Inception or how to plant an idea in a person's head


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In order for a person to do something with pleasure, he must be sure that he himself has decided or invented it. There are people who are good at this. And thanks to them, all those strange and unnecessary objects appear in your house, and in your wardrobe - things that we would never wear on ourselves in our life. And we are doing what it seems we were not going to.

Thanks to the film "Inception", you might think that it is very difficult to sow your idea into someone else's head so that it seems familiar. But in fact, it is much easier to do this, you just need to act more subtly than we are used to!

If you spot a new skillet with a new coating, although your kitchen is virgin, signed up for some courses, or happily support an idea that you would never have voted for yesterday, then someone has already worked on you.

Reverse psychology

The art of sowing your ideas into other people's minds is called reverse psychology.

Reverse psychology ("psychology from the opposite") is a term describing a psychological phenomenon in which upbringing, propaganda or inclination to a certain action causes a reaction that is exactly the opposite of the intended one (opposition or opposition).

This trend became especially popular in the 90s, and the main problem was that many people took it too simply, confusing reverse psychology with passive-aggressive behavior. It's like telling the person you want to convince not to jump with a parachute that you absolutely do not care that he decided to risk his life. Well, yes ... even if he breaks his neck, it will be worse for him, but you warned, didn't you?!

It's like telling the person you want to convince not to jump with a parachute that you absolutely do not care that he decided to risk his life. Well, yes ... even if he breaks his neck, it will be worse for him, but you warned, didn't you?!

This is a very crude approach! If you really want to convince a person or get him to do something that you need more than him, you need to use a diamond cutter instead of an ax! Much more subtle work is needed here.

For example, you want to have your neighbor do the dishes. Usually we either ask directly, or walk, sighing and groaning, and demonstratively rattling the plates, we begin to wash them. This option will not cause anything except irritation. In addition, by such behavior, you seem to hint that one of you is lazy and dirty.

How to make a person want to do everything himself? You could say something like, “Look, I'm so tired of washing dishes that I want to start using disposable dishes and I'm going to the store! Really cool?! If you want it too, give me money and I will buy some sets for you. "

You didn't blame and in doing so made your neighbor think about alternatives. If he is not satisfied with disposable dishes, he will have to wash the standard ones.

We walk around the bush

In order to get someone to do something that he does not like, you need to make him think that it was his idea. This is a basic rule that sellers often use. But this is much easier said than done. In this case, you should approach seeding the idea as if you were about to solve a mystery. Slowly but surely, you have to slip a series of holds onto your target. And do this until the solution you need becomes obvious.

The main thing is to take your time, be careful and be consistent, otherwise your desire to impose your idea will become too obvious.

We sell cheaper

"Selling" an idea for a cheaper price is another way to seed your idea in someone else's head. This is a different, less aggressive version of reverse psychology. Let's say you are a salesperson. You are selling a 250GB, 500GB, and 1TB hard drive. A customer has come to your store with the intention of buying what he needs, and at the same time spending as little money as possible. All buyers want this - to buy the perfect option for almost nothing. Of course, you know about this and cannot immediately offer them to buy a 1TB drive. How to lead a customer to a purchase that is beneficial to you?

Your dialogue might look something like this:

Buyer: Can you tell me about this 260GB drive? I want to make sure that this is the right option for me.

Salesperson: What kind of computer do you have and what do you want to use it for?

Buyer: I have a 2 year old laptop with Windows operating system and I want to use it to store my photos. I have approximately 30 GB of photos.

Seller: I think 250GB for storing your photos will be more than enough. Of course, if only you will be using your laptop exclusively for storing photos. So as long as only photos are stored there, everything will be fine.

In the last sentence, you emphasize that 250 GB is enough only for photos, but if you want to store something else ... And then you can add that to be sure that this disk will be enough to store others in the future. files, you can buy a more spacious version. After all, you only care about the interests of the buyer, and do not try to sell him something at a higher price.

I have another wonderful example from the life of such additional sales. Not far from my house is one of the restaurants of the Celentano chain (Kiev). And it is in our cafe that just a wonderful bartender works, who manages to sell you something that you did not quite think to buy. Thanks to him, crowds of visitors try new dishes that they hardly dared to try. His work is simply virtuoso! He does not chatter quickly and without a standard expression: “Would you like a pie for dessert? And what about coffee? "No! While he is rechecking your order, as if by the way, he begins to talk to you and very unobtrusively tells that they had one very interesting dessert / pizza / salad / drink (emphasize the necessary), and that he tried it himself - it is very reminiscent of something- then from childhood or some other interesting dish, which almost everyone has tried. And while it comes to full calculation, you already really want to try this "new and tasty". He also has very flexible hands with long fingers. He moves them so that I have often noticed the mesmerized gaze of visitors.