Kevin Mitnick, the world's most famous hacker, has died.


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He was a genius, a magician, and a businessman.

On July 16, 2023, Kevin Mitnick, a former hacker who was once one of the most wanted computer criminals in the United States, died. This was announced on Wednesday by a cybersecurity training company that he co-founded and a funeral home in Las Vegas. He was 59 years old.

According to Kathy Wattman, a spokeswoman for KnowBe4, the cause of death was complications from pancreatic cancer. He was being treated at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center after being diagnosed with the disease more than a year ago, according to information from King David Memorial Chapel & Cemetery in Las Vegas.

After serving a prison sentence for hacking and tampering with corporate computer networks, he was released in 2000 and began a new career as a security consultant, writer, and public speaker.

Mitnick was best known for a crime spree in the 1990s that involved stealing thousands of data files and credit card numbers from computers across the country. He used his skills to infiltrate the country's telephone and cellular networks, vandalizing government, corporate and university computer systems.

Investigators at the time called him the "most wanted" computer hacker in the world.

In 1995, after more than two years of hunting, Mr. Mitnick was caught by the FBI and charged with illegal use of mobile devices and computer fraud. "He allegedly had access to millions of dollars' worth of corporate trade secrets. He was a very big threat, " Kent Walker, a former assistant U.S. attorney in San Francisco, said at the time.

In 1998, while Mr. Mitnick was awaiting sentencing, a group of supporters took over The New York Times website for several hours, forcing it to shut down.

The following year, Mr. Mitnick was convicted of computer fraud and wire fraud under an agreement with prosecutors, and was sentenced to 46 months in prison. He was also banned from using a computer or cell phone without the permission of his bailiff for three years after his release.

Mr. Mitnick grew up in Los Angeles as the only child of divorced parents. He moved frequently and was somewhat lonely learning magic tricks, according to his 2011 memoir, Ghost in the Wire.

At the age of 12, Mr. Mitnick learned to ride a bus for free, using a $ 15 punch card and empty tickets fished out of the trash, and at school he developed an obsession with the inner workings of switches and telephone company circuits.

At the age of 17, he infiltrated various corporate computer systems and eventually clashed with the authorities for these actions. This was the beginning of a decade-long cat-and-mouse game with law enforcement.

In his memoirs, Mr. Mitnick disputed many of the allegations made against him, including that he hacked into government computer systems.

Mr. Mitnick also claimed that he ignored the credit card numbers he received in his quest for the code. "Anyone who likes to play chess knows that it's enough to beat their opponent. You don't have to loot his kingdom or seize his assets for it to be worth it," he wrote in his book.


Starchy Beginner
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The man shall remain a legend among first generation hackers. His name be fulfilled unto the legacy of hackers worldwide and serves as the greatest motivation a hacker could ever mitigate. Rest in peace, Kevin Mitnick. You fought quite hard against the cancer within your pancreas, however your story shall end here. So grateful through your efforts, you became one of the prominent giants within the hacker community. You had a good life. 🙏


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Kevin Mitnick is called the father of world hacking and the # 1 hacker, but for his tricks he not only got into the Guinness Book of Records, but also in prison. In general, his biography shows the classic scheme: a difficult childhood — bad company-getting knocked up by a minor - "he was sucked into a dangerous quagmire" — "he was reforged".


The future computer genius was born on August 6, 1963 in not the most prosperous family. In fact, he was raised by one mother, who was a waitress and constantly disappeared at work. So there was essentially no one to explain to Maltz "what is good and what is bad". Free time young Kevin spent on the street in endless trips around Los Angeles. And since he traveled by public transport, he got the knack of forging travel tickets for him.

The" bad company " for young Kevin was the phreakers. People who can make phone calls for free. A guy named Pat showed 12-year-old Mitnick how to get secret access codes for telephone operators, through which you can make free long-distance calls. And soon phreaking became Kevin's main hobby. It didn't take long for him to surpass all the phreakers he knew, even making fun of them by changing the alarm codes of their phone numbers to the payphone code. When the friends picked up the phone, the operator's voice sounded from it, suggesting that they lower a coin.

At the age of 16, Mitnick first started using a computer. And since then, this electronic car has become the passion of his life. But he used it mainly for some kind of computer hooliganism-sophisticated in hacking into the protection of databases of various organizations-from his native school to the North American air defense forces in Colorado. Having become adept at hacking, he began to steal information from other people's computers. Now it was no longer a simple hooliganism and payback followed immediately. Mitnick received three months in a California center for troubled teens and a year of probation. But just after serving his three-month sentence, he hacked the Pentagon's ARPANet network. The next sentence was already stricter – 6 months in prison. Then two more arrests followed: in December 1987 for stealing software from the Santa Cruz Operation (3 years of probation) and in November 1988 for breaking into DEC's networks (one year in prison).

To wean Mitnick from obsessive interest in information on other people's computers, he was sent for compulsory treatment to a psychiatrist, who described the motives of his patient's behavior as follows: "Hacking gives Kevin a sense of self-esteem that he lacks in real life. Greed and the desire to harm have nothing to do with it… He's like a big kid playing Dungeons and Dragons.

After his release, Mitnick had erased all the information about himself in the Santa Cruz courtroom's database, and the account of the judge who handled his case was suspiciously quickly emptied.


Lamo, Mitnick, and Paulsen.

Gradually, Kevin turned into a thunderstorm of IT managers of leading corporations and "the most wanted computer criminal in the United States." Hacking the server with all the resulting consequences, collectively estimated at tens of millions of dollars, was not a problem for Mitnick. For several years, Kevin was a specialist in writing hacker programs, which allowed him to penetrate the most secure computer systems.

But the fatal one for hacker # 1 was a fight online with network security specialist Tsutomu Shimomura, who worked with the military and special services. Mitnick hacked into the security of his computer and stole a program written by Shimomura for the military. In response, Tsutoma vowed to find the intruder. And he figured out the location of Mitnick, who had been successfully hiding from the police for several years.


On February 15, 1995, Kevin Mitnick was arrested at his apartment in Raleigh at one-thirty in the morning. 33-year-old Kevin Mitnick was charged with numerous hacks of computer systems of software manufacturers and computers of Internet Service providers. Mitnick pleaded guilty to phone fraud and violating parole rules after a previous conviction for computer fraud.


The five years Mitnick spent in federal prison without the right to use a computer (not even to access the Internet, but also as a simple typewriter), became for the number one hacker, the idol, if not millions, then thousands of followers, a real torment. Instead, he wrote a book - "The Art of Deception" - about security systems in computer networks.


Hacker No. 1 was released early at the end of January 2001. The like-minded "FREE KEVIN" foundation, created during his time in prison, paid bail for him. However, under the terms of his early release, he was required to transfer $ 125 a month to the accounts of companies whose computer networks were affected by his hacking.

Apparently, to pay off his debts, after leaving prison, Mitnick decided to auction off the very laptop that was seized as a weapon of crime by special services in the hacker's apartment in Seattle on December 28, 1994. The laptop even has traces of the powder that the FBI used to take fingerprints, and the mouse is still in a special bag for physical evidence. To increase the auction value of the crime weapon, two autographs were put on it — Kevin Mitnick himself and one of the founders of Apple Computer, Steve Wozniak.


And in order to earn a living, the hacker retrained as a computer security specialist. This was not forgiven by his followers from the hacker community, who with enviable persistence constantly attempt to hack his personal website and leave some obscene message on it to their former idol.

(c) Oleg Loginov