More than 1.5 thousand residents of the Brest region became victims of cyber fraud


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In the Brest region in January-October, more than 1.5 thousand residents suffered from the actions of cyber scammers. This information was announced at a briefing at the Regional Executive Committee's internal Affairs department
In the south-western region, there is a characteristic trend of increasing the number of cybercrimes in the republic. For 10 months, more than 1.6 thousand such crimes were registered in the region, which is 30% more compared to the same period last year. The vast majority of cybercrimes are theft by modifying computer information using vishing and phishing methods.

"Due to the fact that this type of crime is of a cross-border nature and is usually committed by a group of people living outside the republic, it is extremely difficult to solve such crimes in hot pursuit. Nevertheless, in 232 criminal cases, police officers managed to identify the perpetrators, " said Oleg Koltunevich, Deputy Head of the Department for Combating Cybercrime of the Criminal Police of the Internal Affairs Department.

It is noteworthy that the vast majority of victims are young and middle - aged people (from 20 to 50 years) who actively use the Internet. Of these, only 71 people (or 4.6% of the total number) have a higher education. At the same time, 97% of all victims of cyber fraud were previously aware of such crimes and how they were committed.

In terms of prevention, much depends on digital hygiene and the vigilance of citizens themselves. In the vast majority of cases, cybercriminals make calls through various messengers. Law enforcement officers recommend not to answer such calls from unknown numbers.

"The Department of Internal Affairs has developed a whole range of measures to prevent crimes in the field of information and communication technologies. At the same time, emphasis is placed on bringing the necessary information to the target audience, " said Vyacheslav Oksenyuk, Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the KM Department of Internal Affairs. - In addition, with the participation of employees of the center for psychological support, we developed a questionnaire, which we sent to banks with a recommendation to present it to customers before granting a loan. And there are already positive examples when people came to their senses after filling out such questionnaires and stopped on time, which allowed them not to become victims of fraudsters."

There are also more frequent cases when citizens open a bank account in their own name and transfer it for a reward to intruders. They use the cards transferred to their use to transfer, legalize and cash out money obtained as a result of criminal activities. Law enforcement officials are particularly concerned about the fact that teenagers aged 16 to 18 are involved in this criminal scheme. Using mobile applications of various banks, they open accounts, register electronic wallets, and then transfer all data and banking details to attackers. Thus, teenagers become accomplices in the crime. Criminal liability is provided for such illegal actions, the Department of Internal Affairs noted.