Parsing a scam carding forums

Carding 4 Carders

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So, I'm starting to consistently drain the training with examples and prototypes. Here is one of the successful projects of the scam carding forum:
and the like

Pay attention - the bright, modern design gives off a gangster atmosphere. Wait a second, but what is this? Have you already noticed banners? So let's go.

Banner # 1 - ESCROW SERVICE (Guarantor).

You have been familiar with this term for a long time - Guarantor. It is precisely that this word is familiar to those in the subject. Usually, users come to this on their own, in the process of smoking, overloading forums, but a professional scammer does not intend to wait, and therefore a bright, juicy banner with an explanation of who the guarantor is is the first thing that is thrown into the eyes of the visitor.

Further. All forum banners - advertise ONLY services on THIS forum. Nothing goes beyond it.

In the banners - we see the most relevant for the inhabitants of the "law-abiding world" desirable goods that are not legally available to mere mortals.

Let's go through the topics of sales.

1) Any stuff for 40%. The thorn around the world is a masterpiece. Don't want an iPhone straight to mom's house for 40%?

2) Debit cards - how else? After all, having bought an earnings scheme, we will need to drain the dough hrenalions)

3) Military ID! Still) It is enough to spam in social networks with the same VK bot, for 17-year-old guys and your target audience is right there!

It will be more large-scale to post not in the LAN, but on the walls to all friends in a row, because, after all, the coverage of those who saw your advertising banner, send a JPEG picture, with a short description of the site's enticement - "All about crime on carding forum!"

4) Passport, international passport, driving license! and all this at prices cheaper than market prices. Why is it cheap? The answer is that we are fighting with competitors, because we have put the business on stream, we trade cheaply, we stamp passports, we have our rights with a wire to the bases! (the dream of an ordinary person - and most importantly, they won't be thrown! They've come up with a guarantor here!)

5) Certificates! Prosecutor's Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Phobos. Hmm … but here they are doing well, I think, all sorts of elderly bandos, who know well where you can use such a trump card offline. And where do adult grated uncles like to hang out?

6) Bank cards with a balance, as well as printouts of calls and sms for jealous and horned people of all heights and ages - but what? The service is up-to-date and the prices do not bite, besides, the guarantor is … It guarantees, doesn't it?

7) Diplomas - schoolchildren go ahead! The nurse will not find out that you have finished the Unified State Exam with three grades, but she promised that she would buy you a Porsche for 5 in math) Well, or simply, stupidly, they do not take a job without a diploma. Target audience is provided, and prices are affordable!

8) Transfers. Hmm. Well, how can it be without them!) This is the dream of schoolchildren and parasites of all ages) And all you need to work is to buy several debit cards - right there, through a guarantor and onward to millions!

9) As a matter of fact - the banner for the sale of debit cards immediately follows and goes. Social engineering, haule.

10) Forms, policies, CTP … you can, in principle, get hold of photographs of barrels and guns and start using them through a guarantor, but 80% of scam forums are cowardly and afraid - after all, it is believed that pistols can attract cops for sure!)

Not bad guys? Tempting? But we just went through the sale and banners. They drove on - only you, gentlemen, look at all this not with your wise eyes, but with the eyes of commoners, for whom this will be the "first touch" with the illegality of this world. Immediately hands are itching to stir up the thread, and in my head crazy thoughts about the "brigade" and "beautiful life", ala "grandmother's pocket"!

And then - so as not to distract the sucker from the earliest thought to buy something, there are "News from the media" and the guarantor service and immediately the TRADE SECTION.

First, there are the most relevant sections (access to them is free) in which you just have to stupidly take and buy, because waiting for haule - here is the product, almost in your hands!

Then there are 5 closed forums - on which, as sideways, it is expensive to see hundreds of private topics of discussion, conversations and elite trade in exclusive goods. Guess how you can get into this magic kingdom from the already magic kingdom of illegality and freedom? It's logical what - pay the bench, dog, and you'll be fed up with gingerbread from the pantry of rich Uncle Escobar)

We go further on this scam forum - and it is molded competently, a masterpiece of stupid bend!

Next, we see several non-commercial sections, lovingly filled with multi-bot admin public. At this point, work from the heart - scour real forums in search of valuable, relevant information and post it for free.

