Interview with a previously accepted dropovod (drop service)


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Hello everyone, this is ScamLife. Today's agenda includes an interview with Grace, a drop driver who worked for DM. Recently, it was accepted by the Reds at 159 h. 2 for a long-standing episode. You can find out what happened next by reading this interview. Go.

T: Interviewer
G: Grace

T: Hi, tell us about yourself and your type of activity
G: Hi, I've been working in the cash market since I was very young. I accept dirty money on the card, pay it out clean, everything is quite simple.

T: What percentage did you take and how much did you earn in this movement?
G: The percentage always depends on the volume, it could be either 9% or 22%, it all depended on the client and the conditions of working with him. The larger the lily, the lower the percentage. Earnings never counted, but definitely more than 10kk rubles.

T: Not bad, but what did you spend it on? Did you live in luxury or did you prefer an ascetic lifestyle?
G: Yes, I mostly saved money. Mostly I didn't spend anything on myself. Clothes, food, and nothing else is needed. In general, he lived like an ordinary person, but with additional buns in the form of what he "liked - bought".

T: I see. If it's not a secret, tell us how you found the drops.
G: Initially, there was a friend from out of town who helped with this. Personally, I wasn't looking for drops. After the volume became higher, the drops ended, and the cards were bought simply from other sellers. Even if the card cost 15,000, it paid off pretty quickly.

T: Let's move on to dessert, tell us the full story about your reception
G: I'm sleeping, so I'm not touching anyone. At 6: 40, then there are constant knocks on the door, calls to the apartment. I was with my parents that day, so by the time they called the police, found out if it was really a search, and so on, it was already 7: 00

At this time, I was all in a panic, I deleted the accounts that I could, and everything I found, I just flushed it down the toilet. I threw 2 work phones into the ventilation shaft, but they were still found later.

So, their parents let them into the apartment. At this moment, I'm in the bathroom, cleaning everything I can from my phone. They knock on the door, I come out with the phone in my hands in my underwear). I go out and see 3 operas in loose clothing and two witnesses (1 neighbor, 2 concierge) . The first question they asked was, " Do you know why we're here?" I didn't have any contact with them at all

Then the search procedure went on, first they checked all the rooms in the apartment, except for mine. My parents, the kitchen, and so on were checked for light at all, they just picked up things and searched for them. Also, the parents ' phone was checked simply for the presence of a telegram. They didn't have it, so they gave them their phones.

Then they searched my room. Absolutely everything that is possible they turned upside down. All the cabinets, books, etc., were abandoned, etc. As a result of the search, more than 100 SIM cards were found, of which 90% are zero SIM cards that cannot be attributed to the case, and the remaining 10% are SIM cards that may have had old episodes that I simply forgot about. We also found about 10 phones, half of them reset to zero, which I just forgot about. We found 4 tapikas, where everything was also reset. As I later realized, in order to fully prove my guilt, they needed a certain tapik, which they did not find in the end, because just a couple of days before I gave it to one of the saps.

After they found everything, they wrote it down(they wrote an imei number from each SIM card). We went down to the street, got into the bobik, and drove to the police station on the outskirts of town. There it was necessary to write about how and what happened, I stuck to the legend that I worked as an exchange, not knowing about the origin of funds. On the same day I was taken to the investigator, the investigator simply corrected the document that was made, and on the same day I was released home. The next day there was a trial for a measure of restraint, and thanks to a lawyer (who was from the state), no measure of restraint was imposed. The court for a measure of restraint is not a court that gives some terms and so on, this is something like the prevention of violations.

T: What articles have you been charged with and are you currently under investigation?
G: Article 159.2. I am under investigation. They were registered, the efficiency was high, and they were also registered in a rehabilitation center (this is where you go to a psychologist, lawyer, etc., and they collect a positive characteristic for you for the final trial)

T: What do you think the future holds for you?
G: Everyone I talked to about this (lawyers, lawyers) says that the chance that there will be a real term is exactly zero. There will only be a chance of a suspension if they reveal some more episodes, which I very much doubt. I am a minor, without a single police record, with good characteristics, so I think that the victim will need to return the money, pay a fine or moral compensation, and that's all.

T: Why did you decide to rediscover the service? Aren't you afraid to continue working under your old name?
G: I have nothing to do with the service at all. In the winter, I worked with kc for a couple of months and was accepted just for this episode. For working on the amounts that my service works with, I doubt that anyone will search for something. Well, in addition to all this, I am only responsible for finding clients, everything else is done by my assistants, that is, in fact, I don't even come close to a work phone.

T: Let's take the tension out of our dialogue, have you ever been a mammoth yourself? Maybe you were thrown on the mat?
G: Yes, in my life this is already a given. From a banal scam for skins in some cop or games to a scam for unlocks and cards. In total, scams on cards and unlocks came out for a huge amount. The biggest scam was for 3.5 kk, which were paid in full from their own funds. And in the amount of scams, even for a couple of months of working with the CC, they were at 20 million exactly. Again, everything was paid from their own accounts.) If it weren't for these scams, my earnings would have been several times higher.

T: Give some advice to those who want to do the same movement as you
G: - Do not touch your main phone with the working one in any way( this is exactly how they came to me)

"It's best to work through someone who doesn't know you. Such a person is almost impossible to find(you can trust him), but if you found him, then everything will go up the hill

- Keep as few things at home as possible that are at least somehow related to work. But if they suddenly come to you with a search, then it will be pointless to hide things somewhere, it's better to just break them into 2 parts and throw them out the window.

