Meta on guard for fair elections: the battle for truth will take place this summer


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Will $20 billion in investment and a staff of thousands of specialists help protect the world from misinformation?

Meta has announced a significant increase in anti-disinformation measures ahead of the European Parliament elections scheduled for early June this year.

As part of these efforts, a dedicated team of experts in various fields will be created, whose main task will be to quickly identify and neutralize threats on the company's platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Threads) related to elections.

In addition, Meta will expand its network of fact checkers by adding three new partner companies in Bulgaria, France and Slovakia, increasing the number of independent organizations checking content on its platforms to almost 30 across the EU.

This year will be marked by the largest electoral cycle in history: various types of elections will be held in as many as 64 countries. For the European Union, this will be the tenth parliamentary election in principle and the first election after the UK leaves the EU. Elections will be held in all 27 countries of the union, where citizens will vote for representatives to the European Parliament.

Since 2016, Meta has invested more than $20 billion in security and protection, with a global team of about 40,000 people, including 15,000 content reviewers, to prevent the spread of disinformation and election-related propaganda.

David Agranovich, Director of Global Threat Management at Meta, emphasized the importance of continuously working to counter information operations that begin months, and sometimes even years, before an election.

Meta also takes measures against threats related to the use of artificial intelligence and coordinated influence operations. The company will introduce features on its platforms to facilitate the work of independent fact-checking organizations, as well as ban ads that discourage them from participating in elections, question their legitimacy, or contain premature statements about winning the election.

To protect against coordinated influence operations, Meta will adapt its approach specifically for election campaigns, and also add a feature for users that displays whether a particular media item was generated using AI.

In addition to Meta's efforts, Chinese video platform TikTok has also taken measures to protect its users from potentially objectionable content during the election to limit the spread of misinformation.