After all, it's not a secret for anyone that the public is full of free and very, well, very important and relevant information for all of us. So - after reading all this miracle, any goof already - with one foot on the very thighs in a new, successful life, because from the moment he got to this forum, he realized. Realized that he has a chance to escape from the Kabbalah of life on credit or from paycheck.

It's all? Nooo. Not at all. It's time to move on to the most desirable.

Hmm … a loshara user might think but this is a crime! They can catch me. But how! Right there on the forum there are several interesting articles about anonymity and online security! Why are they there, there is also a paid private forum with exquisite and super-cool protection and security programs! Everything is adding up. There is an exit!

This is a chance! A chance to break into a better life! You just need to invest a little money.

This mini tutorial with a sample would be watery if I hadn't shown you the Prototype Forum. Looking at him, everything written above already seems more than achievable in real life.


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How to create a shadow pseudo-forum
The white option is doing business, that is, the forum does not throw anyone, but simply develops and becomes a hit platform where you can shuffle on users' drugs and, with the help of your brains, sometimes take advantage of yourself.
The black option is a scam and all the ways to scamper. About him will be the manual below. Very laconic, but to the point.

We have a forum where all users, services, guarantor, administrator are one person.
All transactions are carried out through the guarantor service, which in turn appropriates the clients' funds.
In order for the forum to seem alive, it is necessary to create the illusion of life and the conclusion of transactions; a client who comes to the forum should see that there are many users on the site who conduct commercial activities through the administration of the site.
Algorithm for creating an illusion before launching the forum:
1. The first thing to do is to study your forum engine, the name of the IP.Board engine.
On the support forums, you can search for designs and hooks to improve your portal experience.
Also, on the support forums in the commercial sections, you need to find a programmer who will perform minor work on your forum, such as: transferring a site to another hosting, installing hooks and mods, all kinds of statistics cheating and design changes, etc.
I have not listed all the forums for supporting your engine, you can search for forums yourself by googling the phrase "ipb support", "ipb services" and other similar requests. In the open spaces of the Internet, there are many masters who provide services and advise within the framework of the ipb engine.
2. In order for your forum to seem alive, you need to fill it with information, namely: publish news, post articles, create artificial comments telling different points of view from your bots, and you also need to fill trading topics with good reviews.
In order to automate the process, I suggest using an outsourcing scheme, that is, giving this task to copywriters to save your time.
In order to create an illusion, it is necessary to post 20-30 messages, a couple of news, and a couple of articles a day.
3. Trade. You will find many services in the trading sections of your forum. As soon as the client writes in a personal message to one of your services, you will receive a notification by mail. We have one mail connected for all accounts of the forum, due to this it becomes very convenient to process applications and know which of the accounts the order came to.
Also, in order not to miss customers, you need to add your contacts to the trade topics, for each character - your own contact. For this, it is very convenient to use jabber, since you can create an unlimited number of accounts in it, which will always be online.
4. After you have created the illusion of life on the forum and configured all the trading topics, you need to promote the site.
There are several methods of website promotion, the most basic is SEO promotion.
In order to get a good understanding of promotion, you need to study this issue. In an owl, it took me 4 days to get to know the CEO, it is enough to read the entire forum - it is dedicated to site promotion and was created specifically for webmasters, this is your main resource, which contains all the information on maintaining and promoting sites in networks. After reading the forum serch, you will find dozens of schemes for promoting resources and learn how to run projects.
After you understand the issue, you can quickly promote the site using this tool. The Seopult website contains dozens of video instructions on how to work with services, after spending 5 hours studying the Seopult, you can launch a PR Company.
Website promotion can also be organized by buying banners at various hacker and business forums, as well as using banner exchange systems, banner exchanges, etc.
5. One of the initial tasks is to transfer the site "Over the hill" to a European or American hosting, you can entrust it to the programmer of which you will find on the ipb support sites.
Transferring over the hill is necessary so that offended clients cannot write a complaint about the resource, usually foreign hosting services do not respond to complaints.
Further, before launching the site, you need to put it on indexing for search engines, without this your site will not appear in Google and Yandex search engines. This task will also be done by your programmer without any problems in 1 minute. Well, then it remains to find a copywriter and start creating an illusion.
6. Processing of client orders. Go to the forum in a personal Administrator and Sellers. In private messages you will find "Scripts" for communicating with customers, based on which you will be able to carry out sales in the future. Funds from customers are accepted for any payment system, so that PS is not blocked, you need to go through the wallet identification procedure.