- Find a good lawyer right away, because everything will be much easier with him in any situation.

Well, in general, at the present time, I do not advise you to do this at all. Because if you are engaged in cashing out on ru, then in most cases the CC, from which the money comes, is located in the UA and can go to the support of the apu. And the helpers are people from Russia, and such people are caught worse than any murderers, and they can also write treason to the motherland)

It's the same with cards, your person made a card, it was cashed out, and then there will be the same problems.

Either don't work at all, or work outside of your own country. All successful profits!


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Interview with a dropovod of one of the largest call centers in Ukraine

Good genesis time to all! Today on the agenda we have an interview with a drop-driver of one of the largest call centers in Ukraine (about 8 branches)
T = Interviewer
A = Dropovod

T: Hi, how did you become a drop driver and why did you get a job in a call center, and not in some scam project?
А: The whole story began two years ago, when I saw a message in one of the telegram chats about finding savings bank cards for accepting funds. After that, we signed off with the person and worked + - for about a year and a half. Money was accepted from MFIs. After that, the work stopped. And I was idle for about a month. Then I found a message in one of the telegram chats, where a person was looking for cash couriers, then this topic was not as covered as it is now. We contacted him, talked for about two or three days, after which we found out that we were both from Ukraine, and he offered me a vacancy to work as a drop-driver at their call center.

Т: What scheme do you follow? (Bank employees / Road accidents)
A: We work on road accidents.

Т: Tell us briefly about yourself, are you studying? Do you have a hobby?
А: I am 19 years old, I do not study, I do not work (except as a dropovod). I basically lead the usual lifestyle of a 19-year-old guy, go out with friends, go to restaurants, relax there. In general, I don't get fucked up by the fact that I have a fucking cloud of money. A hobby? Yes, I have. I am very much addicted to smoking my friends to the point of collapse (don't say it's weird).

Т: How much do you earn per day / month? Are you spending or saving up for something?
А: Each drop costs an average of $ 650 per day. In total, I have 32 of them. We take into account the fact that I may not get 2-3 drops to work. Total: $ 19500 per day (approximate number). I probably spend most of it. Most of the money is spent on casinos, girls and expensive accessories that are pleasing to the eye. Also on drugs (lyrics and bumps).

Т: What kind of anonymity do drops use? How often are drops delayed and how much do you lose on average?
А: Well, drops mainly use medical masks, gloves, left SIM cards for ordering a taxi and unnecessary change of clothes in terms of anonymity. There are also separate drops that have been working for a very long time, which put medical cotton wool under the cheeks or lips, so that they completely change the oval of the face. And also some of them use makeup (they do mostly pros). Drops are actually not often delayed, 2-3 drops are dropped once a month. I lose about 20-30 thousand dollars from the detainee, depending on how large orders he will pick up.

T: What do you think about the mass news about the detentions of drops and why this is happening?
А: Firstly, this is in the hands of the Russian authorities, and secondly, it feeds hatred of the Ukrainian people. Thirdly, it is in the hands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so that less pennies are spent on our divorce scheme. Well, actually, I really feel sorry for the drops that come across, because most of them are guys from 16 to 20 years old in a difficult financial situation. Well, they knew what they were doing, because the money was very good. Their average PO is mostly equal to mine.

T: Family and friends don't wonder where all this money came from.
А: I live with my grandmother, who knows everything. Of course, he condemns me, but he absolutely does not want to take money from me. Well, as they say, children are not chosen. My friends mostly work with me together, I don't have many of them, 3 people. So they don't ask any questions :)

T: How long do you think the traffic accident scheme will last and do you plan to create / switch to new ones?

I think she will live about two or three years. Yes, we plan to move, we have already opened several mini-offices that are testing a new scheme for the crypt.

Т: Do you have any moral principles and what do you think about your work? Do you plan to leave in the next 5 years?
А: Yes, there is. I have a very negative attitude to my work, but unfortunately money is like drugs. After getting a big wad of money once, you'll want to get it again. Therefore, I very much blame myself for this and I know that sooner or later karma will come to me. I would also like to add that I am very sorry for the law enforcement system of the Russian Federation, as they do not know how to deal with this. I plan to leave this mess within 2-3 months, because this work is psychologically very exhausting. You are responsible for each drop with your own money, and if any of the drops fuck you up, you will have to pay out of your own pocket. I plan to move to a legal business, open one of the best shadow movement forums in the CIS, a new format, and open a shelter for people who can find a job and promote their services. And then make it private.

T: How much do people earn while sitting on the call?
А: 9% of a closed call. On average, they get 3-4 thousand dollars a month. The offices are very spacious, with a coffee break. In short, everything for comfortable work.

Т: Have you heard about the news about the detention of a call center from Dnipro, which worked for Kazakhs? What is your opinion on this and why did it happen?
А: No, I only found out right now from you :) My opinion is that no matter what country you work in, we do not encourage this in any way. It all depends on the roof. The more you pay the PLAYERS, the better they give you information about outfits and raids. I believe that these types simply paid poorly, and that's why they received incorrect information.

T: How do you see yourself in the future and what will happen to you in the distant future in your opinion?
А: If I manage to avoid being detained, then in the future I want to clear my karma, start leading a legal lifestyle, and develop more legal projects that will benefit society. Also from myself I want to say to all the guys from myself who move in chernukha. Guys, never get involved in a black hole, because it's a black hole. For easy money, there is always a bargaining chip that you will pay sooner or later. And no one has ever escaped punishment. There are a lot of white projects that can be developed and receive the same income as from black ones. Apron to all :)

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