn and dob, as well as zip (index).

Next, we create a username and password for our personal account.

If, after creating a username and password, you were thrown to create a Security Questions, then this is a primary enroll, if it is a re-roll to any other page. These are the types of enroll, I will tell you more in more detail.

If necessary, we create secret questions and confirm. Enroll is ready. The balance can be viewed in a column like Balance or Available for Pursuse.

Types of Enroll

is the primary enrollment registration. That is, the holders didn't want to create a map, they don't need it. The best option, because the likelihood of getting burnt is much less.

Re-rоll is when the holder has already made a personal account for himself. And we need to change the password using the same information (ssn and dob). This kind of enroll is worse. Since the holder can simply ignite the fact that he cannot enter the bank and raise the alarm.

That's all, friends, good luck)